Yes = yes UNLESS they are not in their right state of mind at that time (I.e. under the influence or drugs/alcohol, being threatened, being a minor - those frontal lobes not developed ya know) Everything but yes = no UNLESS this has been stated very clearly to ur partner and they know when to stop/ not initiate (this is under the impression that th......
the first anime I watched (on purpose) was yagakimi, and it was also the first yuri I read. I watched citrus on accident thinking it was about oranges or something along those lines some anime recommendations are - Yagakimi (of course) - Sakura trick, not as wholesome but hilarious - Asagao to kase-san, super duper wholesome - Liz and the blue bir......
(This is all coming from a lesbian btw) Are we.... are we really asking the question ‘is it bad to fetishize gay men’? Are we asking that kinda question? OP it’s bad to fetishize gay men because you’re treating a human being as..... not a human being. You’re treating people who have been killed, abused, disowned, etc for their sexuality a......
Do you guys know what consent is?