It’s getting progressively gay-er and I’m here for it
Come on translators hurry it up !!! I need my fix
Most confusing threesome ever
Maaaan if FL don’t pour that coffee on him stg
I like that he said what we were all thinking . Man did everything EXACTLY the same minus the murder. Time for Geolson to try and make it on his own now and be free for once
Lil heifer needs to take several seats
Damn Grayson keeps popping up like a damn cockroach
Like he is his brother so it makes sense for him appear at some point.
yeah and he's about to have his own story too
Damn Jaekyung you had had me thinking maybe you were seeing the error in your ways but I guess not
Personally , I hope he gives Dr. Carlyle a chance
The twilight reference has me WHEEZING
Well that escalated pretty quickly
It’s getting progressively gay-er and I’m here for it