A twist of fate leads to Mioto Sakura attending a dormitory school for society's elite. Bullied...
- Author: Satou Sanayuki
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / School Life
University student Naruse appears as a customer before Kei, a travel host from an Erogenous Aestheti...
- Author: SHINOU Ryo,Shinou Ryo
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Yaoi / smut
(By Hitsuji-sama) “I’m gonna change my life!!” — Yuuya who failed at his job...
- Author: Riona
- Genres: Yaoi
There is a 25-year old, hard-working salaryman named Satou Hajime. After pulling an all-nighter and ...
- Author: owaru
- Genres: Yaoi
Reuniting with your first love in a "ladyboys sex chat"?An obsessed doggie-like top x a ty...
- Author: UI Kashi
- Genres: Gender Bender / Romance / Slice Of Life / Smut / Yaoi
Mayama reunites with his old middle school classmate, Yumi. Mayama is captivated, but Yumi has a boy...
- Author: ogeretsu tanaka
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Tongues a swirling mess, when he fully came to, he realized he was getting drilled from behind...!!H...
- Author: Keiya Mikawa
- Genres: yaoi / smut
Irresistible lure that leads him to his enemy's heart. The one who contributed the most to esta...
- Author: yusa
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Romance / Yaoi / Webtoons
A heartwarming short story about an unemployed guy and his encounter with a lonely young man....
- Author: MICHINOKU Atami
- Genres: Yaoi
Yuka is childhood friends with the timid and quiet Kaoru. After they got into middle school Yuka dec...
- Author: akabeko
- Genres: School Life / Yaoi / Drama
a abandoned pension in nowhere. The only trace of civilization that Miharu find after falling asleep...
- Author: akabeko
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
- Author: Salty
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / Slice of Life Comedy Drama Fantasy Mystery Slice of Life
The continuation of the story [Red Fox]. Sana, who was bestowed upon the destiny of eternal life, an...
- Author: hama , 하마
- Genres: Josei / Smut / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Psychological / Romance / Tragedy
Shima Okazaki is gay, in third year of university, and interested in exhibitionism. Just for fun he ...
- Author: Rainy Wata
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Delinquent Akito and bully-magnet Ryou have been friends for a long time, with Akito protecting Ryou...
- Author: MITSUYA Bond
- Genres: Yaoi
A Buddhist priest, Sogen is traveling with a spider-spirit he is intimate with. He can’t get enoug...
- Author: Haji
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Drama / Fantasy / Romance Japanese Manga Drama Fantasy Romance
- Author: sigmastar, PureSlider
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi / Psychological
- Author: Yuzuru mikumo
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Childhood Friends Childhood Friends
- Author: Kunihara
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Smut / Showbiz Manga Showbiz