"Even if you'll regret giving your heart to me" - became "Even if you wish you had never met me."
"I should have been where you are from the beginning. - became "leave you to brave this..." - that square.
"Tell me that it is okay to stay by your side. Keep needing me. (not sure ab "please" here) - became "So please don't push me away. Say that I'm still yours..."
End of being an irritating smartass ;)
* The two last squares are rather hard, but every dictionary gives: "someday, when this season ends, I will become your spring."
Do you thing they're synonyms?

I wondered this time for how many times I thought "does Jaeshin got sexier??"... But then Nok stoled the show X3 That panel ending his talking with Kyeonjung's father flies straight to my phone wallpaper <3
Funny thing, for a sec I believed the father was saying that the king knows everything (that Nok's gay) and nobody gives a damn ab it, just you, Kyeongjun, you fucking piece of shit. Bc they can call both the king and the prince "jeoha".
However for a reason unknown to me Kyeonjung haven't revealed it and just wanted to to turn to the queen. Why did he think she'll save him? Clearly he's the dead one in the last panel. Too quickly imo and I'm not satisfied that much at the moment. I guess maybe he'll go to Nok, believing he's influence on him or to kill him and then Jaeshin wouldn't have to restrain himself.

I'm living for nok in his crown prince element. he's stealing all my attention in these recent chapters. and his dressing sense ? that hanbok he wore in his last panels oh god lord.
I wonder it as well. I was so sure kyeonjung's gonna blurt out about nok to his father. I wonder why he didn't tho. also do you think there's a chance of the queen being the one responsible for his death? but why? because their plan didn't work? and my major concern being , if it's actually her , will she use his ghost to torment nok :( . although I'm not sure if that'll be possible or not

Yeah! I've wondered if he borrowed it from Jaeshin:D Bc he had a very similar one once.
The only reason could be that he was too ashamed and too disgusted to tell it to his father? Or it's not the he has the evidence...
Sure thing it's her. Kyeongjun knows that she's plotting against the crown prince now and about that cursed brush. Even if without the details, since Nok has it, it's a proof of using black magic by the queen.
And his only use was either to help kill Nok or wipe his whole family for treason and prevent them from being on the crown prince's side in the future. Kyeongjun's father wasn't on the list of queen's helpers, so she could've wanted to punish him and get rid of him.
Great point with making Kyeongjun evil ghost! But is his hatered strong enough? I'm not convinced. And Jaeshin would gladly pulverised him on the spot ^_~

nah you're right. his ghost probably won't be having much effect on nok. atleast not anymore. well I'm sat for jaeshin blowing hi brains out tbh. or even better yet , maybe he ends up going to the empress or doing something else stupid and nok finally charges him to treason.
also about the kid ghost, is it that his remnants were divided and given to the guy with burn on his face and the rest will be used on the bitch? is that how it is cause i don't think i understood that part completely.

Hmm, they don't mention dividing the remnants. Maybe after returning the curse they're still there and can be buried for example?
What I don't get is the point of returning them to Seo-eung. He digged it out, Jaeshin gave them to the kid (I've forgotten his name :O) and then he's touched by that and accepts Chaehui's fate (and his own) so returns them to Jaeshin to make the curse. But his last request is to give them back to Seo-eung (probably afterward)? Like a keepsake? What are they? Bones and ashes most likely.
I'm also not sure about this part but the kid's thanking for Seo-eung's longing for him and remembering him. He's the one who's sorry and he hopes, from now on, Seo-eung will keep living remembering holding his hand and kindness (given to the kid).

Kyeongjun dying so soon doesn't really makes sense. He had such an influence on Nok in S1 and now he's gone just like that. He turned evil quite fast and then he died in his first attempt to get to Nok xD His character had more potential than that. I would have liked seeing more jealousy from Jaeshin because of him. Now the plot will be ultimately centered around the queen herself. And there's also this other part of the plot with the old man who lost his son because of Jeashin. He's looking for revenge as well. He'll come bothering us near the end for sure

well we certainly haven't seen the last of kyeongjun. I hope we atleast have 2-3 chapters or more of the backstory of how he ended up dead.
wait did the old guy from the initial chapters show up recently?? I really do wonder what he can do for revenge lmao.
but since we seem to be reaching the climax soon , do you guys think we're getting a season finale or series? cause the creators did say we'll have atleast 100 chapters and we're just round the corner. [ helpp now that's ive typed the last part , I feel like we may as well be ending the season with kyj's death and then there's next season could very well just before centered on queen[

Well Kyeonjun had it coming, he was always just a pawn to the queen(she dosen't care for anyone) to harm and spy the prince, if wasn't of use she'll kill him, even more if the prince knows he's a traitor.
Also he is a proud, arrogant man, and homophobic. In S1 we could see it, he wasn't "nice" or "kind" with the people around him, as the prince's friend he was entitle to be rude and arrogant, also his offer to marry his sister was driven to position himself higer.
But i also hope we can get 1 or 2 more chapters with him

I want to believe the authors will show us him dying in the next chapter (⊙ ω ⊙ ) I bet they know about our hatred towards this person ;)
I noticed, while he talked with his father, he was shocked the brush had a curse and was to cause real harm. He said he only wanted to gain Nok's favour with a rare gift.
Maybe he ended up this quickly bc he was soooo much blinded and from the beginning of s3 he started to be guided by emotions only. While previously he planned everything carefully.
I also was thinking recently about that man with spots on his face. He showed like 20 chapters ago for a panel and then nothing again.
As for the length hmm could it end within <10 chapters? Spring indicates the End and seasons in Gwiyagok match seasons in Korea (more or less). Thus while the spring is around the corner there so... There's not much time left for a few months hiatus;__; Which means it's the last season but I (can only) hope for 20 (30?:333) more chapters.
Even if there will be like 120 of them at the very most - it's not that much don't you think? But when I recall it... so many memories, emotions, eh~
Daisy, you're right as hell, ch 89 was perfect for ending the season and leaving us hanging from a cliff for months ;)
I can see some event(?) "Primavera luminosa from the Ghost's Nocturne". You know what's that? Looks like it's on insta and for Nok's birthday tomorrow.

unfortunately I haven't come across anything regarding nok's birthday event on insta until now :( now I'm getting curious
although I could see some onsite events on X which caught my eyes. a cup sleeve event and exhibition named "seasons of nok" in Tokyo (god i wish i was there) and another one was project red plum blossoms which ig were insta ads.

I really got used to the idea Ha Seo-eung being mercilles bitch-queen's minion. So now I need some time to digest his betrayal. It was quite fast though, but ok he cherished Kang so it hit him hard to know the truth. I really didn't expect HIM to start working with the prince. My guess was one of the maids, or a few of them.
I also felt a little uneasy when Seo-eung recalled he "noticed Kang's smile wasn't meant for him" and then said "you can call it dirty feelings, I don't care". Maybe I overreacted at first but he was speaking about 9? 10? year's old being an adult. And it happened around 10 years ago or more? So why even bringing "dirtiness" up?;o Just saying he loved, cherished him would've been enough. As sworn brothers wasn't that strange concept at that time. + Kang was such a cute kid, him playing with a cat<3
Lastly, our cute bundle Nok was very sexy and strong-willed again (●'◡'●)ノ I reread his bio and he doesn't like cold (I've forgotten). So I'm guessin that's why he wears a lot of layers now :3

It was after Nok ".. so you've loved him" and Seo-eung "I don't care if you call it filthy" "even if you say loving another man is a sin, I'm willing to accept it".
Just this converstation took a wrong turn in that moment imo^^'' I don't think anyone could feel disgusted by what was said prior, how he cared for Kang and wanted to help him and make him happy. But sadly noticed Kang likes Chaehui...
Bios are in the creator's notes after the first special episode. When the s1 ended :) Just before season 2.

ohh I get what you mean now. well we def know our characters won't but ig had there be some other person like the so called childhood friend, then ig what seoeung said would make sense. ig he's too devasted to actually keep mind of that ? idk.
now I wonder if and how will the author give closure to kang's story cause i do wish seoeung would be able to talk to him once atleast. can't even imagine the guilt he'd be feeling for ever introducing them.
thankuu imma go re read both the notes super soon!!

Wasn't Ha Seo-eung responsible for keeping and starving those children though?:O I can't bring myself to sympathise with him.
Hmm wouldn't Kang be angry for harming Chaehui? So Seo-eung would suffer doubly, one from the guilt of bringing cruel death to Kang and second from his anger. I just hope Kang wouldn't try to stop them :O
Btw. You know we are on hiatus next week, right? ┗( T﹏T )┛

I think Ha Seo-eung not only was responsible for starving the children but he was also involved for most of the queen's crimes. Remember the starving ghost and his pregnant wife? He had a role there too since his name was mentioned at some point. He needs closure and then go roast in hell.
I also agree with you about feeling uneasy at some point during this chapter. The author could've at least make them teenagers which may explain the love feelings and the blushing but they were literally kids :// Doesn't really make sense imo... although I do recall falling for my classmate when I was 7yo and being completely paralyzed by the simple thought of talking to him lol Maybe it's not that uncommon after all xD

Huge edit: I've just found out the scans I saw previously was missing a few panels... Not a trustworthy source, goddammit...
Thus it looks like he didn't even know the queen makes maehyung? And looking for Jongdal's name I've found the moment when he noticed the queen "he gathered the children" and she dismisses him. Therefore he might not know they were locked. On the other hand he looks rather insular so I can believe he didn't bother thinking WHY the queen needs small children.
*high five* Deedee. Even "dating" can happen at such age now, but ofc it's more like playing or role playingXD
Seo-eung was 2 years older and later even got engaged so I assume he might've been 12 when Kang died. And knowing at that times children were pushed to mature quickly it's believable his feelings were slightly heavier, more serious even, but still pure (!).
That's why making it sound illicit and filthy seems so off.

And it hit me Jeongyeom locked Dongim so he won't go whoring again. Not that it's reasonable this way, but previously I thought he planned it shortly after the killing. But it was his response to Dongim almost fucking with some other guy. And he prepared everything so Jeongyeom will see it.

And Dongnim keeps trying to fuck other people as revenge for Jeongyeom killing his parents.
I kind of missed the first time around, but him wearing his mom's bloody jewelry hairpin while he tried to revenge fuck the first time was a clear fuck you to Jeongyeom.
Dongim probably enjoyed being the future head of household and looking down on Jeongyeom. He's been training his whole life for that.

Yep, and his revenge fuck scheme doesn't subside over the years. The first one after the funeral -> resulted in him getting locked; and after 5 years he still bites a servant to shatter Jeongyeom.
Dongim was sitting and looking and that hairpin for some time, do you think he was grieving? Actually I don't really get why did he wear it for revenge fuck:/ It's not really that Jeongyeom holds any feelings toward that object or its previous owner...

I knew it I knew it, Nok will help this poor child (we don't even know his name, do we?) his half-brother. And ofc he can understand Kang's feelings, although I tought he will or even try to convince him.
And how sexy Nok was this whole chapter(≧∀≦) I can't...
And cute with his winter hat <3
But the cliffhanger?!(⊙…⊙ )

Yes the boots :D And in winter even Jaeshin wears some shoes;)
Cuteness<3 but he was the adult in this chapter ;3 Jaeshin: if not for the reverse curse I'd have killed him on the spot (poor Agwi/Kang) But Nok? "I think I can understand him(...) he was small child at that time too". It seems Nok by nature can empathise with others or at least always try to. He immediately noticed frightened daegun (half-brother's title) and acts accordingly.
As for why was he so scared? I guess he's always in such state... Every time we see him he gets frightened after meeting bitch-queen. So maybe he just came out of her den?
Another thing comes to my mind: we just have learned his "role". The bitch-queen has made him human-talisman to ward evil off, maybe he sees all those ghost's or even gets haunted by them as Nok was?

Thanks for the informations. I really thought the bitch queen loved her son in S1. We've seen her genuinely taking care of him when he was sick and weak. In this season, her full evil nature is exposed. It's terrible if she uses her own son as a talisman. That poor kid looks on the verge of dying every time we see him. I am sure Nok will save him as you said above :)) And yeah, Nok's leadership attributes are a delight to watch. Jaeshin must be secretly proud hihi

waaah I finally got to read the new chapter. guys guys I feel like it's a foreshadowing that nok will finally find out about how he can see ghosts cause of jaeshin. atleast in a few chapters im guessing ?? do we know exactly when the bitch got possessed cause I've been thinking that if it has been since she was a child , then that would explain her derange behavior since then. or maybe she was always evil so the ghost latched onto her.
and about nok in winter clothes. DO you guys remember the scene where they encounter the burnt face man and there's a full length panel of nok. he was looking so pocket sized . my cutieee >_<

I missed you yesterday, Daisy<3
My wild mind even thought that the great evil somehow brought Nok to the afterworld, as it wants Nok's soul. About Jaeshin's involvement I feel like only Jaeshin can tell him, and he won't. Even if Nok will learn about it, he won't care that much. However imo it's more dangerous for him to know WHY Jaeshin approached him, that he deliberately wanted to win his heart. I kinda wait for this moment, to be honest.
Recently I was mulling over the bitch's situation. What are her own actions and what are the evil's, because, esp when she's mad, the evil seems to speak through her. We don't know much, just that she was able to see ghosts from very young age. And actually now we know she was gathering hmm soul's she could use later? Did she just find it "fun", or was it that great evil which egged her? The exact moment of their encounter is unknown. For sure she could see evil spirits and they lingered around her from when she was a child - 8 ep, Yeom's story.
The one with a bigger silhouette? Pocket sized - well said <3 Maybe it's the winter hat which increases cuteness? :3 *trying to imagine Jaeshin wearing it...*

Hmm if you read Moonflowergem translation and their summary at the end I don't think the official one clarifies more. It's just every time I read it I notice smth else. Like with The Little Prince? ;D Not my fav but I often heard/read ppl saying how they love the book and every time they read it they discover various things.
-> I guess every sane person would be left speechless after seeing my comparision ;D
I regret we weren't given many details in the story and that Jeongyeom looks like a brainless underdeveloped meathead ︶︿︶

i CANNOT bear to think of the day when nok will find out about jaeshin's initial plan. I don't think I'll be able to handle anymore angst in regards to their relationship. hopefully they'd communicate well when the time comes.
(my another nightmare atm is the feeling i get about us approaching a potential season finale in a few weeks)
also ive thought about it too. as if , the grim reapers (hopefully thats who they are) really did mistakenly took nok or was there something else at play.
also although she's despicable, i cannot help but be in awe of how well the queen's character has been written at being a complete evil bitch. she's so fun to analyze like you'd feel there's so many layers to that character but also at the same time she could actually turn out to be just plain deranged without any explanation but it'd still make sense.
don't give me ideas but i hope we'll see more of them in winter clothing in the coming chaps. also id sacrifice whatever if it'd get us their modern au winter outfit looks from the artist or smth. it's def the hats !! and also the sleeves cover his hands entirely making him look like a fluffy bundle.

I haven't thought at all about Nok discovering Jeashin's plan to win a human heart! That will definitely upset him and it could be a reason for a short break between them. I still can't imagine Jaeshin taking his distance. He's way too obsessed and unreasonable to give some space to Nok. We'll see.
Daisy, I don't remember which chapter exactly but Jeashin told Nok that the bitch queen attracts the worst demons because she is cruel and evil in the first place. So she's not a victim by any mean I guess ://

Oh yeah the most I fear end of the season or end of the story ┗( T﹏T )┛
I think it's just there's no badly written character here. (*cough* don't mention that part where Nok went quite fast to loving his rapist *cough* and making it slower wouldn't be that helpful...)
Deedee, I think bitch-queen might tell this to Nok. However Jaeshin won't ever distance himself from him. Remember when he lately said "there's no use in hating me again", "even if you'll regret giving your heart to me, I'm yours"? So I believe even if Nok's hurt from knowing the truth and say "go away", Jaeshin will still linger in the vicinity.
I agree Chaehui is not a victim. However she still is getting used by that evil and at least some punishment awaits her.

At first a possible punishment for Kyeongjun has lighten me up. But I got it all wrong and it's not about his son (⌒▽⌒)
The bitch-queen brother takes some notes about him (yeah Kyeongjun). But only ask: did you write it "there". I have no idae WHERE could it be.
And does anyone know who byeongpan (ministry of war?) is? BQB (bitch queen bro) schemes to "have this >>person he really hates or dislikes and who is always an eyesore<< under his shoe". ---> I couldn't stop myself from pasting the whole definition I've found XD
Ooooh, it can be Kyeongjun's father! It makes sense now, but it's only a guess. BQB gathers dirts on KJ to blackmail his father in the future.

Yes, it's the fake childhood companion, whom we hate to the core ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I wonder too, what's her natural "state of mind" and what's triggered by the great evil.
Poor, cute child, but Houston we have a problem - agwi doesn't want to take revenge. [Jaeshin was so hot on the panel when he asked that (=・ω・=)]
Without his help they can't reverse the curse.
And don't you think Nok looked more mature this time?

there was something really heartwrenching about that. cause even though he ended up losing his life cause of her, he refused to take revenge. I wonder if jaeshin will be able to persuade him tho.
(althought somewhere deep down in my gut I have a feeling he won't be able to/or want to after a trying a certain while cause of the whole "wanting to not get the person you love being hurt" thing.and since jaeshin feels the same for nok he'll just leave agwi be??
also for the fact i don't really feel the bitch would go down this easily and fast so.. you get the point)
also yes I've been loving how nok has been looking more mature as the chapters progress . there's just something about the character that seems to be getting more authoritative with time idk. not that he wasn't before , but I've been getting some of that vibes from him ( or maybe it's just my wishful thinking. but id sacrifice anything in my hands to see him use his power against the fake ass friend and queen)

Thanks dear Vae for the now recurrent -spoilers- post :)) It's a delight to come in here discuss the latest release each time. I honestly wasn't expecting the child ghost's story to be dealt with so fast. It felt kinda rushed but then the author surprised us with that unexpected turn of events. I don't know how Jaeshin can convince the child to get revenge. I guess he won't manage to cuz the queen's story is not ending anytime soon :///
And yes, Nok looked more mature this chapter. Something to do with the hair maybe? I like it better this way

Daisy, yes! "authority" that's the word! I'd add "commanding" too ;] I don't think Nok would have to abuse his power, it'll be enough for him to be righful and merciless.
Hm, you think Jaeshin can understand it? I doubt so very much XD Actually that part of not wanting revenge could've only fit to a naive and pure child. It's very well planned by the authors.
Jaeshin could try to convince agwi (or Kang, we should say) the queen is possessed and needs help, only he can do it by helping to kill her - however not very convincing the plot's progression.
Deedee, I also can't wait for our weekly (debating) spoiler club meeting :D
And don't make such face - the queen's death means the end of Gwiyagok :(
I think this time they won't make the reverse curse on time.
I was rereading a little last night and a few chapters ago we wondered why she sent the ghost to kill Nok. At some point (ch77) she said smth like "I don't care about the soul, I only care about the vessel". So the child's ghost which recently almost killed Nok, had to "suck out his soul" and give it to the great evil, the body is the queen's. That's the deal. But why is she waiting so long finish her plan? Did she want Nok to be more grown-up?
Also the queen confirmed, once the third curse backfires, she's done.
I think it's the face. Just sometimes C.R Jade draws it a little differently. That's why I wine when Nok looks more childish than in the beginning XD And partially his loose hair <3

Ha Seo Ung, the burned face.
What do we know about the guy? He appears more often lately. I think we should remember his name.
A summary from me: he's the queen's lackey from the very old times. In ch86 young Chaehui said "Seo Ung was right" when she approached Kang (Agwi). So he's helping with finding possible victims, and making them evil ghosts.
He showed up in Jeong Dal's house right before his "disappearance", by the well when Kang was killed. He gathered and locked (I guess managed the whole case) those 9 children, who were starved and made to kill each other. Maybe he's the one who killed the last one in such brutal way...
Am I missing anything? Was there any fire mentioned? Have wee seen him in the 1st or 2nd season?

I desperately need to re-read the last few chapters again cause I've no recollection of that man tbh. hope I get the time for that soon.
let's see what our jaeshin is gonna do things are not looking easy for our boy (≧ヘ≦ )
also DeeDee is so right for this I rush back here every time a new chapter is supposed to drop looking for Vae's spoiler topic

is making fun of us. To put in Jaeshin's mouths:
Doesn't he know he should be worried for his own ass?

I don't know your time zone:D In Korea it's 18 or 19, resp. 6pm or 7pm ;)
Fun fact: this time my topic was about ch 80:D In 86 there're so many dialogues. I still didn't finish it. But how Jaeshin looked! omfg... And I was surprised seeing Nok with brown eyes - I guess it's bc it was realtively dark but still. It's not really a spoiler so I've written it here.

Ok, I went to those bubbles (in chapter 80). There's absolutely NOTHING about ass. Nor "his own lover". Actually this part seems totally different... I've checked with Chinese version too, and Vietnamese (●'◡'●)ノ
So I would say it went like this (divided like bubbles):
- He has his own problems...
- Even so, he wants to take all of the world's worries on himself?
- He just should stay by my side as he wish, and say it's impossible without me.
- At any rate not knowing others' minds (I guess "feelings" works here too), always saying the right/proper words easily...

Shit, I didn't know all the replies are deleted if I edit the topic post (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
My bad so I'll write again what I think Jaeshin's said there. As bubbles go:
- He has his own problems...
- Even so, he wants to shoulder all of the world's worries?
- He should just stay by my side, as I wish, saying it's impossible without me.
- Anyhow, he's clueless about other people's minds ("feelings" could work here too I guess) always saying the right/proper things easily...

July 1999, what came to people was not the end of the world, but superpowers?!
Thanks to this, the 21st century has become an era where heroes and villains clash. The lonely villain Pyeonghwa encounters the hero Sarang while on the run.
In a tense situation, Sarang suddenly proposes to Pyeonghwa with a ring…
A love story unfolds between Sarang and a Benz with a broken steering wheel, who lives in their own pure love comic.
*Especially the last sentence is intriguing(▰˘◡˘▰)
Omomo, when doseungji with Kyeongjun were standing before the queens gates and I had this thought: maybe KJ can be sacrificed so the last backfired curse won't kill the queen and the story won't end too quickly. That was a right death for him, now I'm satisfied (=・ω・=)
However it would've been nice to see more gore. The killing(eating) went fast.
The queen! Is officially my fav villain. I liked her more covered in blood being insane than donned with royal garment.
Nok will now make Jaeshin rescue another human ^_~ I believe they'll make it in time to save daegun (Nok's younger half-brother)
the queen really is one of the best villains ive come across in manhwas recently. her blood covered panel looked so hot!!
ngl would have loved if kj would have suffered a slow death tho
Was that Nok's father standing in front of the queen? Did he finally saw who she was from the beginning? What did she say to him after she killed KJ? Or was it KJ's father? I'm confused. All the old dudes look the same xD
Noo, it's doseungji - her brother (or I'm not sure if we know their exact relation, could be a cousin) KJ went to him for help and to tell Nok knows now everything. I believe KJ couldn't have entered the queen's house on his own.
I'm going to go through that dialogue and the one between Jaeshin and Nok in detail so have some patience with me;D It was smth about eating flesh and how it works. Other than that doseungji begged for his life, then she tells him to bring her son if he wants to live. In person.
Easier to write straight than describe, so:
Queen(or the evill possessing her, 'cause they're the black bubbles):
I tried not to eat dirty human bodies as much as possible...
But now after eating it, I guess I can live awhile.
Just as I've thought, this kind of body is not enough... I need more. Dirtier, more odious...
Bring the Grand Prince.
I need to take that body, which received all kinds of sordid/filthy misfortunes.
Even If I masticate your nauseating entrails a hundred times, they can't be compared to that filthy one.
If you don't want to die, bring him with your own hands.
Right now-!!!
OMG! It's so creepy xD Thanks for the translation. I guess Nok and Jaeshin will arrive right on time to save the young prince. The end of the season is near...
You're welcome :) Yeah, and I love it when it's creepy :D I hope daegun will be safe. I bet Nok will rush to save him, so Jaeshin will have to interneve :3 So many great moments before us. But now the end seems to be nearer... I don't want to...( T﹏T )
The last part. Jaeshin: "there's nontrivial murderous aura oozing from the queen's quarters. Worse than usual." He's aware someone got killed, but doesn't know who. As well as that daegun's life time is getting shorter rapidly, so they have to hurry up. If the kid dies, "the things will become more difficult". Also his inner thoughts: "It seems Han Chaehui is commiting every possible atrocity to save her life. But it's not much of use."
Now I noticed the ghost's are gathering probably in the daegun's quarters - I was looking for the hanja in the last panel, but couldn't find them. I'm sure about "the gate" thoughXD The one in the middle looks similar (but mirrored!) to 賢xian: honorific for younger generation. Jaeshin commented someone could think there will be a feast, the ghost's are swarming like a pack of dogs looking for smth to eat.
And then he reminds Nok to stick to him no matter what happens. :3
I wonder how nok will react after he finds out about kj cause however shitty the person he was still his childhood friend. jaeshin didn't tell him about someone dying yet .
I don't want this to end (T_T)