1) You may be bisexual, just mainly attracted to women. You just haven't met or had the chance to get involved in a man that attracts you irl, and maybe it'll never happens only God knows. 2) You may just enjoy the way BL tropes develop. BL as a genre and as smut has it's own vibe that differs from GL and straight romances. There are many stories ...... reply
I stopped reading One Piece when I entered collegue because I wanted to do a catching up marathon, but then my bf spoiled me showing me some anime episodes where they put looney toons sound effects and "revealed"(changed) the MC's powers so he's borderline a god somehow. Now I cannot bring myself to continue reading it. I started reading it a decad...... 2 reply
I still love mangas!! I feel that koreans are dominating the online comic at the moment, and since online comics have less barriers both for readers (easy finding, easy buying, easy pirating) and for authors (easy publishing, accesible tools for efficient creation and co-creation, large reach), it just has overwhelmed the industry, at least to its ...... reply
I always thought that shounen/shoujo ai referred that it was literally boys/girls in the sense of it being more focused on romance and having little to no eroticism, not that there was pedophilia... 1 reply