The doctor insisting on the Master dual cultivating with his disciple when the kid is not even 10yo yet. Makes me so uncomfortable.
I understand he's probably in the 3 digits too so age gap is blurry at this point but still. You are insisting for the Master to basically groom his disciple. And the way he talks about it is very suggestive so it makes me even more awkward. I understand it's just some "touching" and not "that kind" of dual reaction, but :
1. The master reaction make it feel like it's still intimate to some degree.
2. If he talked about it as a normal medical action I wouldn't react so badly but he's acting like he's setting a blind date...
Saying that when disciple is already an adult is different than suggesting it when he is like 6 or 8 fucking years old...
Sorry for the rant but I was just so uncomfortable during that passage I needed to get this out.

I sneaked a pick at chapter 75 raw. It is indeed the chapter where they will do it all the way... WHY ARE WE STOPPED HERE AAAAAAH.
(Thirsty reader in crisis)

Here it is! Free Raw
Of course, please don't share the link on social media ;)

More chapter (and official translation) there:

Actually, isn't her Ex and her sister a dream couple? Hear me out. What's the common hope in relationship? Being accept with your flaws and established rules!
--> Accept the other flaws. (Don’t judge each other despite seeing the other do something bad like trying to get with a taken man. )
--> Consensual openness. (Don't make a scene and get jealous about the other seducing another while they are doing the same thing. Cheating bastard usually hate being cheated on)
They are perfect for each other!
All that said. Burn them.

Reupload! More chapters (up to 29) here
... Why does mangago reupload mangas more and more? Is it human mistake or robot? I'm confused
Chapter 11 is the wrong manhua.