Vae's feed

Vae created a topic of Night Song

I really got used to the idea Ha Seo-eung being mercilles bitch-queen's minion. So now I need some time to digest his betrayal. It was quite fast though, but ok he cherished Kang so it hit him hard to know the truth. I really didn't expect HIM to start working with the prince. My guess was one of the maids, or a few of them.

I also felt a little uneasy when Seo-eung recalled he "noticed Kang's smile wasn't meant for him" and then said "you can call it dirty feelings, I don't care". Maybe I overreacted at first but he was speaking about 9? 10? year's old being an adult. And it happened around 10 years ago or more? So why even bringing "dirtiness" up?;o Just saying he loved, cherished him would've been enough. As sworn brothers wasn't that strange concept at that time. + Kang was such a cute kid, him playing with a cat<3

Lastly, our cute bundle Nok was very sexy and strong-willed again (●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰ I reread his bio and he doesn't like cold (I've forgotten). So I'm guessin that's why he wears a lot of layers now :3