Do you guys remember the crazy gramps that killed the Assassins family to make him into his dream Assassin? After that part I couldnt help but shale the feeling that those Sose Eomen are doing the same with our MC. I really felt like there was a foreshadowing and the repitition of humans worst enemy is human... and when the darkskinned knight said that the mc still had the chance to cancel the contract......shit it just all rubbed me the wrong way

This whole god shit just completely ruined rhe vibe for me...it was never ever mentioned before and because of that it felt rushed and made up on the spot....like why did the author build up the characters and story just to reduce them to being mindless gods and a starpiece that stops the emotionless godkiller from murdering....like now everything just feels like a lie

That curse is just STOOooooOooPID. She's just giving zero fucks about her daughter

maybe it's meant to steal the red cloak heart but not literally, it's probably meant to make them fall in love with a wolf. And that white haired guy must be manipulating our little red so he won't fall in love with anyone else. He must hate wolves ;-; it's actually pretty clever and witches are always like that
Omg yes a gem .....raws novel abyone ? I'm sooo happy♡♡♡
Enjoy (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡