I see some commenting that Carcel is groveling and begging. The lady from last week essentially told Carcel that the wife he’s been treasuring all this time doesn’t care a whit about him. So, Carcel, from his pov, finally gets to understand he’s living a lie with a woman who cares nothing about him. He hasn’t a clue that he was chosen to be dumped for her purpose.
Now that he has an inkling of the truth….that at least he’s in this marriage alone, he asks questions to his wife. Why does she live with him? Why did she choose him when she hates him? In his thoughts, he wonders why she didn’t choose Oscar instead of him. He also wishes he hadn’t treasured her and loved her now that he knows of her indifference to him. Unfortunately for him, his love is unwanted or so he thinks. Even if he says in his thoughts he wants her to love him, ultimately Carcel always comes back to his senses. He can accept the reality that she doesn’t love him. He doesn’t need to grovel and he doesn’t beg either. Just wait and see in the next chapters. He’s a man that adapts to the situation.
And those who want to laugh at him are better off laughing now because he won’t be the one who breaks down or the one who will wonder if he will stop loving her or the one who will wonder if he’s still very angry at what she did , etc.