Heart Stain
Not as angsty as j thiugbt it would ve lol
Pretty..anticlimactic ending? Lol dk hmm
Omg u didn't get the balls? Lol
Well I mean he asked if ubrrally had to go lol
How the fuxk is a TEACHER who's 14 yrs fuckin older a POTENTIKNAL PATTNER?!!!
Now get rejected. Of he accepts report and he hom fired
Then he should be in jail pr beaten ^^
R u a predator u mofo?
Cam I punch his fuckim brother? -__- and that teaxher
Wtf did u just say that then? Y?
No it's fuckon gross. That means he'd be a predator. Ok ur a kid but omfg
Umsure and nervous lol
The Greatest Villain
I mean they wanted to gangrape u so I'd say what it did was fine lol
U still shoulsnt ve with slmeone if they have the mental age as a kid dude
Whay the fuck
Is rhsi Chinese? Lo
A Witch's Hopeless Wish