The main couple was hot, I liked them even though their story was kinda meh.
The 2nd couple ruined it though. Both incredibly unlikeable characters (with one of them being a p3d0). I HATED DOYOON. He was a pure trash. Horrible person, horrible everything. Needed him **** actually. The manager should've ended up with Seungho. The author fked up big time. Never touching anything by them again smh

Break up with the sister already. As much as I love this, it's not fair to cheat on her with her brother. Man up smh

U need to read over the entire thing to c that she's not mean she's just controlling to the point where she stalked her "boyfriend" after finding out the truth about her brother on the night he dressed up like a girl, then not only after knowing the truth she rubbed her so called relationship in his face while forcing him to be around her and her "boyfriend", and like I've said before can we really call it a relationship when there is clearly no feelings from either party and no commitment

She's controlling of her brother, so she deserves to get cheated? What logic is that? There's no feelings involved? Break up first instead of sleeping around! The seme can simply break up with her and pursue the brother, but he's not doing anything. It's plain douchebaggery, like I said the sister being deserving of hatred or not is irrelevant at the end of the day they're doing something wrong. There's no justification for cheating. In fact from another view, the seme's far worse than the sister because he's with the sister while also stringing the brother along, how's that fair to the brother? Two timing is never okay, regardless of if you have feelings or not.
IDK but the MC gets more and more unlikeable for some reason. Is it just me or is anyone disliking him too? Also the love interest is so annoying too. Actually everyone's annoying in this manhwa for some reasons XD
I agree. The love interest is creepy af. Like she's so annoying. The MC too, sigh. I actually dropped this when the romance was starting sighhh