ok but like why was he with the blonde guy if he actually liked the mc in the first place?

Yeah, I kinda thought so too based on the BL tropes, but it just bothered me that it wasn’t actually explained. Like, it could’ve also been the case that the blonde and seme were dating at the time, or were friends with benefits during college, or maybe just had a one night stand? I guess I just wanted more clarity on their relationship lmao

So let me get this straight, this man wants to execute his wife bc she scratched his face?? Right. Such a deep total betrayal, she deserves the punishment. (In case you couldn’t tell, that was me being sarcastic).

I think it was more so the fact that she got jealous, cus she was supposed to be "high and pure" the epitomy of calmness and poise. When he saw that she was human he felt betrayed cus she wasn't his perfect innocent flower but a woman with woman feelings.
But that's just what I got from that, I think the scratch was important but more so what caused her to scratch him
that little girl is a mood honestly, I too would like a pretty man for a mistress