I went through the 7 stages of grief with this. From being angry at Caius, to understanding him, then pitying him, then laughing vehemently at him.
It's quite fresh??? I was worried it was going to turn out gloomy but it's actually pretty funny. And like... I'll cut the guy some slack because really, they're all just kids. I love that Nicole is finding some self-appreciation time.

I thought it was cute that Andy kept pushing Brigitte (the aunt) into the couch whenever she fangirled over the commander. That's because the word 推し (oshi) means to "push", but in modern day it has become the colloquial equivalent to "bias/fave/bae". So she was probably saying she stans him, or he's her oshi (favourite). Hence, why Andy pushes her onto the couch.
It's kinda cheesy-cringey but I love this sort of stuff too. Rivals to lovers will always be my crutch.