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Gracie January 5, 2019 7:33 am

i didnt realize they were middle school students. the author is a pedophile

    Gloomy April 29, 2019 5:11 am

    im sorry but in what way is the author a pedophile? Also please don't go around spreading something if you don't have evidence.

    Gracie April 29, 2019 6:12 am
    im sorry but in what way is the author a pedophile? Also please don't go around spreading something if you don't have evidence. Gloomy

    I hate to break it to you but drawing middle schoolers in inappropriate sexualized situations/positions is pedophilic

    Gloomy April 29, 2019 10:32 pm

    i would love to go off on you but im not so ill try to summarize my opinion. The author in no way was fetishizing children. The scenes that were put in were not explicit. The story is meant to reflect real life actions and be taken for comedic affect. Also this is based on middle school kids. Middle school kids are going through puberty so the character actions put in by the author make sense. So as said please be careful when trying to throw shade to someone when you have no evidence.

    Gracie April 30, 2019 3:22 am
    i would love to go off on you but im not so ill try to summarize my opinion. The author in no way was fetishizing children. The scenes that were put in were not explicit. The story is meant to reflect real life... Gloomy

    Drawing soft porn of 13 year olds is not something normal adults do

    Gloomy April 30, 2019 1:08 pm

    ( ̄へ ̄)Really? Dude it wasn’t even close to porn. As said in my earlier message there was NO sex or explicit scenes. We never saw any of the characters naked. We never saw this doing sexual acts as well. There really isn’t a point trying to reason with you because honestly it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall...

    Gracie May 1, 2019 7:24 pm
    ( ̄へ ̄)Really? Dude it wasn’t even close to porn. As said in my earlier message there was NO sex or explicit scenes. We never saw any of the characters naked. We never saw this doing sexual acts as we... Gloomy

    I didn’t ask you to talk to me. And it doesn’t have to be explicit to be obviously sexualized which it is

    Gloomy May 1, 2019 10:32 pm

    Yeah your right you didn't but you calling this author a pedophile can ruin there career so please refrain from doing this unless you have proper evidence. Also you are right but do you know what the definition of a pedophile is? Its "a person who is sexually attracted to children.". In no way was the author showing they were attracted to this and also the characters are teens so... Ill stop there because it seems we wont agree on this.

    Gracie May 2, 2019 3:52 am
    Yeah your right you didn't but you calling this author a pedophile can ruin there career so please refrain from doing this unless you have proper evidence. Also you are right but do you know what the definition... Gloomy

    Thank you. your stance on this kind of thing will probably change as you get older and then you’ll understand where I’m coming from

    Gloomy May 2, 2019 9:14 pm
    Thank you. your stance on this kind of thing will probably change as you get older and then you’ll understand where I’m coming from Gracie

    You are literally so annoying. I tried to be nice and sorta understand your point of view but jeez you just came of as arrogant.

    Gracie May 5, 2019 5:43 pm
    You are literally so annoying. I tried to be nice and sorta understand your point of view but jeez you just came of as arrogant. Gloomy

    You just seem like you’re very young I’m not saying you’re stupid. all I’m trying to say is that your perspective changes as you get older and then you might understand my point of view

    Gracie January 10, 2020 2:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Lapoulesensible

    The author is not a middle schooler they are an adult, and they drew the (very) underage girl in overtly sexual ways. Think critically. I’m done talking about this

    MischievousCarrot May 21, 2020 11:06 pm
    The author is not a middle schooler they are an adult, and they drew the (very) underage girl in overtly sexual ways. Think critically. I’m done talking about this Gracie

    So basically what you are saying is that, if you want to write or draw a history, you HAVE to be the same age as your characters ,and if not, you can't show ANYTHING related to sexulity and sexual desire because if you do it that means that you are a pedophile. LMAO EVERYBODY HAS INSTINCTS, OLD, YOUNG, ALL THE PEOPLE, and it's natural to feel attraction, i think that this manga is accurate and real, and if you don't see it, maybe it's because you don't have the same age as the characters and can't understand their emotions

    Anonymous June 5, 2020 7:13 am
    So basically what you are saying is that, if you want to write or draw a history, you HAVE to be the same age as your characters ,and if not, you can't show ANYTHING related to sexulity and sexual desire becaus... MischievousCarrot

    I am sorry but is it a relationship between a adult and teenager or school students?

    Sara June 20, 2020 3:36 am
    The author is not a middle schooler they are an adult, and they drew the (very) underage girl in overtly sexual ways. Think critically. I’m done talking about this Gracie

    You sound like a freaking child, pedophilia= attraction to children. Depicting two middle school kids exploring their sexuality isn’t pedophilia. Minors have sex, middle school kids know what sex is. With your dumb train of thought any adult who draws a minor in their manga is a pedophile and people who draw graphic violence/murder are secret serial killers. That’s how colossally stupid you sound rn. God I hate children on the internet who think they know anything.

    Gracie June 20, 2020 6:48 am
    You sound like a freaking child, pedophilia= attraction to children. Depicting two middle school kids exploring their sexuality isn’t pedophilia. Minors have sex, middle school kids know what sex is. With you... Sara

    Is a manga that shows panty shots of a 14 y/o really the hill u guys want to die on?

    MischievousCarrot June 20, 2020 7:13 am
    I am sorry but is it a relationship between a adult and teenager or school students? @Anonymous

    School students :"")

    Sara June 27, 2020 1:27 am
    Is a manga that shows panty shots of a 14 y/o really the hill u guys want to die on? Gracie

    The only one dying on this hill is you snowflake

    Gracie June 29, 2020 5:42 pm
    The only one dying on this hill is you snowflake Sara

    lmao girl

    Anonymous January 16, 2021 9:37 am
    lmao girl Gracie

    agree with you on him sexualizing minor considering the first page is legit a zoom picture of a middle school girl butt, but you shouldn't just call him a pedophile just based on that that's like calling every big anime authors pedophile I mean its a bit weird like a 30 year old man drawing them like that but most of his works r like that except with adults might just be his style but idk the act of age author ended up being one n his was a pretty wholesome middle school one too

    Anonymous January 16, 2021 10:00 am
    agree with you on him sexualizing minor considering the first page is legit a zoom picture of a middle school girl butt, but you shouldn't just call him a pedophile just based on that that's like calling every ... @Anonymous

    wait I take back everything I said the author is legit a girl so it make 10x better in my opinion

    chuu~ <3 May 27, 2021 8:27 am
    Is a manga that shows panty shots of a 14 y/o really the hill u guys want to die on? Gracie

    GAHAHA but yeah idk why they’re booing you, you’re right! the author does sexualize these 13-14 y/os and its strange but yk it’s normalized in japan and in anime, if we compare this to some other works it’s not too bad.. still questionable but doesn’t go too far.. i’m able to look past this morally grey area because i’m desensitized #society

    Bingle bagel June 23, 2021 4:05 am
    So basically what you are saying is that, if you want to write or draw a history, you HAVE to be the same age as your characters ,and if not, you can't show ANYTHING related to sexulity and sexual desire becaus... MischievousCarrot

    So you’re gonna act like the author didn’t zoom in on multiple middle schoolers chests,butts and panties??? Like? The story is nice I won’t deny that but you can’t deny how WEIRD and UNNECESSARY those scenes are

    Sara June 23, 2021 9:54 pm
    wait I take back everything I said the author is legit a girl so it make 10x better in my opinion @Anonymous

    So women can’t be pedo’s lmao?

Gracie December 22, 2018 8:58 pm

me: i'd die for souichi tsujii
souichi, from inside my walls: you will

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