I can only vaguely recall one particular scene. They were doing it in a bathroom stall when suddenly, a person came in saying someone might have been making love on a stall so the person tried to peek from below to see who it is but then he just saw the seme's feet. Turns out they were doing it with the uke's legs raised while sitting on the seme's lap.
Another version I think what might have happened - the person that came in is a kid and he said someone might have been taking a dump so he took a peek. I'm not sure which of the two happened. Hope you can help me, thank you. The scene where the seme raised the uke's legs was just so hot.
Our protagonist is a simple man. One time on a train, a man was accused of groping a lady's ass and was apprehended by the security. He quickly denies the accusation saying he can't possibly do that since he's a homosexual. He proved it by grabbing our protagonist and kissing him in front of other people. After the matter has been solved, he apologized to him but our protagonist got horny. So he told him he'll service him as a token of apology.
I forgot the title, I hope someone knows.
Found it, but it's not on mangago. Here's to those who wanna know. https://myreadingmanga.info/sorairo-panda-yamome-totsuzen-suddenly-eng/
It's cause I saw this https://myreadingmanga.info/suvwave-suv-seiten-to-hekireki-jp/ that I remembered I've already read something similar before, it's why I asked here.
These are bara, by the way.
Is this still worth reading? I'm currently at chapter 47 and so far, I really hated how In-seob still worries for Kang Yeong-mo even if the latter hit him multiple times and did a lot of terrible things to him. He literally has no valid reason to be concerned about him and yet he does which is really unreasonable to the point that it's annoying. And based on what I'm seeing on the recent comments, Woo-yeon is becoming an annoying character as well.
No, the ML rapes MC later on, dropped it because of it
I also dropped it
I heard it will be better.
Lol I read this manhwa's novel months/ probably around a year ago and it's honestly still a shit ending. Probably because I hated the ML, especially when the author tried to excuse it with ML having a mental illness. But yeah, ML does give the MC a bit of freedom like letting him go back to America without following him. He was praised for "holding back" LMAO