Kang Seo-Eun, a renowned and gifted ballet choreographer, finds herself compelled to tackle the task...
- Author: 임리나
- Genres: Webtoons / Oneshot / Shoujo / Anthology / Reincarnation / Romance / Supernatural Webtoons Oneshot Anthology Webtoons Reincarnation Romance Supernatural
I go- i more passion more passion more energy more energy
Short story by Yamada Kintetsu, author of Ase to Sekken (Sweat and Soap), featured in an anthology o...
- Author: yamada kintetsu
- Genres: One shot / Slice of Life
I appreciate the translation but is this direct translation from google translate? my broken english hurt trying to understand this
I would slap my man if he touch my boob during cramps. It hurt so bad
A collection of 4 short stories about the purity of different kinds of love !- High school festival,...
- Author:
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Sci-fi / Shoujo / Slice Of Life
Can someone teach me how to add the photo with the link in the album. Does it need to save and download the photo first ?
Na Seung Woo is toxically handsome but mfs is so annoying and such an asshole.
But but…………… contain spoiler
Beom Jim comes to the rescue and he calm her by doing the deed ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
A oneshot by Kurachi Yone, who also made Mikansei demo koi ga ii....
- Author: Kurachi Yone
- Genres: Comedy / Romance
Let the singing end here. I’m traumatized by lady baby plot
The taste is top-notch. The customer service is terrible. Yet its so charming, just like a maneki-ne...
- Author: Ishida yorozu
- Genres: Oneshot / Shoujo / Comedy / Cooking Oneshot Comedy Cooking
A romantic story between an employee at a stationary shop with a delivery man!...
- Author: Mae fukazu
- Genres: Oneshot / Shoujo / Comedy / Romance / Slice of Life Oneshot Comedy Romance Slice of Life