I would have given it 5 stars if gayoon & soha kissed. It would have been a good feature at the end. There abviously together at the end and it would have just made everything 1000x better and make there relationship alot cuter, and it would also kinda help make up for some of the stuff soha did to gayoon.
They don’t specify that Soha and Gayoon are together at the end they just say that they’re on good terms. But I totally agree with you on the kiss scene!
I would have given it 5 stars if gayoon & soha kissed. It would have been a good feature at the end. There abviously together at the end and it would have just made everything 1000x better and make there relationship alot cuter, and it would also kinda help make up for some of the stuff soha did to gayoon.
They don’t specify that Soha and Gayoon are together at the end they just say that they’re on good terms. But I totally agree with you on the kiss scene!