Kiwwi asked question about question

So i was outside today and i saw some1 i knew from my early highschool days. He was a lowkey-bully of mine and by that I mean he was a petty vengeful ex who childishly befriended and gathered my other exes (they were all from different classes) to hang out multiple times in my classroom during breaks to make me feel uncomfy. i was going thru a lot ......

Kiwwi asked question about question

So my husband n I were talking earlier about our singing styles. We both play instruments and sing and I write my own songs but when i write smthing for the both of us to sing we can just NEVER do it lmao. Its bcos my genre is pop altho my vocals are better suited for broadway musicals since i have a long range for falsetto and not a lot for beltin......

Kiwwi asked question about question

U have a fistful of clay of your color choice. What do you make?

Kiwwi asked question about question

What cringe stuff did ur past self do that present u wud slap ur past self for doing? Not to undermine the ppl posting abt their depression and suicidal thoughts here (u r all entitled to ur own feelings brought by ur experiences), but i wud very much slap 13yr old me for acting suicidal and self-harming for the sake of attention bcos i thought it......

Kiwwi asked question about question

To the ppl who actually dream in their sleep (bcos ik sm of u might respond w "i dont dream" n "i dont even sleep" lol), do u have recurring things/ppl/events u keep dreaming about? Mine is that once or thrice a week for 2 yrs straight now i keep dreaming about my time in highschool and me n my highschool ex (either abt us getting back together or......

Kiwwi followed question about question

i want something like cross play love or just something with cross dressing and a romance aspect to it as for gender benders something like kampfer plot wise where the nigga be like "omg i'm a girl?!" none of that weird fujo turning into a nigga and being gay shit

7 days
Kiwwi asked question about question

Genie will grant u only 1 wish and u cannot blatantly ask for more wishes (but u can trick the genie if u want) If ur content with 1 wish, what is it? If ur gonna trick the genie for more wishes, how will u do it? And what wud your top 5 wishes be?

Kiwwi like the answer
I want this subspace thing where I can literally just disappear from civilization whenever I want and live in an isolated space inside my mind with no time limits SIGHHH
Kiwwi shared experience about question
Ugh i cant get this out of my head i feel bad but also wanna laugh at myself like my sister did earlier but wtvr imma just share what happened and move on (ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ) I went out earlier with fam to eat at mcdonalds and then i had to go pee later on. There were 2 toilets (1 for pwd and other is normal) in the ladies' washroom. The pwd toilet......
Kiwwi like the answer
I mostly act out scenarios in my head, read a book (usually classic ones since the words make me sleepy haha), or write. (Writing so far has helped me sleep the fastest because it uses more brain power (wording things out as you think about them)) I suggest you don’t go through the what-ifs because that’s very toxic and can leave a negative im......
Kiwwi like the answer
Lay down and just shut off my brain. Idk how to explain it but that is how it goes. I just try not to think about anything and it doesn't take me more then 5 minutes to fall asleep. If (which happens VERY rarely) I'm unable to sleep still, I cry, get a headache, and then fall asleep. This method takes 1 hour though. There was a time where even 4 to......
Kiwwi like the answer
Dude idk I’m not sleeping tonight I sleeping tomorrow I wait until my eyes burns, sleeping pills or tea never works ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Oh but sleeping with my cat works but that cute little things just pretend to sleep every time and flew away whenever I doze off and leave me even more wide awake
Kiwwi like the answer
i make up stories in my head like my crush finally likes me and confess to me, or sometimes i put some angst in my stories, it’s more fun this way
Kiwwi asked question about question

On nights (days for some) that u rlly need to sleep but cant sleep, what do u do and what do u think abt while lying in bed trying to fall asleep? I just usually daydream abt going back in time to the what-if points of my life until i fall asleep. What about u guys?

Kiwwi like the answer
i have zero shame anymore i'll listen to anything in front of ppl ik lol but i used to be self conscious of listening to a lot of "not real" music like fanmade songs for media, video game ost remixes, the likes. discord by the living tombstone goes crazy tho idgaf anymore
Kiwwi asked question about question

Tell me your guilty pleasure songs/music that your family and/or friends would disown and bash u if they caught u listening and enjoying it Can also be smthing u used to listen to in the past and not anymore Lemme look it up and hear why u liked it ⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ⁠♬

Kiwwi followed thing

1867 people did   /   1365 want to do

29 days
Kiwwi like the answer
A story of two ppl Who I call A and B Who lives in different worlds. Died , got isekai into each other body’s 20 days before they die. With the memory of how they die and a diary to write that they used to write to each other Their goal to stop the body they’re in for dying . If one fails. The entire process, will start again. To either one......