I was like the MC, going, "What?!" x100 everytime I scroll a panel XDDD Too fast for my brain!!
I only stop when the big fella said something about seeing MC's reflection in the mirror and my brain slows down and said 'No you don't lol' then I backtracked and found the mirror positioned at a place where that big fella couldn't in anyway see MC's reflection like he claimed UNLESS he's a Nessie hahahaha anw fun chapter ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Mc at first is like 'Imma get into this rapist club" but also like 'I have to have sex to get in?!!???!!' dude seriously...ofc something like THAT would happen I mean it's a secret club with a bunch of dbags why he even think that with as far as kissing will get him in baffled the hell out of me...sigh what a dumb MC... this is such a waste of a good revenge story :/
*edited raper to rapist*

Yeah i know there's no such a thing as initiation rite but here's my better explanation of why came to my conclusion above, regardless of the absent of that rite, when he's about to come into a den full of dbags like that he should already have in mind what possible scenarios that would be happening to him so he could better prepared himself...
The fact is, in MC initial meeting when he proposed the idea of partner, he already COULD think as far as kissing will be asked from him....my thought then why not sex or why even not raping another kid?? (if you wanna have even more messed up possible scenario) when he already have other fact that they're a bunch of rapers... he all shock like that in front of the dbags when the negotiate the sex shouldn't happen at all.
If he's unable to think of some 'easy' scenarios like that in the beginning how the hell is he gonna do his revenge?? how the hell is he gonna save himself when the real shit goes down???? (And shit went down straight away & he couldn't even pull of the act...)

Its a bit spoiler but I can tell that he isnt seeking revenge by something extreme to the point killing them
The other guy will did it
And like the mc said in the earlier episode, what could happen between men?
From this statement we can conclude the mc just an innocent brat who didnt know BL Land was exist
And I could say he is a softie

Gosh this manga is a B L E S S!!!! 101/100 on everything!
I even get a jp renta just to get updates even though I'm shitty at reading jp & broke af. No regrets at all. If y'all like this type of art & yankee manga, this author
also makes other fun mangas with shounen ai-ish feel (I think the ones with private tutor probably a shounen ai but like i said my jp is shit so it's all just my guess from only pics ).
Plenty loves & thanks to the uploader & the scanlator specially~ y'all doing good deed (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Kyujin & Jihyun both just keep acting childish and pushing no matter what Chiwoo is saying. Boys, didn't you know push & pull strat is better in this case?
At this point I feel like it's better if Chiwoo didn't end up with either of them, he's better of with the teacher instead lol At least he's mature & i bet he can give Chiwoo the healthy relationship he needs better than those two. #chiwooxteach
AAAAH I can't wait to finally read the ending in english. It was so damn emotional just looking at the raw I wanna understand what really happened
Is it at the very least shounen ai? I see no such tags.
i don't think it's a shonen ai *cough*sadly*cough*, but on the few last pages it shows the very close bond between gino & beom...at least that's what i feel cos i can't read korean...
Their bond has been super good ever since they started working together and I can't remember from which chapter onwards.
How many chapters are even left?
can u give me the raw link?
hope this works for you https://metoon30.com/웹툰/장인의-나라