BIG spoilers
So after reading the novel, I’ve come to the conclusion the ML is actually not a bad person. This story is another case of “misunderstandings”. Sigh…MC is a doormat and the ML is too arrogant and prideful in the first timeline.
Here are the Main Points of the storyline:
- MC has these nightmares where he dreams of being “raped” which actually happened in the 1st timeline. This was mainly caused by the ML’s brother.
- MC is someone who longs for familial love, and makes decisions that is questionable and quite frustrating to me
- ML is arrogant and only marries the MC in the first timeline because he wants to absorb the company that belongs to MC’s family
(1st timeline)
- MC and ML actually get married! It was on the news outlets and was announced to the public. ML is a fucking asshole here tho, making demands out of the MC before the wedding.
- MC and ML arrive home after the wedding where they do not consummate the wedding. The ML tells MC, “your room is in the corner over there.” The room is small and not big as what you have expect from a rich conglomerate’s house. MC just smiles and thanks ML
- fast forward, MC is in estrus. ML thinks MC is trying to take advantage of him. By the way, only during estrus will MC actually release pheromones that you can smell. MC is also immune to suppressors. But ML doesn’t know that and forcible gets his workers to give him surpressors. MC suffers a bit for two days. MC gets his estrus every month as he is a dominant omega and has been suffering from this considition for quite awhile
- MC avoids ML like a ghost, until the ML gets fed up and says stop avoiding him
- MC then receives a call from his shitty dad and meets up with him at the company. Shitty dad wants MC to steal an important document that has something to do the system coding that ML has been working on. MC is distraught at betraying ML or betraying the family that took him in
- he steals the document when the ML was away, but gets struck by his heat again, this time ML arrived and they do the snu-snu but no permanent mark
- later on the document gets given to his father
- MC and ML’s relationship gets better after that
- However, when MC was going to work at his company, his fuckin family (his shitty ass father) threw him under the bus and he gets arrested and frame to extorting funds from the company
- MC’s long time secretary begs ML to save him by bailing him out (they reach a deal where the secretary reveals all the secrets of what the shitty dad did in his company)
- ML arrived and picks up the MC
- shit happens, as the new program is launched by MC’s family company. It used the stolen coding that the MC stole.
- ML is furious as MC stands inside his study, distraught, sad, and grieving. (He’s not crying btw, just sad that he got betrayed by the monsters he thought were family)
- ML asks if he has any excuses for the shit he pulled, MC says he done it out of his on volition
- ML asks twice, as if giving him a chance to redeem himself. MC does not come up with excuses. ML storms off saying “you will regret it”.
- Fast forward, MC is on house arrest and then enters estrus
- MC suffers for a bit until the door opens. He thinks it’s the ML, but it’s the fucking ML’s brother. ML’s brother rapes MC, while MC resists. It’s when the brother states, “Wow, this is the gift that your husband prepared for me, thanks, it’s much appreciated.” MC thinks ML abandoned him to this rapist because of this comment by the rapist and eventually gives up retaliating. :(
- afterwards, MC runs away to his safe haven, his old apartment with the help of his secretary
- MC takes sleeping pills and tries to sleep away his worries (or traumatic incident that occurred)
- ML comes and accuses him of killing himself with this many sleeping pills. And asks why the fuck he ran away. And why he smelt of his brother.
- MC calmly asks for divorce and says yeah, he fucked the Ml’s brother (as a fuck you moment kinda thing)
-things escalated and ML forcibly permanently marks MC though (snu-snu and yeah this is part is rape, it’s forced sex) which causes MC to lose consciousness
- MC is again on house arrest and suffers from neglect
- ML never shows up for awhile and MC suffers from not having his mate there for his estrus and heats
- MC also suffers from night terrors and nightmares from the rape incident caused by ML’s brother
- This causes him to sometimes be unable to distinguish if ML was the one who actually raped him. He mixes the two up and this causes him to fear the ML
- MC decides, to go to ML’s study, where he sees the gun mounted on the wall. The gun was a gift from the ML’s grandpa and symbolizes the strength to move forward and finish what has been started (something along those lines.) He decides to “move forward” by shooting himself in the chest
- ML arrives just about when he pulls the trigger, MC sees him one last time and wishes him to live happily, smiling, and then *BANG*
- ML screams saying “NO!”
- MC dies.
okay here are some important things to note:
- the document that MC stole has many errors in the coding, thus later on MC’s company will fall and end up bankrupt anyways, MC did this on purpose
-ML finds out about this because after the permanent mark allows both alpha and omega to share memories as well as feelings and thoughts
- ML finds out about MC’s involvement about the stealing codes and how the coding system failed through this very concept (the permanent mark)
- ML avoids MC because MC was afraid of the ML, he didn’t want to hurt MC anymore because of the feelings transmitted from the permanent mark (but this ends up as neglect in MC’s eyes)
- I believe the ML also imprison MC because he was most likely afraid MC would, well…off himself. Or other reasons as Ml’s controlling ass nature :). It’s probably a mix of the two.
-One last thing I will reiterate, ML is not a “red” flag, his actions; however, are what I considered “red-flag” actions BECAUSE the situation spiraled so out of control that it caused the ML to act the way he did. I hope I’m getting this to you all.
(If I had a significant other from an arrange business marriage whom didn’t confide in me at all and chooses to take the “self-blaming” way out…yeah I can see why the ML acted that way he did.)
ML will show traits he always had in the 2nd/current timeline. He is more calm, assertive, attentive, and caring. But that’s after ML has realized he actually loves the MC so much. It’s just that the MC and ML relationship didn’t start out as ordinary lovers.
Okay that’s all. I’m tired. Will update on current story line which takes up like 75% of the story.