ayumu_420 created a topic of Red String Quests

I very much like how their stupid or dumbfounded faces were drawn.

ayumu_420 add 1 photos to FUUUUNNY!!!

HAHAHAHHA. SO seductive!

ayumu_420 add 1 photos to FUUUUNNY!!!

Hahahahah. I love how this artist draws stupid faces. LOL

ayumu_420 created a topic of Shutline

I thought it was just me. I like it, too. Lol. And I love the both of them. Their always intense sex. uuuuggh!!

But Seoan you’re just so handsome. Daang, man. I love you.

ayumu_420 add 1 photos to CUUUUTE!!!

HAHAHAHAHAH. So stupidly ugly but cute. LOL

ayumu_420 add 1 photos to HANDSOOOME!!!

My new fave top and bottom. LOL

But I must say, that was a pretty creepy looking old lady. Lol.

ayumu_420 created a topic of In the Doghouse

No one’s here like Richard.

I don’t need lessons about dick, yknow. Thank you for this update though.

ayumu_420 created a topic of DEAREST

Or maybe it’s just me. Lol. Why it’s all Kane for me?

ayumu_420 created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I don’t find the pacing boring. I like how it’s going now, this means for me that maybe this story will be pretty long(I hope so, I don’t want this to end right away.)

And also can I just say? That was pretty smoooooooth!

ayumu_420 created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Calling himself Tsuchiya now. Ah! I’ m giggling like an idiot at this black and white illustrations. Lol!

ayumu_420 created a topic of Off Track

Finally! Someone with a mole on the forehead. Lol. I always thought of why are there no characters with mole there when they almost drew moles on every unexpected part of any characters body. Anyway, I wanna see armpit mole next. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

ayumu_420 add 1 photos to SWEEEET!!!

omg. a bottom saying this, lol. love ittt!

ayumu_420 created a topic of Regas

I’ve been waiting for forever for this part! I wanted to see how they’d do Kin’s reaction and I was not disappointed. Hahahahahahhahaha. I wanted to laugh as much as possible now.

ayumu_420 created a topic of Shutline

So inteeeense! They so miss each other!!! Dang it!!! I missed them together, too! Shiiiitt!!

ayumu_420 created a topic of X's partner

I don’t know what you call this kind of trope but characters like Jaerim annoy me so much. Like, dafuq you on? Lol. Can’t wait to see how they progress, though.