Kiwwi's experience ( All 1 )

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Ugh i cant get this out of my head i feel bad but also wanna laugh at myself like my sister did earlier but wtvr imma just share what happened and move on (ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ) I went out earlier with fam to eat at mcdonalds and then i had to go pee later on. There were 2 toilets (1 for pwd and other is normal) in the ladies' washroom. The pwd toilet......   3 reply
23 days

Kiwwi's answer ( All 64 )

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Reading here and also responding to forums here. Honestly, my first year of being a mom left me pretty isolated online and irl like literally devoid of conversation bcos i was doing mom duties 24/7 and too tired to talk to ppl. Relatives rarely visited and my husband was tired from work and i received little help and support which worsened my post ......   reply
6 hours
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My younger sis wanted me to read the same stuff she read and fangirl with her and told me to go here back in 2020 or 2021. And i did. But we both didn't have accounts. Turns out she found out about this site from our gay older brother who was dumbfounded that we didnt bother making accounts and told us to make accs for easier use. And so we did an......   reply
7 hours
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Yes, me. Like my husband was telling me about a trivia question that went around him and his co-workers and he was the only one to answer correctly and he was weirded out how little most of his co-workers know about GK. Anyway our convo went like this: Him: The question was, "What's the longest body of water in Africa?", and I answered the Nile Ri......   1 reply
12 hours
FOOD: Salmon Sashimi in lemon n soy sauce is bliss NON ALCOHOLIC DRINK: young coconut milk shake ALCOHOLIC DRINK: i dont drink im a saint COLOR: Salmon (the color ofc) SEASON: spring WEATHER: sunny POKEMON TYPE: water FLAVOR: chocolate chip cookie [icecream] SCENT: lavender MOVIE: We're the Millers (i love comedy n i love them) SONG: Sweet Heat Lig......   reply
14 hours
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The scenario that came to mind is my husband being transferred into another body who's a husband/wife to different spouse and a father/mother to a different family and thats just horrible. I have a strong code regarding parents doing their job as parents and I personally wudnt break another family just to have my husband back (but my daughter needs......   reply
15 hours

Kiwwi's question ( All 10 )

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So i was outside today and i saw some1 i knew from my early highschool days. He was a lowkey-bully of mine and by that I mean he was a petty vengeful ex who childishly befriended and gathered my other exes (they were all from different classes) to hang out multiple times in my classroom during breaks to make me feel uncomfy. i was going thru a lot at that time n depressed n isolated from my gang cos i was the only one among my friends who made it to special advanced class. So basically it did a lot of psychological stress to the insecure teenage me who felt like a cornered slutshamed laughingstock. But ofc to them they were simply hanging out together plus their other friends in my class. I did try to view it like that at first and ignored them but i started leaving my classroom during breaks when I overheard them actually talking and laughing about me and i wasnt gonna stay for any of that bs.
Anyway I saw him and he probably saw me too but we didn't interact. And i wondered how i should see him as a person now that we r adults and that HS thing was more than a decade ago.
The thing is, the teen mind is drastically different from the adult's and he definitely isnt that petty teen anymore. But how do u ppl see your old then-teen now-adult "enemies"? Do you automatically view them as foul as they were before? Or are they a completely new person now who simply did silly teenage decisions when they were younger?
17 hours
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So my husband n I were talking earlier about our singing styles. We both play instruments and sing and I write my own songs but when i write smthing for the both of us to sing we can just NEVER do it lmao. Its bcos my genre is pop altho my vocals are better suited for broadway musicals since i have a long range for falsetto and not a lot for belting out what most pop songs sound better with. Meanwhile my husband's voice makes him only sound good singing his preferred grungy songs like nirvana and breaking benjamin. Anything else makes him sound awkward lol so hes stuck with that. I havent met anyone else who cud actually sing grunge without being a scream-shouting eargrater lol since most ppl ive met sing whatever mainstream pop song there is

So what genre/s ud be in if u were a singer?
2 days
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4 days
U have a fistful of clay of your color choice. What do you make?
4 days