I recommend waiting for more chapters of the webtoon to come out if you are hesitant to read the novel. The characters are well thought out and the author did a marvelous job at transmitting emotions and making the ML repent as well as letting the MC change himself for the better. A 2nd chance at life doesn’t come to all, but it came to these two, so give the ML a chance to redeem himself. (He certainly did in my eyes, even the MC sees it.)
You are doing a disservice to the story and it’s characters if you simply avoid this story because the ML treated the MC horribly in the past. Do not be tunnel vision, there is more than meets the eye.
Also, when I read the comments about how it’s a good thing that MC commits suicide, I was internally fuming. How is that a good thing!? WTF. The entire situation was so messed up that the outcome led to that tragic ending. If anything, I wish something else happened that didn’t lead to that act. ML loved the MC dearly, and I believe the MC loved the ML as well. Their feelings were there but they didn’t voice them clearly. It was so damn sad what happened, but at the very least, a second chance was given to both of them.
The WEBTOON probably only covered like 10 chapters of the novel I believe. There are 100+ more to go. So don’t rely on the spoilers to affect your reading of this WEBTOON. I posted spoilers before to persuade people to give the story a chance, but I wish I didn’t now. All I see is people shitting on the ML. (He’s guilty of charge, but he is now carrying the chains of guilt for the rest of his life. He will always remember what he did, and he will have to live with it for the remainder of his 2nd life.)