~•orion•~'s experience ( All 0 )

~•orion•~'s answer ( All 1 )

about question
People who use unscented candles like why have one atp, MEN WHO MANSPLAIN EVERYTHING THEY SAY I DONT NEED YOU BREAKING DOWN HOW TO PET MY CAT FOR ME, women who will call out another women for having small boobs/ass because is it so hard to not comment on someone just bcs they don't have a big badonkadonk??   reply
11 01,2024

~•orion•~'s question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did stay up for 24 hours or more

i've never been a sleeper til i was

5 hours
did stay up for 24 hours or more

i overdosed on my meds and cuz of that i couldn't sleep for 3 days

9 hours
did stay up for 24 hours or more

when college decides to fuck you up you do desperate things (i just want to pass my damn exams and get my damn degree)

13 hours