Do it, best for the kid and the couple. Or else its gonna end up like itoshi, “shouldve aborted you, we werent prepared” honestly i am a strong believer of dont have kids if you arent mentally, physically or financially able to support that child till adulthood. Ik the bar is super high but damnnit i dont wanna give my kinds mental illnesses from like childhood trauma and that shit sticks forever

I really doubt they’re gonna do that cause of itoshi’s trauma from his parents saying they wanted to abort him. I feel like the best scenario in this situation is putting the hold up for adoption or getting the parents to take care of the child but i think the author might not go in either of those directions

I shoudnt laugh but just this whole situation about this muscle head using his noggin the granny talking to him like a quest-giving-npc kim dans only moment in this chapter is sleep walking then getting lugged around like a luggage into his room full of soju bottles. Idk idk why im laughing so much fuxk im tired
Letsgoooo for bratty bottomss