Can someone spoil chapter 46 for me. I don't want to keep taking breaks.:(

Basically Dan comes to a realization about his feeling with jaekyung, and that he was an idiot for getting his hopes up in the first place.
Later jaekyung is in the gym, and ends up getting into a lil fight with another athlete. It’s later revealed and explained to him, that since he gets in so many fights and has grudges w other fighters, they could end up selling inside info about his techniques in matches (But per usual, jaekyung doesn’t care)
At the end, it is shown that there’s a gambling group (maybe gang idek) who has betted on jaekyung lost. They r determined to make him lose and in the last panel, its shows them targeting Dan. (They r also the people who sent the “nutritional shake” to jaekyungs room in the other chp)

Okay, if you have read BJ Alex, you would know that like Jiwon has punched DJ and everyone calls Jaekyung terrible which he is, but he hasn't actually hit Dan (except for that sparring chapter) , the worse he has done is rape, and if anything Dan would hit Jae because he's scared.
Everyone's saying they will loose faith because of how bad he was but if you look at Jiwon, he was bad at first and then he changed into a green flag but for Jae, they don't wanna believe but there will be a switch up soon enough

(I love Mingwa and all her characters except DG lol)
Jaekyung pulled Dan by the hair, threw into chairs, shoved him on lockers and shower wall, poured soda on him, acknowledged Dan used to tear down there but still went rough
Physical stuff I would be fuming if happened to me. I should also include pulling hard on his clothes that shit does damage

I want there too be another character coming the Kim Dan could be closer to him than jaekyung then it gets him jealous.
He is a dirty as mf with no fucking teeth, thought he could get Kim Dan pregnant with his wrinkly ass (dumbass). I hope his mom disciplined him while growing up because who taught him to be like this.
Any predictions about what they actually want from him or what they will do? I'll even read a whole paragraph