Hota-chan May 29, 2017 5:49 pm

So, you rape a guy and then you say you like him? -____- Another shitty yaoi

    LilyX3 May 29, 2017 8:56 pm

    Welcome to Yaoi world where morals doesn't matter as long as you're a hottie everything you do is fine (=・ω・=)

    Hota-chan May 29, 2017 9:38 pm
    Welcome to Yaoi world where morals doesn't matter as long as you're a hottie everything you do is fine (=・ω・=) LilyX3

    Yeah, I hate that >->

    extraterrestrialsandwich June 1, 2017 4:06 pm
    Yeah, I hate that >-> Hota-chan

    right there with you, bud. Fantasy or not, it's hard to overlook the extreme lack of morlas, or just basic common sense, in a lot of yaois.

    Hota-chan June 2, 2017 3:39 am
    right there with you, bud. Fantasy or not, it's hard to overlook the extreme lack of morlas, or just basic common sense, in a lot of yaois. extraterrestrialsandwich

    I know! They do it like it was nothing, but sometimes it's just too much, even for fantasy. And the thing that I hate the most, is the fact that a LOT of yaois are like that. :/

    Anime rules! July 8, 2017 5:22 pm

    True but this time at least the guy actually likes him. It wasnt like the wasnt gay N didnt like him. U know?

Hota-chan May 23, 2017 7:44 pm

This is hard because this manga is as unfair as live. I think that's why that's the name of the manga. Life is like this, bittersweet, somtimes a piece of sh**. And you have to live in a way you don't regret.

I think is sad the situation for three of them. Yuuki was sincerily in love so he is a victim of the sexism in the world and that japanese way of thinking about "how a man needs to marry and have kids", like there is no other way to go trough life, so he was let outside of the Akira's life. Akira goes with that way of thinking about what is right so I pitty him 'cause in real life, this happen a lot of people. :( And of course, his poor wife was hurt too.

Is cute that they find again in Alaska, 'cause that was the place Yuuki wanted to go with him the day they broke up ;___;

Hota-chan May 19, 2017 3:09 am

I thought this one was a cute little sh** that make me relax, believe again in the real love of the movies. But author just played with my feelings ;A;

Hota-chan May 14, 2017 7:00 am

No matter what a person do to you, you don't have the right to insult them or hit them. Tha'ts why Fumi needed to apologize, it's not okay to hit someone even if that someone is really mean and despicable. And you can't be expecting that in a sexist country like Japan, guys don't say things like "you must never hit girls". I mean, people say that in "modern" countries too, so why are you surprised? IS NOT A GOOD THING, I know, but it upset me that you focus on the less important thing on the story, in the less important thing of this chapter. Seriously?

You can't forget that a comic/manga reveals the cultural aspects from where it comes, so the way the girl acts, even his stepfather, are "normal" in their society. Of course, not aceptable if you think of it, but this is exactly the point that the author is trying to convey. What is the real meaning of a "family"? If you teach to your son that it depends on the blood, we going to raise children like that girl. So probably she doesn't has a person to explain things to her, and she had hear rumors about the family of Fumi and can't understand it. Besides, her parents are divorced, she could be feeling the things from a perspective from where she lost all. Her father, her mother that never goes even if she promised, and now a stranger in his life. She hates the stranger, how can she undertands that Fumi is a strange that is loved?

Theres so much in this manga, please don't simplify it just like that. Sometimes I wonder if people really read, or just look at the pictures -_-

P.D: Sorry for my english~

    Anonymous May 14, 2017 3:49 pm

    I'm sorry...but did YOU actually read this chapter? Fumi was abandoned in a letter box and just because she's got it a little rough and is a bit more privileged she's got the right to spout whatever the hell she wants to? Is he supposed to just take it when he's like what 12?13? Maybe you don't know this but kids are more compulsive by nature and things like "it's never ok to hit someone" aren't always enough. The one being sexist here is you.

    youraedthiswrogn May 14, 2017 4:57 pm

    I have to agree with the anon on this one, whether that is how reality is in society in japan is irrelevant because just because a lot of people think one way doesn't make it right. You can't say "society in that area thinks that way so of course she reacts that way" as an excuse to not criticize the little girl because it is still a very old and upsetting way of thinking. It just means that those areas of society need to develop and gain some perspective. I don't personally think it was bad of him to hit her, i would never hit a girl and would have rather he DIDN'T hit her, but i don't blame him for doing it... She wasn't just making fun of him for being an orphan, she was also saying all his relationships are fake and making fun of his gay brother calling everything weird. Yes, Fumi definitely needed to apologize, but i can't be mad at him for what he did, just the act itself. I'm more irritated with the act of hitting a girl than with this specific scenario because she was more than asking for it...

    I Thot You Was a Toad May 14, 2017 5:22 pm

    This is a beautiful story and, you're right: to focus on what characters "should" and "shouldn't" do is a disservice to the story's authenticity and realism, and the masterful storytelling and art that Kii Kana has made for us. Regardless of how we might wish a character to act, the character is the person he or she is: in this case, an immature and insecure little girl acting out exactly according to her feelings. Little kids are egocentric, so they don't behave like saints. Adults try to muddle through to the best of what their upbringing and culture have shaped from them, and they don't always respond brilliantly and with omniscience either ;-). To get caught up in how these characters don't conform to our ideal expectations is to lose the chance of reading this amazing manga.

Hota-chan April 25, 2017 9:30 pm

This is so cute, i needed something like this<3

Hota-chan April 20, 2017 3:53 pm

When I saw the chapter I was so happy I practically cried. AND THIS MANGA NEVER DISAPPOINTS ME. Is one of the BEST mangas in the yaoi world, REALLY.

What I love the most is the fact that the autor doesn't rush the story, I love the reality in the relationship. They both are straight, so it's normal that they have this fears and feel insecurity. And it's completely normal that Suzuki is the most affected, because he's latino. I'm latina, and I can understand the sexism in the way he was raised. For he, to think in love a man touches pretty deep things because, unfortunatly, they think a lot that if you're gay, you're less of a man. That men can only love women.

So the story is slow, but real and beautiful, and is about the developing of the feelngs or the characters and the acceptance of being capable to love another man even if they are straight.

How can people (readers) think that a straight could accept that love a man in one blink? Pft, you have read a lot of BAD YAOI MANGAS. If you're so upset about the "slow story" go an read your shitty yaoi again, where in the first chapater they love each other already, lol.

P.D: again sorry for my english~

    AnaluMaki April 20, 2017 4:31 pm

    ლ(´ڡ`ლ) totally agree

    Rice Cake April 21, 2017 2:13 am

    Thank you for telling us about your culture in relation to this story! I think it really gave me more insight and understanding on the background of this, and made me appreciate the story more than I already do (and I already love it a whole lot)

    Hota-chan April 21, 2017 3:18 am
    Thank you for telling us about your culture in relation to this story! I think it really gave me more insight and understanding on the background of this, and made me appreciate the story more than I already do... Rice Cake

    That's great! I'm glad that helped you<3 The things are changing here, but there's always latin countries more conservative than other, and basically when they call you gay in this side they're meaning you're not a man. Sad, but true.

    And I love this manga too. I love it too much (≧∀≦)

    supremecurt April 23, 2017 10:42 am

    "How can people (readers) think that a straight could accept that love a man in one blink?"

    Couldn't agree more. The beauty in this story lies with how close to reality these characters act. If he suddenly just wanted to fuck at that moment I'd be totally confused. (not that I wouldn't want to see it tho lmao)

    Clauwie April 29, 2017 2:14 am

    This (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ was my initial reaction after finishing the chapter but after reading this comment I'm thinking true enough though I wish Sense had made the kiss more erotic just like their first one

Hota-chan April 15, 2017 12:45 am

OMG Ryuzaki PLS DON'T DIE AFTER THIS. I love u ;_;

Hota-chan February 25, 2017 10:16 pm

I think the story about the shoe's maker is the only want that be left over. But, avobe that, this were very sweets and touching stories. The art is very nice and the way that the things develop are pretty good.
I really liked this one!

Hota-chan January 27, 2017 8:38 pm

I have to confess I didn't expect this story to be good, of have something to tell, actually. All I read about fans were how the sex scenes were perfect, only that, so I judge this manwha very hard.

I regreted it. This manwha is actually pretty good. And have moments that made me cry. It's beautiful. <3

Sorry for the strange english~

Hota-chan January 25, 2017 10:41 pm


I love this chapter, Suzuki is really into it, I mean, he was totally sad when Sugiki said he doesn't think about it, so he's gonna figure out that is in love with him. Poor baby, his face was like he was so in pain :c

I feel happy but at the same time sad 'cause now the next step is confrontation and I don't think it will be smoothly... So, we just have to wait and see. ;;

Please let them be happy!

Sorry for my bad english~

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