I forgot this manga because it hasn't updated yet but I remember the story so if can help me remember that be nice so it starts with a guy that work in NYC in a secret company that kills vampires and he has to go to Fi d a partner because he keeps losing his so he gets one he doesn't like and his partner trust to be nice to him and he is kinda interested in him but the main guy needs sometime before he can open up the last chapter stopped at them going to la or whatever to get his cousin's that got in a fight
The whole time I was reading this I was waiting to be done with it bc it was so boring and only two reasons I am reading it is bc I read some of room to room back when it was really popping off but dropped it so fast bc I didn't like it and I thought this would be better and I usually want to finish what I started reading so I can take it off my list but I couldn't even finish it (I had nothing to read while I was waiting for my mangas to update)