Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru portrays the tale of two step-brothers - Jeremy and Ian, as they striv...
- Author: hagio moto
- Genres: Drama / Josei / Mature / Psychological / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / Tragedy
Mishima, a student at a school in the countryside, is bullied by his classmates. The reason is becau...
- Author: Nagai Saburou
- Genres: School Life / Yaoi / Psychological / Drama
Asako Minami has a "unique constitution." He senses the lingering thoughts of the deceased...
- Author: TAKAHASHI Hidebu
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mature / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural / Yaoi
"So, Hikaru is no more... If that's true then..."Yoshiki and Hikaru are two boys who ...
- Author: mokumoku ren
- Genres: Seinen / Mystery / Horror / Supernatural / Tragedy / shounen ai
Makoto is referred to as a "deviant" because of his abnormal inclinations and has always s...
- Author: Ryo Sumiyoshi
- Genres: Supernatural / Drama / Yaoi / Adult / Horror
"Even if he forgets, I will remember."...
- Author: Tomita Douji
- Genres: Yaoi / Horror
After coming out saying, "I like men," Kou, who belongs to the photography department, had...
- Author: nishinmasumi
- Genres: Horror / Yaoi
When he was a child, Luca was imprisoned for murder after saving Christ, his lover, from an abusive ...
- Author: Nishin Masumi
- Genres: Adult / Drama / Psychological / Tragedy / Yaoi / One Shot
Warning: Yaoi. Gore. Rape<br><br>Brandon saved Andy's life when they were children,...
- Author: Nishin Masumi
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Psychological / Yaoi
A beautiful "incubus" luring humans with his looks and eating them lives in the pres...
- Author: nishin masumi
- Genres: Fantasy / horror / yaoi
High school student Hoshino Terumichi always sees the same dream. A dream of a boy from the Taisho E...
- Author: syundei
- Genres: Historical / Horror / Supernatural / Yaoi