Years later, and Yashiro STILL holds the gold medal of hottest uke, imo! Other than him, these gentlemen are also on the podium... Bad boy Makio And the sassy kitty, Minato Because there are so many strong contestants, here are some honorable mentions: Lord of kink, Shell Mister smart is sexy, YiYoung And last but not least, Phi, the most sens......
The sekiest uke that I know? I can't pick one. Here are the top ten list that leave a big impression. I really can't choose who is the sexiest uke cause they are all sexy. 1. Felix (Hold Me Tightly) 2. Hwa Gok (Blood Link) 3. Jaeha (Lover Boy) 4. Mochizuki (Omae no Koi wa Ore no Mono) 5. Doyun (Love Shuttle) 6. Yuichiro (Ecchi Suru Nara Papa Ana......
My lock screen is Igris from solo levelingΣ(  ̄□ ̄||).I hope I'm safe ╥﹏╥.Wait a minute Σ(っ°Д °;)っ is he going to fit in the elevator??(⊙…⊙ )
I wrote a fan fiction about the Akatsuki being high school teachers and after Kakuzu was fired for forcing his art students to create counterfeit money for him I had Deidara become the new art teacher. While trying to find out his last name I found a search result that said Deidara Yaoi, so not knowing better I thouhgt that Yaoi was his last name a......
well when I was in 7th grade, so I was like 13 years old, my friend was watching yaoi hentai in class (she was a whole kind of brave) and as I was sitting with her, she started talking about it and showed me them having sex but I was kinda grossed out seeing an anime dick but then I got more curious about and I even ended up finishing the whole hen......

i can't clearly say for other asian music coompanies outside of south korea but what i can say is that the POPULARITY of the south koreans always choose the good looking and well talented people over the rest who worked their ASSES off to show some love.
South Korea has to be one of the FAKEST countries on earth. Why? well for one reason. They'll like u for a period of time but it doesn't mean they'll actually give af about wether u win or lose bc in the end, the moment some bad shit stirs around ur personal life those "FANS" will get on it too.
The moment that someone COMMITS SUICIDE everyone starts loving u. But that's not only tru bc if you're a DIE HARD HATER u would be glad.
The reason why a lot of KPOP artists or KOREAN artists die is bc they can't handle the starvation and they can't handle NEGATIVE SHIT coming at them everyday. You'll be lucky to find a company who will keep u fit but not starve you and don't fuck shit up over your videos. If some shit goes down where the artist MEANT to say it, that's on the artist. But if it was not, that's up to the fans to believe it or not wether it's true or false.
DONT BELIEVE everything the public say of what SOCIETY says bc society gives you a choice of being the IDEAL PERSON in this fucked up world or someone who can't even COMPARE themselves to others bc their status or looks.
The idea of COMPARING is what's fucked up this world since the moment humans stepped foot on land.
Compare MALES to FEMALES. Parents comparing their OWN CHILD to another child. Or even WORST, comparing ur child to SOCIETY and letting society lead UR kids on in life.
I only stand where i am today bc i didn't let society get to me. "Be more like a girl" or "Don't where clothes like u look sloppy" i could care less bc it MAKES ME COMFORTABLE.
u shouldnt have to feel uncomfortable of leaving ur own DAMN HOUSE unless someone tries to kill u but u sure as hell be ready for that day someone does try to kill u bc u might have to kill them back. don't go for innocent people bc that makes u a criminal. HELL we're all fucking CRIMINALS.
The reason why society doesn't go further in life is bc they cannot except that there are colored people in this world that can PROVE better, not DO, and sometimes they still can't accept the LGBTQ+ group of people that live in this world. People still can't accept that guys can like guys or girls can like girls or both genders can like 2 genders at the same time.
Successful people don't just make money, they change themselves for the better. to make THEMSELVES feel better
I think I was around ten or even younger... but I was born a fujoshi because when I was young I had dolls and I liked Ken and another guy doll so I made them date and my sister (who was already a fujoshi) asked why i wasn't Playing with barbie and I said "I like these two together better" then a couple years later I found Theyaoiarmy... heheheh let......
When i was 8, I knew the existence of porn already and I was getting into the world of manga because of a certain anime when i was 12. Did not know what yaoi was yet, and was a really curious kid so mostly searched up smut stories =v=. Then, one night, i clicked on one because it was 2 guys, was expecting some action sht but it was a different type......

in school, on the bus, and even in stores. why? because idgaf if ppl see. story time ~ one time in ela class we were watching a movie and i was the only person with my phone out and i had my phone in my sleeve bc i was reading a smutty part. what makes this bad is the fact that the teacher is just walking around the room and there are ppl behind me......
i think its shell from blood bank he is memorable i ve senn sexy uke but i doon't remember them cus i read lots of yaois
I'm an M all the way honestly. I can't even imagine being anything close to an S. I love being dominated but no one takes me seriously because they see me as being completely innocent and here I am imaging all types of bdsm related things. None of my partners have ever been dominate at all with me and a girl is getting annoyed just cause I'm small ......
Who is the sexiest uke that you know?