I heard from a person reading the area that the asshat follower rapist dies (don’t remember clearly and the officer friend gets with the white-hair doctor with glasses. I’m ready for it too, cause I heard their relationship is pretty cute and goals.
Spoiler-----I heard from a person reading the area that the asshat follower rapist dies (don’t remember clearly and the officer friend gets with the white-hair doctor with glasses. I’m ready for it too, ca... Candycane
I'd vibe with that. It's showing signs of hooking him up with rapist bastard and oh boy do I hate that idea. The rape is just too brutal and horrifying for me to move past. I'd still read for the main couple though. They're pretty much every single kink I have.
owo what this? He got stabby wabby, maby wabby in the dicky wiky? (=・ω・=) no more abwse? Nw smaky waky? Pwz the swft bwi nwwds jwesus, not swack ( idk what compeld me to say all this )