What gay series/movies would you guys recommend? ❛ᴗ❛
Addicted (Shangyin, if you like He Tian and Mo Guanshan, they are a bit like them)
Method (the plot is mature and the acting is fabulous. It's not light hearted, needs a re-watch or two to understand it better. But that explains how it was almost flawless except it's short duration. That itself has its charm and leaves the audience wanting more)
i understood nothing about the baseball parts (⊙…⊙ ) i was like “yaay homerun!! homerun’s a good thing right?!” and this is just too cute for me to handle uwu
It’s pretty simple. Imagine a big square field. On one corner of the field , there’s a diamond. Each corner of the diamond has a little white square (plates) on it for a total of four. The Plate that starts the game is home plate. That’s where the batter is hitting the ball. He gets three chances to hit the ball. In the middle of the diamond there’s a pitcher. He’s the one that throws the ball to the batter. The goal of the batter is to run from his square to the other three squares and then back to his square. He can stop at any of the squares, but not in between. You only get a point when you get back to home plate. When the batter hits the ball, he wants to hit it as far as he can because the other team is trying to touch him with the ball. He’s out if the other team touches him. A homerun means you hit the ball so far, you have time to run to all of the plates and back to home plate. A walking home run means you hit the ball outside of the field. The other team has no way to get this ball, so you can walk or dance or do whatever you want on the way to home plate because the other team has no way to touch you.
Uwahh now i understand it much more thank you for explaining^^