Hoooo the friend with moles on his face, damn son you distracted me this whole chapter. I wish he has a story too in some future chapter *fangirl screams*
So many commenting negatively abt the art...I'm just here to represent the minority who is actually into this type of artstyle. Much love to the artist (>3<)
Can't feel the chemistry between the main pair and still kinda dislike the black haired guy BUT I'm not gonna give up yet lesse if something's gonna 'click' in the future chapters. Btw thanks TL for the hardwork!
Umm...I'm confused...I kinda get the gist of it but umm the paneling doesn't make sense....everything when from A to Z way too fast...is this somekind of trailer episode or what? @..@;; *genuinely asking btw*
and here I was standing with my full battle gear on ready for bloodshed lol
anw such a lighthearted reading, I guess harada have that side too huh (▰˘◡˘▰)
Lol same. It's always like this with Harada-sensei. So stuff like this is really a beautiful surprise ( ꈍᴗꈍ)