Vae's experience ( All 0 )

Vae's answer ( All 7 )

Thai absolutely! Then maybe Mandarin and Italian :) Def every language can be deemed beaufitul and what we're talking are purely our own impressions, but I'm surprised so many of you who answered mentioned Russian. And I don't mean it bc of political reasons. I'm just so much... on the opposite side.   reply
8 days
I'd love to learn and speak Thai but it seems really impossible (for me)... First things first, how do you feel about the tones? Thai has 5 of them. Learning how to speak would absolutely require a teacher or conversations with a native. Memorising the alphabet is probably the best step to start ;]   reply
8 days
about question
OMWTFFG... LEAVE. AT. ONCE. RUN!!! An adult here (and not just-got-my-id type ;)) tell her it's really easy to look/sound "nice" online and it means nothing. 20+ looking for an underage is shady as fuck itself but keeping such "relationship" for quite long (to marinate and enamour them) is so... Personally? I bet he has a few other girls just li......   2 reply
23 days
about question
First time hearing "rape is ok if it's the same gender". Like really, I peek from time to time on various comments and I've never crossed such shit. But in general that "most of rapes are female fault" and "most of rape accusation are females lies" happens veeery often. Blame "uncensored" forums when boys and a few men gather to write how men are ......   reply
17 02,2025
about question
13 02,2025
I very much doubt so. But that's an interesting case :D What's your fav?   1 reply
13 02,2025

Vae's question ( All 0 )