non February 15, 2020 6:00 am

Man I really want to see Asaichi bottom in a healthy, non traumatic way. One day.... one day.

non February 9, 2020 5:05 pm

Oh damn! No wonder this is so good. I just realized who the author was

    my-chan February 13, 2020 11:38 am

    True story

    Some authors are just genius and all their works are great

non February 9, 2020 5:09 am

... I kind of don't know who the audience is supposed to be. Straight men? But then why start her off as a guy. Straight women? But most comments I've read is rooting for her to change back. And I can't see this being targeted to any LGBTQ soooo ....?

    TaigaB February 9, 2020 6:25 am

    I think straight woman tbh or maybe bi or pan peeps

    Minatu February 9, 2020 7:14 am

    ....transwomen/chasers lmao, forced feminization is a big fetish

    non February 9, 2020 5:00 pm
    I think straight woman tbh or maybe bi or pan peeps TaigaB

    I think the girl(guy) seems too flaky for women to relate to, but who knows

    non February 9, 2020 5:01 pm
    ....transwomen/chasers lmao, forced feminization is a big fetish Minatu

    Interesting. Didn't think of that

non February 9, 2020 4:24 am

goddammit Amami is just adorable

but I feel like Hacchi is playing him like a fiddle

non December 28, 2019 10:06 pm

Out of curiosity, because I'm a ninny nitpicker, how many people here think that the quality of the story has dropped? I don't feel it as gripping as it was before, but I'm wondering if my interests have shifted. Like if you think its dropped and dislike if you think the story is great.

    gros batard December 28, 2019 10:14 pm

    yes sadly and same with the anime but my interests change rapidly so i’m not surprised lol but good for anyone who still loves the anime and manga :)

    Iamsandy1144 December 28, 2019 11:04 pm

    I’ll have to agree with you. Where the anime is right now - the Eri rescue arc - it’s the best arc in my opinion but I’m just not that hyped up for it because of how the quality of the story has dropped in the manga now.

    non December 29, 2019 10:20 am
    I’ll have to agree with you. Where the anime is right now - the Eri rescue arc - it’s the best arc in my opinion but I’m just not that hyped up for it because of how the quality of the story has dropped i... Iamsandy1144

    Glad I'm not the only one. The show still seems to still get a lot of praise, but I was left disappointed.Likewise I think the Eri arc was the best one, but it really didn't hold the gravity that the manga had. The newest chapters have left me kind of cold too :/

    Nomansland707 January 1, 2020 10:33 pm
    I’ll have to agree with you. Where the anime is right now - the Eri rescue arc - it’s the best arc in my opinion but I’m just not that hyped up for it because of how the quality of the story has dropped i... Iamsandy1144

    I don't understand how the quality dropped and I just binjed it from the part where mirio faught overhaul

    Nomansland707 January 1, 2020 10:34 pm
    I’ll have to agree with you. Where the anime is right now - the Eri rescue arc - it’s the best arc in my opinion but I’m just not that hyped up for it because of how the quality of the story has dropped i... Iamsandy1144

    I don't understand how the quality dropped and I just binjed it from the part where mirio faught overhaul and just caught up today

    Iamsandy1144 January 1, 2020 10:57 pm
    I don't understand how the quality dropped and I just binjed it from the part where mirio faught overhaul and just caught up today Nomansland707

    Just my opinion but I feel like the author is adding plot points that just dont make sense. Like Aizawa having this high school friend that’s randomly Kirogiri (spelling) and the whole thing with Natsu getting kidnapped seemed random and only lasted 2 chapters. The whole league of villains arc seemed pointless too. All of these points will probably make sense in the future as the manga progresses but right now I just don’t see how all of these fit into Midoriya wielding One For All. I hope I end up with egg on my face as all of these tie together but these are just examples of how I feel the story is not as good as it used to be but we still have a long way to go.

    non January 2, 2020 7:07 am
    Just my opinion but I feel like the author is adding plot points that just dont make sense. Like Aizawa having this high school friend that’s randomly Kirogiri (spelling) and the whole thing with Natsu gettin... Iamsandy1144

    You and me both.

    non January 2, 2020 7:20 am
    I don't understand how the quality dropped and I just binjed it from the part where mirio faught overhaul and just caught up today Nomansland707

    Mmm a couple of things, though these are opinions. Some things that I really like about My hero was the structured power ceiling and the love and attention the characters got. 'Side' characters never felt like side characters, because they all had their place to grow. Ever since the cultural festival, I feel like a lot of class 1 has been reduced to one liners and the author is more focused on the popular characters.

    The author's initial idea of keeping Izuku quirkless was incredible, but I like how he had to learn and grow with a quirk that equalize him as superman. Now it looks like he has 7 and potentially his own, and I think it took away some of the charm of a quirk being personal.

    As well, the motives from Shigeraki seem very stale and the power up for all the villains in the same arc felt a little DBZ, which My Hero stood as independent from typical shonen pitfalls. I initially liked the strategies and intelligence used with quirks, but now the quirks are the equivalent of who can wipe out cities the fastest.

    I was initially impressed with Hori's commentary of the Shounen genre and the dichotomy of a superhero society, but I feel like the guy hasn't pulled anything quite as gripping.

    But that's just my take. if there are people still enjoying the story, then I'm happy for them, but I feel like I've lost something that was close to me.

    Iamsandy1144 January 2, 2020 5:50 pm
    Mmm a couple of things, though these are opinions. Some things that I really like about My hero was the structured power ceiling and the love and attention the characters got. 'Side' characters never felt like ... non

    This was very well said, you definitely explained it a lot better than I did. I agree about the main and side characters, it feels as though Hori is adding in all these someone unimportant plot points that he’s forgetting about class 1A and the main story point: Midoriya learning to make One for All his own. Now Im not saying the entire manga and anime has to be about Midoriya, but other plot points should tie into One for All and Midoriya somehow. I feel as if the author has created something so amazing that they’re cracking under pressure to deliver that same amazing story. Don’t get me wrong I will read this manga and watch the anime until it’s finished and enjoy every bit of it I just don’t feel like it has that same spark as when I first started reading. Like you said; lost something that was close.

    non January 2, 2020 10:24 pm
    This was very well said, you definitely explained it a lot better than I did. I agree about the main and side characters, it feels as though Hori is adding in all these someone unimportant plot points that he�... Iamsandy1144

    I definitely like that I'm not feeling alone, and yeah I agree with the author maybe reaching a high point too fast. Happens a lot in shounen.
    I'll join you on the My Hero boat, and we'll see where it'll take us.

    If you haven't already, I really recommend Hunterxhunter. One of the few shounen genres where each arc is fresh and the characters are given a lot of time to grow as humans.

    Pixel January 4, 2020 11:58 am

    I started the serie last month and I need to say its actually gets better and better. Obviously interest can change or it goes into a direction which one is not found of. But as someone who just read it from start to end I can not say that the story is dropping.

    But as someone who reads often ongiong long mangas, sometimes a story seems less amazing because of the breaks in between. at least that happens often to me. so i need to read it from the beginning to end to actually give a serious feedback of a manga otherwise. the break affects my overall understanding/opinion of the serie. But again that probably doesnt apply to everyone, but its an observation i did on myself ^^

    hope you guys still have a nice day and a good start into the new year/decade ^^

    Iamsandy1144 January 4, 2020 2:58 pm
    I started the serie last month and I need to say its actually gets better and better. Obviously interest can change or it goes into a direction which one is not found of. But as someone who just read it from st... Pixel

    You’re definitely right that reading it from start to finish is usually the way to go. I felt the same with Demon Slayer. A few people are saying that that story dropped too but I read the whole thing in about a week up to where it is now and I think it’s just as good, if not better than when it started. I’m glad to read that you’ve still enjoyed this manga and thank you for offering your insight and opinions. I love when people can have a civil conversation with opposing views and not have it turn into a blood bath.

    Pixel January 4, 2020 6:43 pm
    You’re definitely right that reading it from start to finish is usually the way to go. I felt the same with Demon Slayer. A few people are saying that that story dropped too but I read the whole thing in abou... Iamsandy1144

    There is totally no reason to spread hate over different preferences in series/book ect ^^ But unfortunate lots of people have nothing better to do than doing this :/ But yeah it should be possible to talk about different opinion even unpopular opinions (i personally like the eng dub of yuri on ice 1000x more than the japanese one xD).

    and btw i also like the manga demon slayer till now :3 I didnt even knew that people were unsatisfied. I personally just prefered the anime till now but i dont think the story dropped in any way ^^

    Iamsandy1144 January 5, 2020 2:40 am
    There is totally no reason to spread hate over different preferences in series/book ect ^^ But unfortunate lots of people have nothing better to do than doing this :/ But yeah it should be possible to talk abou... Pixel

    I like the english dub of Yuri on Ice too!! Haha and a lot of people are getting mad about all the character deaths in Demon Slayer. But even though it makes me sad, I like that there’s no plot armor and it grips my attention that no one is safe. This got off topic but that’s okay haha

    non January 5, 2020 7:26 am
    I started the serie last month and I need to say its actually gets better and better. Obviously interest can change or it goes into a direction which one is not found of. But as someone who just read it from st... Pixel

    Glad to have your opinion on board! And that's definitely true that people's attention for shows doesn't seem to stretch for too long if there's breaks. I remove my passion for Naruto and how it dropped while I was waiting for all those fillers.

    And same to you! Have a great New Year!

    KeepLookingHoney January 7, 2020 7:17 pm

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I was feeling like it probably was me who had switched interests but nop, I actually still want to know how the things move on but i find this manga inserting always new and useless (I hope they'll be actually useful in the end) stories and characters.
    Probably it's because after i read Demon Slayer manga which has a much faster pace now I'm expecting to see the things go forward with at least half of the speed as DS but I really dunno. The only thing I know for sure is that it's getting harder and harder to keep up with this manga. I'm making sure I don't miss any chapter as soon as it's out cause i don't think I'd catch back up if i let them add up. It's kinda frustrating. I hope the author notices and speeds things a bit cause I don't want to lose interest in one of my fave mangas..

    Iamsandy1144 January 7, 2020 8:47 pm
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I was feeling like it probably was me who had switched interests but nop, I actually still want to know how the things move on but i find this manga inserting always new and u... KeepLookingHoney

    With Demon Slayer even when it was slow moving (like with the rehabilitation arc after they fought in the forrest) there were still important plot points. The conversation Tanjirou and Shinobu have on the roof is actually very important. I’m guessing you read the DS manga so you know how that conversation will come into play later on. I’m hoping the same thing goes for My Hero, that these somewhat un important points become important in the future. Demon Slayer is not that long but I’m glad it’s short because the author came in, did what they needed to do, and now they’re wrapping up. No filler, no unnecessary plot. I think that’s what you mean by fast moving?

    Morohtar January 7, 2020 9:14 pm

    I think the author is trying to push some progress currently, hence why it's not as exciting right now. Usually, with a good author anyway, this'll pass once the progress is done with. Then you usually get a really exciting new arc.
    But I'm just guessing based on my experience from other authors, so I can't say that it'll be exactly that here as well.
    For now I'll wait since this seems all like a 'progress arc' to me, which is always necessary at some point.

    Mero January 8, 2020 1:56 am

    Just like other long shounen manga, some arcs are good, some arcs are not. There's always been parts of this manga that weren't too engaging (specially the parts where there's not a lot of action) and there's parts that are really interesting. When shit gets boring I just let chapters stack up and then read them all. I don't jump ship though because I know there's going to be arcs in the future that are really good.

    The only boi January 8, 2020 5:50 am

    I think the arcs are of similar quality but because they aren't improving in any notable way and so much of the plot feels recycled that we feel the quality has gone down. That's what I think at least

    The only boi January 8, 2020 5:51 am
    Just my opinion but I feel like the author is adding plot points that just dont make sense. Like Aizawa having this high school friend that’s randomly Kirogiri (spelling) and the whole thing with Natsu gettin... Iamsandy1144

    Oh absolutely

    KeepLookingHoney January 8, 2020 4:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! blood bonk

    I know it's the last arc already, but what I mean is, as you can see, the whole story meets an end in something like 250 cap total, so even in slow chapters, still something DOES happen

    Kasumi-chan007 January 9, 2020 2:08 am
    yes sadly and same with the anime but my interests change rapidly so i’m not surprised lol but good for anyone who still loves the anime and manga :) gros batard

    Same, I wasn't even happy with the third season of the anime and stopped fourth on its third episode even though it's from one of my favorite parts of the manga u.u
    It happens alot especially when things are getting longer but here in BNHA, things are getting..... More complicated tbh

    KeepLookingHoney January 9, 2020 9:45 am
    With Demon Slayer even when it was slow moving (like with the rehabilitation arc after they fought in the forrest) there were still important plot points. The conversation Tanjirou and Shinobu have on the roof ... Iamsandy1144

    Yep, that's exactly what I mean.
    There's no waste of time, everything has a fast pace and it doesn't give you the actual time to say "oh, this arc is getting boring".
    There wasn't a single chapter where I found myself stuck because the content was so slow and insignificant that I had to skip it over.

    I should admit DS is probably even /too/ fast, cause some things would have probably turned more "realistic" with a few more time, but I strongly prefer this kind of pace instead of something that drags itself endlessly reaching nowhere in the span of several chapters.
    I know all those slow arcs will look better once animated, because of the shorter amount of screen time, but still, reading them is really heavy on me.
    As I said, I can't even let the chapters stack up, because I know once they'll be too many, I won't be able to keep up anymore.
    Dunno. I hope it speeds up somehow or that the good and meaningful contents are gonna come soon cause it's getting harder and harder to stay updated, and it's also making me lose interest in something I used to love deeply.

    Last but not least, I strongly hope that Bakugou gets a drastic change in his behavior cause I can't stand him anymore, and he used to be my fave character. But he's not moving, he's always the same yelling jerk and honestly I just wanna beat him up now.
    It looked like he made some improvement but it was just a sparkle in the night and no real change. Meh, I really hope Horikoshi knows what he's doing and will not disappoint us..

    non January 9, 2020 3:28 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! blood bonk

    lol you're back! I missed you!

    non January 9, 2020 3:32 pm
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I was feeling like it probably was me who had switched interests but nop, I actually still want to know how the things move on but i find this manga inserting always new and u... KeepLookingHoney

    Sometimes taking a break is okay. I remembered I drop Attack on Titan for bit and when I came back to it, there was like 20 new chapters. Th author really got the ball rolling from there.

    ZaeSaenOwO January 10, 2020 3:54 am

    May I ask, aight
    So, you get bored with Character development? It's basically what we've got since the end of Eri Rescue Arc; Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Shinsou, Deku's OFA, Villain's backstory, etc.

    Morohtar January 11, 2020 2:18 am
    May I ask, aightSo, you get bored with Character development? It's basically what we've got since the end of Eri Rescue Arc; Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Shinsou, Deku's OFA, Villain's backstory, etc. ZaeSaenOwO

    Well, sadly we live in times in which people don't appreciate development and instead only want constant action and maybe 'surprise level-ups', like Bleach had most of the time.
    Pacing is also a foreign word to most people nowadays and people often just say 'the author wants to prolong the story/waste time so they can get more money selling their work'.
    It's sad if you view it from that point, really. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    non January 11, 2020 4:43 am
    May I ask, aightSo, you get bored with Character development? It's basically what we've got since the end of Eri Rescue Arc; Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Shinsou, Deku's OFA, Villain's backstory, etc. ZaeSaenOwO

    Ask and thou shall receive:
    I live for character development (if this is directed at me), and I would also like to stress how a story gets character development is important.

    non January 11, 2020 4:53 am
    Well, sadly we live in times in which people don't appreciate development and instead only want constant action and maybe 'surprise level-ups', like Bleach had most of the time.Pacing is also a foreign word to ... Morohtar

    Eee I hate surprise level ups.... I feel like that's exactly what Horikoshi did with his villains though.
    And bruh, if you want pacing, I can name some excellent anime that goes at a snails pace, but the characters, atmosphere, and story drive the thing home. I just have not been entirely pleased with BNHA's pacing or development (as a single person's opinion in a sea of millions who adore his work). I more or less asked this to see if others shared my feelings, so I'm 100% grateful for your honesty because that was the point of my question.
    But! I would like to say that people who enjoy fast pace things and power ups are completely valid in what they like too.

    Morohtar January 11, 2020 12:17 pm
    Eee I hate surprise level ups.... I feel like that's exactly what Horikoshi did with his villains though. And bruh, if you want pacing, I can name some excellent anime that goes at a snails pace, but the chara... non

    Hmm, I think the level ups are somewhat 'earned' or worked for, not as much as they could be tho, that's true. But maybe that's because they (as far as we saw anyway) never really put work or effort into getting the skills they currently have. Shigaraki and co seem to be naturally talented, so they come across as 'does not like to train' kinda people. In my eyes anyway.
    I DO very much appreciate suggestions tho, so feel free to give some! <3
    I didn't mean my comment to be directed at you personally by the way, it's something I have noticed in general with other manga/anime and something people that commented on BNHA have also made clear, some more some less. It wasn't meant as an attack either, hopefully it didn't come across that way. Didn't mean it like that. >_<

    I personally love fast pacing too, especially in stories like these. That's the blood and soul of shounen genre for me. Tho I guess we can never get around the occassional slow arcs. Especially with our heros and villains having to get stronger so the story progesses to a huge stage (which I asume will be: Shigaraki turns into a thread similar to his master and Deku & co need to be on All Might's & co's level to battle him in a final arc). It would be nice to have a bit more 'silent' pages tho, I'm not that much of a fan of tons of talking if you could just show it through multiple panels of art, but I know authors rarely do that. Which ends up in people getting bored, likely for good reasons (it's not that I wouldn't understand that it's not as exciting as previous arcs, I'm probably just too used to things slowing down after lots of action and I'm quick to just accept that since it's a cliche move in writing, in a way).

    non January 11, 2020 3:42 pm
    Hmm, I think the level ups are somewhat 'earned' or worked for, not as much as they could be tho, that's true. But maybe that's because they (as far as we saw anyway) never really put work or effort into gettin... Morohtar

    "It wasn't meant as an attack either, hopefully it didn't come across that way. Didn't mean it like that. >_<" Nah I didn't see it as an attack Just because I see the manga headed in a way that I don't like, doesn't mean its suddenly bad.

    I think my disappointment comes from who are the other characters that are progressing the character development. So looking at some of (in my opinion) the better arcs we have Stain, LoV in the Kamino arc, and Chisaki who are great characters that helped push the development of our main characters. Ever since Eri's arc, we've had Gentle, the bondage guy after Endeavour, and the liberation army. To me these were very stale characters that forced development. If a story is going to have a villain, I enjoy a story where I kind of root for both sides (avatar is a perfect example). I haven't really cared much for the characters Hori has recently introduced, but I am excited to see a reunion with the LoV and our main cast.

    For recommendations, I have lots! Soul Eater and Hunterxhunter are great shounen material, hunter I still think as the shining king of that genre.
    Black Lagoon and Baccano are great character studies, though Black Lagoon doesn't have much plot, it's just, really, really fun (if you watch the anime, do watch the dub for that.
    If you really don't mind slower paced shows, Eureka 7 and Monster. Monster is a show unlike any other with the absolute best villain in any book, show, movie (in my opinion) but Monster also had the slowest pacing of a show I've ever encountered.

    Thanks for the input and hope your day goes well!

non December 7, 2019 6:20 pm

Ochako was super pretty in this.

non December 6, 2019 4:15 am

Yessss. Communicateeee. Gooood.
I actually got sweaty palms when I thought this was going to be a cliched misunderstanding. Thank god the alpha had some sense to be honest.

    KitKat December 6, 2019 4:48 am

    Ugh, what a mood. I just want Doyun to now admit his feelings out loud because it hasn't been said yet and I'm worried some miscommunication will happen.

    non December 6, 2019 4:51 am
    Ugh, what a mood. I just want Doyun to now admit his feelings out loud because it hasn't been said yet and I'm worried some miscommunication will happen. KitKat

    Ugh true. The author's last story was covered in melodrama cliches. So far they've been subverting my expectations by being honest of all things, but yeah I'm worried about that too.

    KitKat December 6, 2019 4:56 am
    Ugh true. The author's last story was covered in melodrama cliches. So far they've been subverting my expectations by being honest of all things, but yeah I'm worried about that too. non

    Oh? I didn't read the prior work because I saw a bunch of reviews talking about how the relationship was toxic and shouldn't have happened and honestly I'm not ready to put myself through that.

    The track record doesn't sound good then, lol.

    non December 6, 2019 5:59 am
    Oh? I didn't read the prior work because I saw a bunch of reviews talking about how the relationship was toxic and shouldn't have happened and honestly I'm not ready to put myself through that.The track record ... KitKat

    I'm hopeful. This is miles away from what the other story was. It really felt like the author wanted forced scenarios and everyone (like everyone) got super rapey for th MC. This story seems a lot more focused on an actual relationship, which is refreshing for an ABO, but we'll see.

    KitKat December 6, 2019 4:32 pm
    I'm hopeful. This is miles away from what the other story was. It really felt like the author wanted forced scenarios and everyone (like everyone) got super rapey for th MC. This story seems a lot more focused ... non

    Ohh. Good thing I didn’t read it then lol. Do you have any other recs for ABO by any chance? Ones that aren’t rapey and all?

    non December 7, 2019 6:30 pm
    Ohh. Good thing I didn’t read it then lol. Do you have any other recs for ABO by any chance? Ones that aren’t rapey and all? KitKat

    Oh man that's hard for ABO. I don't think I can, but there are others that address it better than others. I think most of them have a bit of non con, but I don't know where your boundaries on that are.

    KitKat December 8, 2019 11:19 am
    Oh man that's hard for ABO. I don't think I can, but there are others that address it better than others. I think most of them have a bit of non con, but I don't know where your boundaries on that are. non

    I’d be alright with dub-con heat stuff, but the outright ‘misogyny/rape/blaming the victim’ is stuff that’s too hard to read. And major-asshole alpha. (Also unsure if misogyny is the right word, but y’know, the blatant omegas-are-bullied-and-never-resist stuff.)

    non December 10, 2019 6:02 am

    I gotcha. This is the best list I can think of, though there's probably more now. 'Totsugimasen kara!' was darn cute as well as, 'Megumi and Tsunami'. 'Remnant Jujin omega verse' if you don't mind a literal wolf's face. 'Sore demo suki desu kasahara-san' had a very different kind of omega. Hope that helps! Hit me up if you have any rec as well!

    KitKat December 10, 2019 6:09 am
    I gotcha. This is the best list I can think of, though there's probably more now. 'Totsugimasen kara!' was darn cute as well as, 'Megumi and Tsunami'. 'Remnant Jujin omega verse' if you don't mind a literal wol... non

    Omg I’ve read all of them haha! Thanks for the suggestions though! Personally my all time favourite omegaverse is Tadaima, Okaeri simply because it’s sweet, non-dramatic, good communication! As for a rev, Yukyu Omega seemed interesting as a concept lmao and Keeper of the Pearl looks good so far too!

non November 30, 2019 7:53 am

Haha re-reading this again. Out of context, it looks like Endeavour is making that face because of what Bakugou says.
Bakugou: "You smell like an old man!" D:<
Endeavour: D:>

non November 29, 2019 8:11 am

Fingers crossed that we get Bakugou's hero name soon. The internet is literally splitting apart between the war of Kacchan vs Ground Zero.

    blue November 29, 2019 8:32 am

    I really don't think it'll be "Kacchan". Deku's hero name is "Deku" because he wants to give it a new meaning, but there's no reason for Bakugou to go with Kacchan and, if he somehow decided that he wanted to atone for past bullying and use it as a reminder, then he would've told Midoriya.

    As for Ground Zero... I really like that name, but I'm not so sure it'll be that. I can see him trying to give tribute to All Might though, so maybe he's the first person he wants to tell after all.

    (Please don't let it be All Bomb or something dumb like that-)

    non November 29, 2019 3:38 pm
    I really don't think it'll be "Kacchan". Deku's hero name is "Deku" because he wants to give it a new meaning, but there's no reason for Bakugou to go with Kacchan and, if he somehow decided that he wanted to a... blue

    haha I agree, Kacchan would not be great. Ground Zero is promising because Hori did have that name for Bakugou in his old drafts.

    I think Hori is playing with us. I think the first person Bakugou wants to tell will actually by Best Jeanist and he's MIA. So we might have to wait a while...

non November 26, 2019 2:42 am

I'm surprisingly really okay with them not getting together. Harada is an exceptional writer. I think showing the readers that not every stalker/abusive love story has to end up with the uke having some kind of Stockholm syndrome is super refreshing. Honestly I think it would be hilarious if the two kept a warped friendship, but Sho never feels inclined to dating.

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