Dude. Bro is actually insane. The giggling and shit
A blind man could’ve seen he was awake and waiting!!
Also. That last panel. (⊙…⊙ )
Hear me out….ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Telling the truth ?! Communication ?! Power bottom ?! Consent?!
Listen you dumb fuck; saying sorry goes a long way first off. And second; you piece of shit; how about some sympathy
Obv Jae saw the pic and figured out where Dan was. Buut also could it be a dream…idk I need the next chp now!!
Ahhhhhh look at my second couple!! Looking fine! (You know they’re gonna mention they saw him….)
Bro. He doesn’t want to be found. The only reason you’re obsessed now is because you can’t get to him and he went MIA
Do not come over here playing the victim card you saying he was special cause he’s the only man you liked. Bissshhhh plz
Dude, I’ve been there. When a guy shows you who he truly is the first time believe in.
I know I read this to completion idk if it’s a reupload or my brain is messing with me. I know read the raws and it’s beautiful. The kind of ending I wish for so many favs to have had
This went from 0-100 in the last chapter Jesus lol
Dude dragged him in by the hair. Not the collar. The hair! And the eyes man (⊙…⊙ )
This just makes me feel good reading. So much toxicity here to read (and while I love a good toxic read) it’s nice to read something like this
Toxic as they come. BUT man, the art is stunnnnning!!! Also babbbyyy sitting in the sun!! Getting the right form of Vit D ;)
Been waiting 7 damn months for this!!! Let’s gooooo (but where’s my baby :( hopefully next chapter)