Title Update Recommend
beefy uke bl(23) 2025-03-22 0
interracial-foreigner (japanese bl)(28) 2024-07-07 0
Favorite manga's(11) 2023-10-16 0
Game-like Korean dungeon isekai (bl)(21) 2025-02-18 0
Hear thoughts-read mind-read emotions (bl)(37) 2024-12-04 0
Isakei Japanese bl(8) 2025-02-11 0
Japanese animal characteristics bl(73) 2025-02-06 0
Omega who tops the alpha bl(4) 2024-10-13 0
Student x student (japanese) BL(23) 2024-05-22 0
This (n)(131) 2025-03-09 0
This is trio*(10) 2025-03-19 0
This.(144) 2025-03-22 0
Transmigration korean-isekai 'ml and fl grew together' (childhood edition)(3) 2024-05-05 0
Turn back time for her (isekai) (5) 2024-06-02 0
ability to talk to animals bl(1) 2023-01-13 0
actor korean bl(39) 2025-02-14 0
adoption bl(1) 2023-01-25 0
age gap bl(12) 2025-02-17 0
alien bl(9) 2023-05-01 0
alpha x alpha omegaverse(14) 2025-02-01 0
alpha x beta bl(5) 2025-03-16 0
amensia curse; those who lost their memories/ bl(25) 2025-02-12 0
android- robot bl(31) 2024-07-15 0
angel - tengu (bl)(32) 2025-02-01 0
animal characteristics korean bl(70) 2025-02-16 0
animal characteristics omegaverse bl(2) 2022-12-24 0
anything related to medical bl(10) 2023-06-18 0
arrange marriage Japanese bl(5) 2024-03-05 0
artists who create beautiful couple with similar looks on their stories bl(9) 2023-08-04 0
assassin bl(8) 2025-02-18 0
assassin romance(4) 2025-02-06 0
av actor bl(13) 2025-01-23 0
babysitter bl(10) 2023-03-28 0
beard (seme) bl(2) 2024-03-28 0
beautiful seme bl(45) 2025-03-22 0
beautiful uke bl(24) 2025-03-22 0
bl manga I like(1) 2023-02-06 0
bl- ghost / shaman / spirits(4) 2023-04-03 0
blackmail Japanese bl(1) 2023-04-25 0
blackmail Korean bl(3) 2023-03-28 0
bodyguard bl(25) 2025-02-12 0
boxing - wrestling bl(4) 2023-04-02 0
bully bl(6) 2024-05-10 0
butler x master(21) 2025-03-09 0
cakeverse (cake-fork) BL(4) 2024-12-22 0
childhood friends (korean bl)(11) 2025-02-06 0
childhood friends japanese bl(26) 2025-03-22 0
chinese Transmigration to past bl(16) 2023-08-13 0
chinese action strong male lead(5) 2023-04-20 0
chinese actor-Idol bl(45) 2024-10-13 0
chinese high school bl romance (50) 2024-10-31 0
chinese historical bl(78) 2025-03-23 0
chinese historical demon angel mythology bl(18) 2023-11-23 0
chinese investigation crime bl(13) 2023-06-17 0
chinese love is fulfilled after misunderstandings bl(9) 2023-06-27 0
chinese manga I like bl(66) 2025-03-01 0
chinese mythological modern demon bl(43) 2025-02-09 0
chinese office bl(8) 2024-05-02 0
chinese omegaverse bl(46) 2025-03-05 0
chinese police agents officers bl(10) 2024-12-24 0
chinese revenge bl(3) 2023-02-13 0
chinese romance (28) 2025-03-18 0
chinese romance bl(92) 2025-02-25 0
chinese shape shifters animal characteristics bl(33) 2024-11-15 0
chinese transmigration to different worlds bl(37) 2025-03-07 0
con artist | scammer bl(4) 2025-01-03 0
contract marriage korean romance(1) 2023-01-08 0
countryside bl(2) 2023-06-18 0
couples i like bl(3) 2023-06-19 0
cross-dressing bl(33) 2025-03-12 0
cupid bl(14) 2024-02-18 0
currently reading transmigration-isekai (inside novel)(200) 2023-08-31 0
currently reading transmigration-isekai (inside novel) 2(200) 2024-04-25 0
currently reading transmigration-isekai (inside novel) 3(200) 2025-02-01 0
currently reading transmigration-isekai (inside novel) 4(31) 2025-03-23 0
currently reading transmigration-isekai (stories I like)(72) 2025-03-10 0
cute Japanese love story bl(1) 2023-03-16 0
dark-tan / seme bl(10) 2023-11-12 0
daughters who are fake (but are a good deal) Korean isekai(6) 2024-02-13 0
delinquent seme bl(10) 2024-04-14 0
delinquent uke bl(38) 2024-12-02 0
demon romance(8) 2023-07-30 0
demon-devil-akuma (BL)(53) 2024-01-15 0
devil angel mythological korean romance(4) 2023-01-08 0
devil angel mythological korean romance bl(20) 2023-08-04 0
disability bl(7) 2023-08-07 0
dom/sub bl(24) 2025-03-09 0
doujinshi(29) 2024-12-24 0
dragon bl(40) 2025-02-01 0
dragon romance (8) 2024-02-07 0
dream (they see them there) bl(49) 2025-03-16 0
elf bl(7) 2023-10-16 0
esper X guide (bl)(48) 2025-02-12 0
fake confession (4) 2023-01-14 0
father-daughter reincarnated Korean (22) 2025-02-12 0
fav Japanese romance manga(1) 2023-04-12 0
female alpha / male omega(5) 2024-07-05 0
fight over everything (so kawaii) bl(12) 2024-04-21 0
florist bl(28) 2025-01-31 0
fluff Chinese bl (1) 2022-12-24 0
fluffy *(korean) bl(2) 2024-06-14 0
fluffy bl(85) 2025-03-23 0
folklore bl(12) 2025-02-01 0
fox romance(7) 2023-11-01 0
fox romance bl(24) 2025-01-31 0
game (fall in love bcz of it) bl(52) 2025-03-16 0
gang / mafia / yakuza (korean-bl)(77) 2025-02-14 0
gang yakuza mafia (japanese bl)(32) 2025-03-23 0
gender bender bl(7) 2023-10-02 0
gender bender romance (4) 2024-06-14 0
ghost marriage bl(2) 2023-02-13 0
ghost-spirits bl(18) 2024-11-05 0
girls who dress up as a boy(6) 2023-04-20 0
girly tops-feminine looks bl(9) 2023-10-14 0
glasses (guys with spectacles) BL(16) 2024-08-19 0
glasses / seme-uke bl(3) 2025-03-16 0
gloomy seme bl(3) 2024-11-20 0
grim reaper/death god/shinigami bl(11) 2024-06-29 0
height gap japanese romance(1) 2022-12-26 0
herbivores who are top-seme bl(9) 2024-01-11 0
high school Japanese bl(3) 2025-01-23 0
high school Korean bl(62) 2025-03-19 0
high school romance korean(8) 2024-11-10 0
historical interracial bl(1) 2022-12-15 0
historical korean romance(19) 2025-03-20 0
historical korean romance bl(77) 2025-02-14 0
hosts club bl(2) 2024-03-17 0
housekeeper bl(31) 2025-01-11 0
idol singer Korean (n)(16) 2024-09-09 0
idol singer Korean bl(40) 2025-03-16 0
incubus-n-scubbus (BL)(38) 2023-10-16 0
insist(34) 2025-01-26 0
isekai Japanese bl(2) 2023-10-06 0
isekai manga i like (transmigration-korean)(3) 2023-11-07 0
japanese beasts romance(2) 2023-12-02 0
japanese omegaverse bl(47) 2025-03-19 0
japanese omegaverse with kids bl(10) 2025-02-16 0
japanese romance (104) 2025-03-22 0
japanese showbiz bl(6) 2025-03-09 0
japanese with kids bl(3) 2024-02-15 0
kiĺler-serial-killer( murderer)- assassin bl(15) 2025-02-12 0
korean Transmigration into modern world bl (in different bodies)(8) 2025-02-24 0
korean actor romance(3) 2023-03-19 0
korean debt bl(26) 2025-02-14 0
korean romance (52) 2025-02-15 0
korean romance bl(200) 2025-01-23 0
korean romance bl 2(18) 2025-03-22 0
korean spy agent bl(15) 2024-05-02 0
korean supernatural powers bl(59) 2025-02-07 0
korean supernatural romance(21) 2025-01-29 0
korean transmigration isekai (fl/ml gets to met with nephew or nieces)(7) 2023-12-03 0
lawyer bl(12) 2023-05-25 0
long haired seme(20) 2025-03-16 0
long haired uke(6) 2023-09-19 0
mafia yakuza gangs bl(2) 2022-12-08 0
marriage Japanese bl(18) 2024-03-16 0
marriage korean romance (1) 2023-01-08 0
marriage/engagement Korean bl(2) 2023-03-09 0
married young - young husband ( isekai-korean)(18) 2024-11-01 0
mermaid / merman bl(13) 2024-06-26 0
ml who cry but are so cute(3) 2023-03-28 0
model student bl(1) 2025-01-28 0
modern korean romance(5) 2023-01-21 0
mole japanese bl(39) 2025-03-12 0
monk priest nun romance (1) 2022-12-08 0
mpreg Japanese bl(2) 2024-05-31 0
music bl(16) 2025-01-29 0
mythological Korean bl(1) 2023-01-11 0
neighbour korean bl(6) 2024-07-16 0
offered as a sacrifice/bride/ghost-bryde (to god-diety-devil) bl(37) 2024-12-22 0
office- co-workers / korean romance (5) 2023-02-28 0
office- co-workers / korean romance bl(30) 2024-11-23 0
omega x beta bl(9) 2023-04-11 0
omegaverse Korean bl(160) 2025-03-18 0
omegaverse marriage bl(3) 2023-09-27 0
omegaverse romance (Japanese)(4) 2023-04-03 0
omegaverse romance (korean)(1) 2023-02-06 0
omegaverse yuri(11) 2024-08-23 0
one-shot bl(1) 2023-03-18 0
piercings bl(8) 2023-12-03 0
primitive era bl(1) 2022-12-24 0
prisoner bl(1) 2022-11-28 0
promo (transmigration-isekai)(3) 2023-04-26 0
prostitute - escorts bl(7) 2024-05-17 0
psychological (1) 2023-03-04 0
psychological thriller bl(5) 2023-08-04 0
rapii bl(4) 2023-02-17 0
rivalry about studies among seme-uke bl(21) 2025-03-19 0
role model student (japanese) bl(2) 2025-01-12 0
s&m bl(20) 2023-10-25 0
sad bl(1) 2022-12-24 0
scar on face-body bl(4) 2025-01-12 0
school /college / university korean romance(3) 2022-12-23 0
secretary bl(17) 2024-04-14 0
see the red string of fate bl(25) 2025-03-02 0
seke/ seme turned uke (BL)(4) 2024-06-02 0
seme love uke from childhood (but doesn't tell him) bl(2) 2023-08-26 0
seme who look scary(8) 2023-06-18 0
shaman bl(39) 2025-02-02 0
single dad or brother taking care of kids (BL)(12) 2023-08-18 0
smitten for her (transmigration-isekai)(8) 2024-02-09 0
snake romance (9) 2023-06-18 0
sports Korean bl(22) 2025-03-19 0
stalker bl(5) 2023-06-10 0
step-brothers after parents marriage bl(36) 2025-02-27 0
step-siblings bl(13) 2025-01-26 0
strong female lead- dungeon-game/like(11) 2024-10-29 0
strong male lead / dungeon (my fav)(45) 2025-01-19 0
strong male lead / reincarnation (dungeon)(170) 2025-03-22 0
strong male lead whose good at fighting korean(61) 2025-03-19 0
submissive ! cute seme bl(3) 2023-02-18 0
swimmer bl(8) 2025-01-03 0
switched bodies (8) 2023-10-19 0
tall-short seme uke bl(21) 2025-02-16 0
tattoo artist (have beautiful tattoos) bl(29) 2025-03-10 0
teacher student bl(30) 2024-10-08 0
transformation (glow-up) bl(26) 2024-12-08 0
transmigration in modern world Korean bl(5) 2025-02-28 0
tribal society (different races) bl(13) 2025-01-12 0
twins bl(3) 2023-04-11 0
vampire bl(40) 2025-03-19 0
victorian style bl historical(79) 2025-03-22 0
villainess who are real b*tches (korean-transmigration)(59) 2025-03-10 0
widowed seme-uke second chance at love bl(1) 2023-01-11 0
witch(11) 2024-05-04 0
writer bl(18) 2025-01-20 0
writer of the novel ( transmigration-isekai) (1) 2023-03-16 0
yakuza mafia gangs romance(1) 2022-12-08 0
yokai bl(6) 2024-07-15 0
yuri romance (39) 2025-03-22 0
zombie bl(28) 2025-02-24 0

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