DaniD December 6, 2020 2:37 pm

I hope Eren succeeds. I don't care what happens to everyone else. I hope he does what needs to be done, otherwise the cycle will continue.

    vit18 December 6, 2020 2:43 pm


    DaniD December 7, 2020 1:47 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! uwu

    You people and your fairy tale endings, it's like you don't understand the manga at all.

    DaniD December 7, 2020 1:47 am
    ?? vit18


    vit18 December 7, 2020 2:05 am
    ?? DaniD

    You mean Eren killing innocent people is okay? Right okay very much okay

    DaniD December 7, 2020 2:43 am
    You mean Eren killing innocent people is okay? Right okay very much okay vit18

    What's innocent about them?

    vit18 December 7, 2020 3:17 am
    What's innocent about them? DaniD

    Innocent kids that doesnt know shits and doesnt even know whats going on, killing them is very much okay right!

    DaniD December 7, 2020 3:25 am
    Innocent kids that doesnt know shits and doesnt even know whats going on, killing them is very much okay right! vit18

    It's actually pretty funny that you're getting hot and bothered about a fictional story.

    vit18 December 7, 2020 3:26 am
    It's actually pretty funny that you're getting hot and bothered about a fictional story. DaniD


    DaniD December 7, 2020 11:07 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! uwu

    Yeah right. You're the one taking it seriously. Now you're backtracking to not look like a fool xD

    BananaFish December 7, 2020 3:07 pm
    Yeah right. You're the one taking it seriously. Now you're backtracking to not look like a fool xD DaniD

    You're the one who's making a fool of themselves.

    DaniD December 7, 2020 6:20 pm
    You're the one who's making a fool of themselves. BananaFish

    Welcome clown. I see you wish to be a part of this fool's fest.

    mondobutter December 7, 2020 11:21 pm
    It's actually pretty funny that you're getting hot and bothered about a fictional story. DaniD

    lmaoo did you actually try to distract them from the discussion by saying 'they're taking it too seriously' cause you didn't have any arguments left?

    DaniD December 8, 2020 1:51 am
    lmaoo did you actually try to distract them from the discussion by saying 'they're taking it too seriously' cause you didn't have any arguments left? mondobutter

    What argument? Telling me that killing innocent people is not an argument. Who cares if Eren kills "innocent" people. Sacrifices have to be made in real life and the fiction world. Human lives mean nothing to me, in fiction and reality. But right now, those are fictional characters so what's the big fuss about. People seem to be unable to separate the two. Just like you apparently.

    Baekhyunnie December 8, 2020 5:48 am
    What argument? Telling me that killing innocent people is not an argument. Who cares if Eren kills "innocent" people. Sacrifices have to be made in real life and the fiction world. Human lives mean nothing to m... DaniD

    Wowwwww edgy much? “Human lives mean nothing to me” LMAO ANYWAYS. People who support Eren are fucking crazy, including you. There’s no excuse for mass genocide, no matter the cause. Eren’s plan is to kill everyone outside of Paradis, including people/nations that probably have absolutely nothing to do with this Marleyan vs Eldian bullshit. Like, that’s just not right. Put urself in the shoes of the other side, how would you feel if your nation was gonna get killed because some people in another nation didn’t like the nation that was tryna kill everyone? It would suck ass right? That’s exactly why mass genocide is a big no no lolololol stopping eren now would be the right choice, especially since the Marleyans are witnessing the Eldian “devils” try and save their lives.

    DaniD December 8, 2020 9:28 am
    Wowwwww edgy much? “Human lives mean nothing to me” LMAO ANYWAYS. People who support Eren are fucking crazy, including you. There’s no excuse for mass genocide, no matter the cause. Eren’s plan is to ki... Baekhyunnie

    It's just like real wars that happen in the real world. Does anyone say anything then? Everyone believes they are the right ones. When the tables have turned now it's a problem. Eren wants to start all over. His Attack Titan can see the future. I'm pretty sure Eren saw the outcome of him not activating the rumbling and saw that there was no hope of these people ever stopping. Also, it was said that Paradis has valuable resources so I doubt other nations were ignorant to the fact that they existed and most definitely would want to invade because of that. He gave them chances but they refused so he had no choice. Get rid of evil and start again.

    BananaFish December 11, 2020 12:03 pm
    Welcome clown. I see you wish to be a part of this fool's fest. DaniD

    You're just straight up pathetic.

    DaniD December 11, 2020 12:17 pm
    You're just straight up pathetic. BananaFish

    Are you still on this? My gosh. Give it a damn rest and stop griping like a damn baby.

    BananaFish December 11, 2020 3:45 pm

    You seem to have no self reflection, calling me a baby, while it's you who is acting like one and saying I should give it a rest, while you keeps replying to everyone. Also, if you're going to act like this, then don't be surprised when others have something to say in return. Seems more like you just want to get away with your behavior without anyone interfering.

    I don't know how many people have to reply to this comment for you to start questioning your own behavior and way of thinking instead of acting like everyone else is just stupid or below you. It's obvious you're still a kid and think you know it all. For the record, I'm not saying that anyone here is right or wrong, just that it is always good to hear different opinions. If you think you're doing yourself a favor acting like this, then you're wrong.

    DaniD December 11, 2020 4:20 pm
    You seem to have no self reflection, calling me a baby, while it's you who is acting like one and saying I should give it a rest, while you keeps replying to everyone. Also, if you're going to act like this, th... BananaFish

    Kid? Right okay. I'm not for the record. Not that that is any of your business. Self reflection? You're joking? People are going to have different views but apparently everyone who commented on my post doesn't realise that. My views may not be your views but I'm allowed to post them. To be fair, it's everyone else that had a problem. If you don't like my comment then ignore it. Don't try to talk down to someone as if you know what's best. It's like coming at someone who doesn't support LGBTQ and they have their rights to not support but then other people come at them for their views. I can say what I want. Grow up. You sound like the kid. And for the record, you are saying who is right and wrong. Not everyone's going to have the same views.

    BananaFish December 12, 2020 10:31 pm
    Kid? Right okay. I'm not for the record. Not that that is any of your business. Self reflection? You're joking? People are going to have different views but apparently everyone who commented on my post doesn't ... DaniD

    If you aren't a kid, then stop acting like one. And apparently, neither do you. Yes, you are allowed to post them and so is everyone else. If I cared about your views on AOT, I would have commented on that from the start. My point is, I don't care about your views on AOT at all, I simply commented here because I saw YOU talking down to people:

    "You people and your fairy tale endings, it's like you don't understand the manga at all."

    "Yeah right. You're the one taking it seriously. Now you're backtracking to not look like a fool xD"

    DaniD December 13, 2020 4:40 am
    If you aren't a kid, then stop acting like one. And apparently, neither do you. Yes, you are allowed to post them and so is everyone else. If I cared about your views on AOT, I would have commented on that from... BananaFish

    You DO care apparently because you did comment. I'm pretty sure there are loads of other people who disagree with my post but didn't really care enough and just ignore it and carried on with their day. You seem personally hurt by my comments for whatever reason. So what if I 'talk down' to people? What does that have to do with you? Are you their hero or something? Those people didn't even make a big deal but you come in here and blow up the whole thing. Those things I said aren't even remotely bad. Why has the internet become so sensitive? I told myself I wasn't going to bother responding to you but I still did. Look, I want to get this over with alright? I'm sorry I offended you with the way I spoke and what I said. I just posted my opinion without thought. This is the last time I respond. I hope you accept my apology, if you don't, that's your choice and I respect that.

    BananaFish December 13, 2020 5:59 am
    You DO care apparently because you did comment. I'm pretty sure there are loads of other people who disagree with my post but didn't really care enough and just ignore it and carried on with their day. You seem... DaniD

    "You DO care apparently because you did comment."

    Is reading really that hard? Again, if I cared about your views on AOT, I would have commented on that from the start. My point is, I don't care about your views on AOT at all, I simply commented here because I saw you talking down to people.

    "I'm pretty sure there are loads of other people who disagree with my post but didn't really care enough and just ignore it and carried on with their day. So what if I 'talk down' to people? What does that have to do with you? Are you their hero or something? Those people didn't even make a big deal but you come in here and blow up the whole thing. Why has the internet become so sensitive?"

    Why does it matter who you are talking to? So others shouldn't say anything just because you weren't talking to them? Or they have to be some kind of hero? No, you did this to yourself. Again, just comes off as you wanting to post whatever you want but not wanting other people to react to it. Welcome to the internet. If you don't want others to react to whatever you're saying, then don't comment. I think it's funny how you just say whatever you want to whoever you want but as soon as someone else does the same you have a problem with it and act like they are blowing everything up. Seems like you're the sensitive one.

    "You seem personally hurt by my comments for whatever reason. I'm sorry I offended you with the way I spoke and what I said."

    You really seem to obsess over the idea that I'm personally hurt by you and all I have to say to that is that you're giving yourself way too much credit.

    "I hope you accept my apology, if you don't, that's your choice and I respect that."

    I don't need an apology, I don't care for it. I just find it amusing when people can dish it out but can't take it.

    DaniD December 13, 2020 12:56 pm
    "You DO care apparently because you did comment."Is reading really that hard? Again, if I cared about your views on AOT, I would have commented on that from the start. My point is, I don't care about your views... BananaFish

    Wow. You were entertaining the whole way through. You sound like an SJW. Your life must be so difficult. And you did care. You keep saying you didn't but you did. You're trying to act like you're above this and that the only reason you commented was because I hurt people. My comment triggered you more than anything else. You're awfully sensitive. I don't care what you say. And people can say what they want. I don't care. It's just annoying seeing the notification all the time. You can't take it when people actually have different views. It bugs you to hell and back. Well Ms. SJW, you gotta realise the world isn't full of people who think one way. And if you're hot and bothered over comments made to people who have no relation to you, well I suggest you don't read comments at all. You probably have a hard life if people's opinions trigger you so much. You didn't care for my apology so whatever. Have a nice time being triggered by every mean comment ever posted on this site. Oh and if you want to post a short story about what a horrible human being I am, go ahead.

    BananaFish December 14, 2020 12:16 am
    Wow. You were entertaining the whole way through. You sound like an SJW. Your life must be so difficult. And you did care. You keep saying you didn't but you did. You're trying to act like you're above this and... DaniD

    So much for "This is the last time I respond". You really have no reading comprehension skills. Seems like I need to be really specific for you to understand: I never said I don't care about anything, I simply made clear that I don't care about your views on AOT since you thought that's why I responded but that wasn't the reason. My life must be so difficult? I'm sensitive/deeply hurt/bothered? You really want to tell yourself so badly that other people are deeply hurt by you, sensitive etc. not realizing that you're not only sounding desperate but making it clear that you're the one who's deeply hurt/sensitive etc. Just to remind you, since it seems like you forgot, you're the one who said: "Human lives mean nothing to me, in fiction and reality." It's so obvious you are just projecting your own problems onto others, give it a rest. Clearly, you do care, that's why you're still here, even after telling me you won't reply anymore. If you're that annoyed by the notifications (sounds like something someone who's sensitive would say), you should have noticed that you can simply mute them. It is also you who can't take it when people have different views and think only your own views are valid, that's why you felt the need to call the views of others "fairytale endings".

    DaniD December 14, 2020 12:56 am
    So much for "This is the last time I respond". You really have no reading comprehension skills. Seems like I need to be really specific for you to understand: I never said I don't care about anything, I simply ... BananaFish

    I guess I couldn't help responding to you. The reason why I say you do care about my comment is because you read it in the first place and then continued to read the replies. Don't lie. Someone who didn't care wouldn't of even bothered to do that. You're clearly hurt by me, otherwise you wouldn't of responded in the first place. And even if I didn't hurt you, I hurt people you don't even know and that seemed to hurt you. I'm sensitive? You're funny. I'm not the one defending other people in the comments. I just posted my opinion and people replied. You on the other hand, came out of nowhere with no input to my statement but only to defend people. You clearly are the sensitive one here. If other people's feelings matter to you. Projecting my problems you say. That's odd, I don't have any. But if you say so. Since you clearly know everything. Sensitive because of notification? Hahaha that's a funny observation. Don't know how you related those two things. Your brain works funny.

    DaniD December 14, 2020 12:59 am
    So much for "This is the last time I respond". You really have no reading comprehension skills. Seems like I need to be really specific for you to understand: I never said I don't care about anything, I simply ... BananaFish

    As you said, I'm allowed to post my views as well just like everyone else that replied to me...well except you. You're just here cause my comments triggered you. You know why? Cause you're sensitive. No one asked you to defend them so I don't even know why you're so into this.

    BananaFish December 14, 2020 3:19 am
    I guess I couldn't help responding to you. The reason why I say you do care about my comment is because you read it in the first place and then continued to read the replies. Don't lie. Someone who didn't care ... DaniD

    I never said I didn't care about your comment, I said I don't care about your views on AOT. Learn to read, this is just embarrassing. Again, you're projecting your own emotions onto others. Just because your only reason for replying to someone is being hurt, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else. No, you're the one complaining because others replied to a comment you made on the internet for everyone to see. If you're so sensitive and can't even handle other people replying to you then maybe don't comment in the first place. You clearly have problems, if you say stuff like that. No mentally well adjusted person says that and that you believe thinking like this is normal/not a problem only further proves that you indeed have problems. If you are annoyed by something as small as notifications then obviously you are sensitive. You could easily ignore them or as I suggested before, just mute them. I don't understand how that's hard to grasp.

    BananaFish December 14, 2020 3:28 am
    As you said, I'm allowed to post my views as well just like everyone else that replied to me...well except you. You're just here cause my comments triggered you. You know why? Cause you're sensitive. No one ask... DaniD

    Again, you're just projecting, Mrs. human lives mean nothing to me. I don't know who hurt you but you should get off the internet and go get the therapy you need.

    DaniD December 14, 2020 9:20 am
    I never said I didn't care about your comment, I said I don't care about your views on AOT. Learn to read, this is just embarrassing. Again, you're projecting your own emotions onto others. Just because your on... BananaFish

    You never said you didn't care about my comment but you don't care about my views...are you are idiot? You realize how dumb that sounds? That statement contradicts itself. If you cared about my comment then that means you cared about my views. How are you not understanding that? So replying to people's comment under my comment is complaining? Then that's exactly what you're doing. You think I'm not normal because I don't care what happens to people in a fictional world and also in the real world that has no relation to me? Why do you care about a fictional world or people in the real world that has no relation to you? What does caring do? If war broke out in another country for real? Would you caring do anything to stop this war? What's the point of your argument? You're trying to sound smart but at the end of the day you just want attention. Why in the hell are you even commenting on my post? You offered nothing to my comment yet you say you care about my comment but then you say you don't care about my views. Maybe the two brain cells you have remaining is tired.

    DaniD December 14, 2020 9:26 am
    Again, you're just projecting, Mrs. human lives mean nothing to me. I don't know who hurt you but you should get off the internet and go get the therapy you need. BananaFish

    Again, human lives with no relation to me is none of my concern. If you want to play God and care for the world, be my guest. I'm not a fragile human being like yourself kid who gets hurt by comments people made to other people. And don't call me 'Mrs'. Are you out of your mind?

    DaniD December 14, 2020 9:29 am
    Again, you're just projecting, Mrs. human lives mean nothing to me. I don't know who hurt you but you should get off the internet and go get the therapy you need. BananaFish

    And this is the last time I'm responding to this because this is not me having a debate over why I support Eren, this is me arguing with a moron because they're too much of a snowflake who needs their mother to comfort them because they're hurt by my comments.

DaniD June 29, 2020 1:47 pm

Baek Yoon looks like Jungkook O.O that's what I thought the instant I saw him. He looks like Jungkook from the Dope MV.

    Night shade June 29, 2020 1:59 pm

    EXACTLY DUDEヾ(☆▽☆)

    Lisa0202 June 29, 2020 3:38 pm

    same!! i thought i’m the only one who thinks that way ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Night shade June 30, 2020 3:33 am
    same!! i thought i’m the only one who thinks that way ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lisa0202

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Niki June 30, 2020 9:01 am

    SO DID I

DaniD July 8, 2019 10:41 pm

The new guy is pretty good looking. I actually don't mind if he hooks up with the boss.

    Kami July 8, 2019 11:56 pm

    you're wild

DaniD May 7, 2019 1:13 pm

I'm really annoyed at the omega's personality. Stop with the bipolar behaviour it's becoming ridiculous now.

    Nova May 7, 2019 1:39 pm

    I Love it! It's way too early for them to become lovey dovey.

DaniD March 22, 2019 3:53 pm

I just don't like Seth. He's not doing it for me. I really hope Henry chooses Sam.

DaniD March 17, 2019 1:09 pm

Byul's brother is seriously annoying. I don't care that he's there to add drama he really freaking irritates me. His attitude is shitty and you can't ask to go on a date and then say 'even though we're brothers?' That's ridiculous.

    Katrone March 17, 2019 1:15 pm

    right? I wish in like 3 chapters they will get back on the truck... and with that brother hopefully it will be sorted out, like he would find someone else

    ikigai March 17, 2019 1:28 pm

    Yeah he’s got a bad attitude. Keeps guilting his brother

    chic March 17, 2019 3:13 pm

    And he even said that off day thing in front of his brother's boss. Like, he's rotten spoiled and has no manners whatsoever.

    xx_awila_xx March 17, 2019 3:29 pm

    I did feel pity but if his bro doesn’t liked him that way, he shud move on for his own good

    Neko-chan March 17, 2019 4:14 pm

    he doesn't understand THAT actually THERE IS A PROBLEM, HE IS YOUR BROTHER OKAY
    also stop interrupting our ship

    DaniD March 17, 2019 6:45 pm
    right? I wish in like 3 chapters they will get back on the truck... and with that brother hopefully it will be sorted out, like he would find someone else Katrone

    He really needs to find a love interest that isn't his brother. Yeah hopefully this sorts out soon.

    DaniD March 17, 2019 6:45 pm
    Yeah he’s got a bad attitude. Keeps guilting his brother ikigai

    Exactly! And Byul's too sweet to tell him off.

    DaniD March 17, 2019 6:46 pm
    And he even said that off day thing in front of his brother's boss. Like, he's rotten spoiled and has no manners whatsoever. chic

    No manners at all. He needs to hurry up and get out.

    DaniD March 17, 2019 6:47 pm
    I did feel pity but if his bro doesn’t liked him that way, he shud move on for his own good xx_awila_xx

    I agree I had felt sorry for him at first but then his bratty attitude started showing. He needs to move on.

    DaniD March 17, 2019 6:47 pm
    he doesn't understand THAT actually THERE IS A PROBLEM, HE IS YOUR BROTHER OKAYalso stop interrupting our ship Neko-chan

    Right! Our ship is on hold now because of that misunderstanding and Byul's irritating brother.

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