am I the only on who wishes that when the protagonist says she my friend she was saying it like NO back the fuck off this is mine she going to be my GF not yours and when arwmin said what he said he ment Bish plzzz she mine idk care if where buddies ( I know am wrong based on spoilers I just think it would be funny that the sidekick becomes mc and mc becomes one of the “fishes”)

Ok why are all of you blaming the omega yes he done some fucked up shit but so did the alpha they are both in the wrong first the alpha forced him to have a child he didn't even want at first the omega was smart and didn't want to bring a child into that kind of situation knowing what he has gone through not knowing if he wa going to be able to get over it
But he had the baby any ways because the alpha said he will take care of it. Then after coming back the omega knows he loves his child but leaves because he feels the child is going to be embarrassed to be related to him like his father said he was. Then decides to sleep with someone else because he believes that all he can do because his father said that all he can do. Yes I get what some of you are saying he could have but it all behind and move on but not everyone is strong enough to do that it not something he could easily do if you where in that situation you would understand so stop blaming everything on the omega because you cant learn the details the author is obviously laying out and only for focusing one the big events. It is know one to blame not alpha an NOT THE OMEGA.

Ok why are all of you blaming the omega yes he done some fucked up shit but so did the alpha they are both in the wrong first the alpha forced him to have a child he didn't even want at first the omega was smart and didn't want to bring a child into that kind of situation knowing what he has gone through not knowing if he wa going to be able to get over it
But he had the baby any ways because the alpha said he will take care of it. Then after coming back the omega knows he loves his child but leaves because he feels the child is going to be embarrassed to be related to him like his father said he was. Then decides to sleep with someone else because he believes that all he can do because his father said that all he can do. Yes I get what some of you are saying he could have but it all behind and move on but not everyone is strong enough to do that it not something he could easily do if you where in that situation you would understand so stop blaming everything on the omega because you cant learn the details the author is obviously laying out and only for focusing one the big events. It is know one to blame not alpha an NOT THE OMEGA.
Ok here me out I think the red head boy is annoying BUT I want him to have a happy ending he had to deal with so much during his childhood just like estella. I actually hope he and her become good friends am probably the only one that thinks this but I still hope it happens.
He's pretty annoying cuz he thinks Estella is evil and bewitching everyone but yea his story is pretty sad too hope he becomes happy and friends with Estella eventually
Can't a person have opinions? I mean I understand where you're coming from, but he only reacts according to what he knows. He thought that Estrella was a demon because she died in his memory. So it's only natural that he thinks that way :/ Anyway, the truth will soon be seen.
Oh yea I'm not pushing my opinions onto other people I'm just saying that I'm pretty upset about it lol