Boxer, Therapist that's delulu, Boxer is horny asf (hot) and asshole, Problem happens from chap 40 to 50 revealing the Boxers past, fall in love at chap 60. goes into the side couple. basically summed the whole story
Aw, two idiots are gonna fall in love with each other
We all know Jaekyungs dick is big but like he said 3 fingers isn't even close to his size when he was "helping" Dan loosen up. He's tall so he has big hands...this bitches cock is as big as his palm, his palm is literally almost the size of dans face bro
why is everybody saying Kim Dan needs a reality check, like just shut up and kiss me (I'm joking?)
I don't know whats wrong with me but I wanna grip Jaekyung ass cheeks. They just look so fat, I'm sorry
I don't know whats wrong with me but I wanna grip Jaekyung ass cheeks. They just look so fat, I'm sorry
How much do you want to bet that jae is going to confess on chapter 60 just like bj alex.
You guys are acting as if Doc Dan is a baby. He's a damn adult who is almost 30
If you hate Jinx that much, stop reading it.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 honestly when people complain about Jaekyung being a red flag it's understandable. But when he does something good that's when they want to be like "Oh noo, he's turning slightly a light red" or some dumb shit like "No I want to keep hating on Jaekyung. There is actually something wrong with this fandom. You can't even be happy for the good things anymore
For people saying that Dan is falling in love because he hasn't been treated nicely by anyone, I would like to point out that he is doing this ALL for his grandmother, the only person in his life who actually loves him. Sohim falling in love chalks more up to not knowing what he wants in a relationship, in which has nothing to do with him never being shown love by anyone and more misconstruing entrapment+ entanglement for feelings of affection and favoritism. Also, Jaekyung on multiple occasions has stated that he is in fact not doing this for love, but to keep Dan close to him. He does things for his own gain and it just so happens to make Dan's life easier as an unattended result.