Im going to loose my mind over this. Skyler should leave yeonduk alone, he scarred im already for the rest of his life.
Stockholm-syndrom ass bullsh*t.

he had a good reason to be, after his own mom try to kill him TWICE! said he should have never been born, force him to be with a guy he think betrayed him etc...
after this kind of family, of course he will turn out this way!
but he change now, he relize he was wrong and isn't the same has the past at all!! maybe you can't get over his past self. but he clrealy did grow him from it.

yeah,thats my exact thought too,just because you were bullied before does not give you an excuse to bully others and does not excuse your actions.i do want them to get together tho,i just don't like how Skylar keeps pushing yeonduk and so impatient and act as if he's going to die,he should give him some space,like Yeonduk still has his past trauma,it scares him and makes him uncomfortable

I didn't say his action disapear, Sky know it and will forever blame himself and have guilt over it. it will never change but let me asked you this, after all of it was over, what guilt will give him? what hating himself will give Sky after it was already over and was in the past? nothing! torturing himself over a past he can't change is not a good way to deal with it, but Sky suffer and feel the guilt over his actions.
but sometimes, you need to let the past GO!! yeas he wasn't a good person in the past, but he DID CHANGE!!! he dosn't push or been mean to Yeon at all! he is supter nice and playful, but still himself. he still have issues of course, but not has bad has the past.
and he did trying to take care of Yeon now so much. he isn't forcing himself on him! he just trying to support him and be there for him. so no, I don't agree with you.
and no he dosn't need to asked to be forgiven cause Yeon never blame him, cause again it never was his fault he was manipulate since he was 7 years old.
you just can't forget his past, that's fine, I don't blame you. but you should at least see how much he change since then and grow up.

Yeah i parcially agree with you. But you should only let the past go if it only is about you or what happend to you, if you are the one who hurt someone in such a devastating way, you should honestly ask for forgiveness (even is yeon doesn't blame him, its just the right thing to do) and do what you can to get yourself "straight". If sky had done all of that, he has to let the past go. He cant expect that a reset will be so easy.
It feels good.... mom.