larubia March 16, 2025 12:55 pm

What piece of ish of a man and father (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

larubia July 23, 2021 4:55 pm

She willing followed a known rapist to a hotel room and expected him to be a saint. Your ex cheated & humiliated you... wake up.

larubia July 7, 2021 6:52 am

Was everything

larubia June 28, 2021 8:46 am

Eon is an insecure piece of sh*t.
Li is twisted and had a poor upbring, but Eon doesn't even try to understand her at all even while being attracted to her. Like boy make a move and find out... she pretty much throws herself at him.

I'd rather this story stick closer to the orginial with Eon missing out on Hyeonbi ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    manganiME June 27, 2021 11:30 pm

    Eon, as ruler of a natino, is supposed to have wisdom and self-conotrol. He has neither. He is superficial, easily angered, thinks irrationally, doesn't solve problems. He's worthless. The only thing he has giong is being hot. That's it.

    foggy June 28, 2021 4:01 am
    Eon, as ruler of a natino, is supposed to have wisdom and self-conotrol. He has neither. He is superficial, easily angered, thinks irrationally, doesn't solve problems. He's worthless. The only thing he has gio... manganiME

    I swear how is he even the emperor?

    Alenira July 11, 2021 7:12 am

    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.
    She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as

    1. Change her perfume from Preach flower to other flowers because "it stinks" aka you smell to good...

    2. change her clothing style because "you should reprecent your rank" aka you look to sexy so put on more layers...

    3. Your should always look your best (wear makeup).. "look your best or are you trying to ruin my reputation" aka your natural face is to pretty, hid it with thick makeup..

    4. Dont be clingy, dont cry, dont show when your hurt "so your trying to use this to get my atention, i dont ever wana see this again or il throw you out of the palace"(fl was 7 at the time..) aka i wana comfort you when you cry but as a future ruler i cant to that as my father favors you.. BS..

    Literaly everything Ml hates about FL is something he forced FL to change because he was "to atracted to her before the change" and he forced her to change it by threatening to throw her away and never see her again..

    foggy July 11, 2021 7:33 am
    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as1. Change her perfume from Preac... Alenira

    I want to kick him b/w the legs don't care if I get arrested

    Royalcake July 11, 2021 2:00 pm
    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as1. Change her perfume from Preac... Alenira

    That was perfectly explained *Chefs kiss*.

    manganiME July 11, 2021 5:35 pm
    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as1. Change her perfume from Preac... Alenira


    He messed her up and made her so unstable emotionally that she becomes violent, then blames her for being that way, when he MADE her that way.

    He's a piece of shit who should be nowhere near the seat of power.

    larubia July 11, 2021 6:05 pm
    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as1. Change her perfume from Preac... Alenira

    "mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed"-merriam-webster
    "Strange and slightly unpleasant or cruel"-Cambridge dictionary

    Hyeonbi was exhibiting those traits before adulthood.. before marriage. You can consider her childhood actions as innocent, naive, etc. But those choices aren't normal.

    "Psychological, or emotional trauma, is damage or injury to the psyche after living through an extremely frightening or distressing event and may result in challenges in functioning or coping normally after the event."

    Your list of events simply explains how Eon causes Hyeonbi to become a damaged person with violent outbursts, self inflicted harm, etc.

    Alenira July 11, 2021 6:24 pm
    Twisted:"mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed"-merriam-webster"Strange and slightly unpleasant or cruel"-Cambridge dictionary Hyeonbi was exhibiting those traits before adulthood.. before marriage. You ... larubia

    What i gave was the simple.. and short list..
    He has done so much to mentaly abues her to, but i dont mention it because thats all a novel on its own..
    He started by having her follow him in to wood, abandon her there for half a day. When she finaly made her way out injured scared and crying he told her "stop that, your just doing that to get my atention, il abandon you if you keep crying".. So Fl at the age of 7 put on a fake smile and said ok i wont cry... and supressed her cryes and emotins under his comand out of fear he would abandone her..

    He had continued these actiong over the past 15 years.. he will taunt her, question her love for him, then abandone her in a dangerous situation and blame her when she comes back injured..

    The freaking prick brings in new comcubines for her sole purpos of having FL put them in their place and punish her for it.. Yet it was fine for the comcubines to put FL in her place when she first arived..

    He aloved the comcubines to "punish" servant being their own or thers (this includes beatings, whipping, chopping off limbs, disfigurment, poisoning and killing). But punishes FL and calls her evil for slaping her own maid who wronged her..

    He knows all of these things yet calims he would push her so hard if she only Cried and begged him for help.. yet hes the one who made her unable to do so after threatening to abandone her for crying and begging for help from him as a child..

    The Ml is more mental than FL, and he is simply toxic for FL's mental and physical health.

    manganiME July 11, 2021 7:07 pm
    What i gave was the simple.. and short list..He has done so much to mentaly abues her to, but i dont mention it because thats all a novel on its own..He started by having her follow him in to wood, abandon her ... Alenira

    He's like this oddly self-righteous sadist.

    Sleepy July 15, 2021 3:04 am
    She isnt twisted form her upbringing, damaged yes, twisted no.She is twisted from all the changes Eon forced her to do in order for her to be alowed to stay by his sice.. such as1. Change her perfume from Preac... Alenira

    LITERALLY he’s only doing this to spite his father WHOS ALREADY DEAD and she wasn’t even a brat when they were kids…a little annoying but she was 7 years old so I feel like her behavior then is a bit excusable

    larubia July 15, 2021 3:40 am

    I'm talking about their youth. Li wasn't a normal child her way of showing Eon affection was harmful. She pushed him into the lake, she kicked him while trying to take his belongings for her wish to become his wife, etc. All which Eon misunderstood as attacks on "his life"... as he got older he retaliates obviously in the most toxic way. Yes, he's the worst of the worst. But, Li's spoiled and her household issues had a negative affect on her behavior towards others.

    I'm not saying Eon has not harmed her nor am I saying that he did not make her toxic/damaged&twisted. I'm simply stating that she already exhibited aggressive behavior even if it wasn't intended. Her actions were "unhealthy" for their initial interactions.

    Btw.. Idk about the Novel, but form the manga pov it doesnt show young Eon harrassing her or w.e. ...
    It went from curiosity, to being upset for Li pushing him in the lake, to an act of indifference to her existence.

    Adult Eon is obvious different and a complete ahole.

    manganiME July 15, 2021 3:48 am
    I'm talking about their youth. Li wasn't a normal child her way of showing Eon affection was harmful. She pushed him into the lake, she kicked him while trying to take his belongings for her wish to become his ... larubia

    He's an adult. He has all the power over her and the others. He's educated and he's got advisors. At this point, no matter how she was as a kid, he's the sadistic freak who will not learn, grow, understand. She is literally his property and he is not only mismanaging it, he's like an arsonist.

    Alenira July 15, 2021 4:48 am
    I'm talking about their youth. Li wasn't a normal child her way of showing Eon affection was harmful. She pushed him into the lake, she kicked him while trying to take his belongings for her wish to become his ... larubia

    She pushed him into a lake after he straight up insulted her, right after she had complimented him.. also at the time while he insulted her and called her ugly and anoying....he was thinking she was as beautiful as an angel who just decended to his plane... yet he insulted her because... again his father liked her so he couldnt bring himself to compliment her... instead he called her ugly + neames...

    He has literaly only ever been nice to FL onece... and thats when they first meet, since then he learned that his father liked FL and would play with her. So naturaly Eon could not like FL even tho he was in love with her, hence he would be mean and insult her at every chance.. while thinking even as a child that FL was as beautiful as a goddess.

    So your saying FL retaliating to being called names when we already know that she is partialy damaged from early age is not ok?

    And yes she took some of his things, so what? shes a kid.
    Meanwhile Eon would threaten her despite know she was atached to him and force her to change her behavior and all in order for him to justify his "hatred" for FL.

    When FL was 7 Eon told her to not physicaly cling to him or he would throw her out of the palace and never see her again. This is why FL isnt overly touchy with him ... which he now complains about...

    When they were kids and FL would get injure from following Eon (him purposfully taking a rout that would be hard for FL), he would then say shit like "you got hurt to get my atention", "your trying to win my pitty", "stop crying / showing it huirts or il abandone you" and keep in mind this is all after he knows of FL's trauma of abandonement from her tragic upbringing. Yet now he is angry every time FL hides being injured, sick or at brink of passing out, because he "Wants" her to be vulnerable infront of him and rely on him..

    Are you seeing a patter yet? Even when Eon liked FL and was happy with her, he would call her ugly, say she stinks and so forth... and all because his of so "nobel" pride.. couldnt let him be nice to the girl he loved.. because dady liked her!

    larubia July 15, 2021 5:26 am
    She pushed him into a lake after he straight up insulted her, right after she had complimented him.. also at the time while he insulted her and called her ugly and anoying....he was thinking she was as beautifu... Alenira

    In the very first meet (first posted chapter)..
    Before knowing each other...
    All he said is you can't be here and what are you doing.... she went up and pushed him into the lake. Every other bubble is a thought and not something he said aloud. Of course after a bad first impression a person wouldn't think fondly of a person who harmed them regardless of the reason.

    Again I'm not saying that he didn't do those things. And I'm not saying his actions were correct either. I completely agree with the statements of Eon abusing her mentally, emotionally, etc. Which leads to her extremes and toxic behavior. She's also proud and deems her actions right even thou they harm others. We can see she is clever and does things with purpose, however the ML doesn't see that. He's opinionated and biased for several reasons and although they seem ill placed... its feasible to avoid someone who has harmed you and others or to see them in a negative light.

    ... the so called "noble" pride flows both ways.
    Which demonstrated in the early chapters that show how spoiled & entitled she felt with the dialogue between her father and herself. Ex. When she punished the maid for being compared to minj**(not sure what the spelling of the name is).

    manganiME July 15, 2021 5:51 am
    She pushed him into a lake after he straight up insulted her, right after she had complimented him.. also at the time while he insulted her and called her ugly and anoying....he was thinking she was as beautifu... Alenira


    Alenira July 15, 2021 9:25 am
    In the very first meet (first posted chapter)..Before knowing each other...All he said is you can't be here and what are you doing.... she went up and pushed him into the lake. Every other bubble is a thought a... larubia

    ok ok. But just so you know.. FL isnt spoiled in any way or form.
    Her actions are learned from a young age. (also in the novel Eon did call her ugly after having smiled at her, and FL pushed him into th lake and said "how rude")
    Take into acount FL's mother married her father only for him to marry a comcubine who he loved henc abandoning his first wife to a seperate house.. The maids saw that the first wife was abandone and so they also abandoned her leading to her declining health. Ad to that Fl being stuck with her mother and only her mother, not being alowed to go to the main house.. yet forced to see her father happily prancing around in the garden with his love and their love child who was given everything.
    Where as FL from the time she could comprehend, had to fight and actualy attack servants in order to be given even the basic things and still be given the bare minimum of food. (Fl being underdeveloped from lack of food until the "loved" wife adopted her).
    All of that time FL had to fight for a right to live, given no love, no affection, no education. SHe was given nothing but her mother who was bedridden..and noone tjecked on them.
    Her mother was dead for a week before the servants botherd to find her..

    Then FL is take in to a home with the "loving" wife who feel sorry and pitying her. SO again no love or affection, while she is still looked down on by the servants.

    Her father is guildtripped into taking care of FL by his "loving" wife so he also is mainly pitying her..

    Naturaly FL will attack when encountering the unknown, after all she only know how to defend her self and survive by attacking.

    Its after the "first meeting" that FL's father desides to educate her.

    Then on the other side you have Eon, a "prince" who was given everything he could ever wish for, educated by the best teachers, trained in all, loved yet had a father with high expectations.
    He hated FL at first, but later learned of her sercomstances and was told she was learning.
    FL proved her learninng to him and in returne he used her affaction for him to "change" her into everything he hates, and all of that to justify his hatred for her because his father liked and aproved of FL.

larubia July 18, 2021 7:57 am

How the f does An get mad at the possibility of Xiaoyoa and the Fl hooking up..
When he secretly hooks up with her sister and tells that wench he wants to make her his wife while his promised one is missing
... the least he could do is respect her since she saved his life. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

He's plain trash

larubia February 23, 2021 8:25 am

Bocchan is everything (≧∀≦) V2 Ch14 ..
That last scene.

Get your girl boo thang

Wasn't sure about reading this & I'm so happy I did.

larubia February 4, 2021 5:43 pm

┗( T﹏T )┛ idc what everyone else has been saying... she is absolutely wonderful and dignified. She doesn't stoop so low like Rashta and Souviech. I can't wait for her happy ending.

Souviech that petty bi♤♡◇... I hate him. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
He doesn't love anyone and completely egoistical.

I can't wait for the chapter of him wearing a green hat and losing Navier. Thank you readers that posted the Rashta's baby isn't with the Emperor. That dang fool. Q

larubia July 18, 2021 7:59 am

What a waste of an interesting concept. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

larubia March 11, 2019 2:19 pm

If the stepmother and the duke are related?
Maybe his mother.. the banished princess? Am I reading into the red hair a bit too much... or maybe an aunt?

Or is she only worried about her step daughter doing better than her daughters in terms of marriage opportunities? Or her secrets?

larubia October 9, 2018 2:23 am

I cannot fathom!!!

Although it is clearly depicted that Arwin is the #1 escort at Cyrene Salon because of Mr. Arnault, it is still difficult to read/see that Mr. Arnault would stoop to such a level to 'teach' both his son (Anton) and Arwin a lesson.

"Know your place" through such action… what a sorry excuse for a 'grown man'

And to the trashy, inferior mistress of the salon, Cyrene, may she rot in hell for being a hateful whore.


I love that Anton stuck around instead of running away after witnessing that. It's like he said, "I have not wavered!" [well that's at least how I felt].

I can't wait to see how this develops.

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