Sakura created a topic of The Selfish Romance

MY JAW DROPS OMG ??? (⊙…⊙ )

Sakura created a topic of Zero Sense

someone pick this up and translate T_T


comments lack media literacy or smthn???? like have you all never read a story with character development??? yes, it takes a while for characters and plots to develop and improve, that is the point of stories. If you don’t like it, read baby books or books for children.

Sakura add 1 photos to CUTE
Sakura created a topic of Back to Chan Bi

I hate that other dude who is lying to her ab everything just cause he got rejected

Seeing them wearing masks gave me PTSD! COVID time was the worst social experiment. Do you know mask can actually only protect you for 30 minutes? Wearing the same one for hours is pointless and it’s actually bad for your health breathing in carbon dioxide. We were sheep for not actually doing research instead of listening to government.

Sakura created a topic of Love Roasting

guys read this on their actual site for more updates (plus they're faster too)