★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

What is Dan suppose to do? He can't stand up for himself when it comes to Joo. He already gave all the info. If anything, y'all should be blaming it on SECURITY
This is now I would think it would play out of he tried to stand up for himself




*Gets slapped*


*slaps back*

*Gets fucked up*

We know Joo's anger issues.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Why are you guys annoyed about Dan as if he could do anything? he mentioned Yoon-Gu and basically that's all the proof he had. Yes he should have said something before. Joo wouldn't even let Dan speak.
Then again he has the right to be mad.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Who cut onions...
they literally yelled at Dan and pushed him...THE FUCK

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx
★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Instead of Joo losing, I think it will be a tie or forfeiting. Mingwa does unexpected things lots of times soooo
Also, not me hearing on a article that Kim Dan and Joo might have a heated argument-

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

They met Baek Jumin and Jaekyung finally remembered him.
Kim Dan had a relief spray and tried it on himself while Yoon-gu (Potato) was there. It got switched out because someone from Baek Jumins Studio stole it while The director Jumin was invading their training while in the stadium

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

I just saw the cover for chapter 49 and I'm actually scared asf

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

I saw something fucked up on Tik-tok about how Jaekyung was compared to a REAL life serial killer and then they said that Jaekyung is worst. There are levels of things to stoop to but they went to far bro.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Jumin will use music notes to beat Jaekyung bro. We know how fast he raps, he's unstoppable

Jokes aside tho, I'm actually scared for Kim Dan if Jaekyung loses the match. If Dan goes ahead and goes back to that rugged shack, there's a chance that the loan sharks are going to come back for him. He's only protected because Jaekyung is there. Screwed

If he starts working with the new MMA fighter, he'll be recognised as a traitor but that's unlikely because we know Kim Dan wouldn't ever betray Jaekyung. But he'll probably still go where they told him to go. Probably bribe him or something.
Screwed still

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Jumin looks like like a fucking lizard. Bros related to Jake from Shutline.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

I want Heesung and Potato to have that "Two Dumbasses In Love" (trope) relationship or a golden retriever one. I think that would be so cute and funny.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Okay, I read some predictions or some hints on TikTok that actually make sense

Okay so there is this one prediction that actually made sense to me when I first saw it.
So you know how at chapter 32, when Jaekyung drove Dan over to Heesung's house. There was a black car following them around in traffic. Even in the panel of when Joo
made a U-turn

Remember that can from chapter 43, yeah. He looks just like Mr. Choi or has the same haircut as him. Basically the same features.

There is also another one from chapter 27. This one didn't really make sense to me but I get where they are coming from. Dr. Lee, from that chapter maybe faking it. Just basing off their features but then again, Mr. Choi said something about taking matters into his own hands

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

I want Kim Dan to get a glow up tbh. Idk if that's just me
Also, when will he realise he's older?

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Any predictions about what they actually want from him or what they will do? I'll even read a whole paragraph

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Can someone spoil chapter 46 for me. I don't want to keep taking breaks.:(

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx
★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

Okay, if you have read BJ Alex, you would know that like Jiwon has punched DJ and everyone calls Jaekyung terrible which he is, but he hasn't actually hit Dan (except for that sparring chapter) , the worse he has done is rape, and if anything Dan would hit Jae because he's scared.

Everyone's saying they will loose faith because of how bad he was but if you look at Jiwon, he was bad at first and then he changed into a green flag but for Jae, they don't wanna believe but there will be a switch up soon enough

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

I want there too be another character coming the Kim Dan could be closer to him than jaekyung then it gets him jealous.

He is a dirty as mf with no fucking teeth, thought he could get Kim Dan pregnant with his wrinkly ass (dumbass). I hope his mom disciplined him while growing up because who taught him to be like this.

★Fævy★ created a topic of Jinx

so umm I just read chapter 45 and he was actually drunk, he also found out about the hickeys and he threw his gift away