Jax March 11, 2025 7:46 am

You know, I don't wanna be rude because I think people's hearts are in the right place, but I think condolence messages would be better off not sent on the illegal pirating site where the artist can't read them since mangago is blocked in Korea. Unfortunately the artist does not have social media but you can send messages of support to Kinoko so hopefully they may be passed on. They address the hiatus here and wish everyone good health, so if you wanna say something nice, you can do so here.

Jax March 8, 2025 3:44 pm

You guys need to stop crying over how much you love the characters appearances but hate the abusive relationship. Go to google and search up “ORV” and you can find the exact same guys in a healthy relationship Lmao

    already_taken2000 March 9, 2025 1:09 am


    Leslie*_* March 9, 2025 1:12 pm

    how is abusive relationship healthy tho

    Oh no March 9, 2025 3:48 pm
    how is abusive relationship healthy tho Leslie*_*

    Being reaal passive aggressive here, but read the original comment again...

    Jax March 9, 2025 4:26 pm
    how is abusive relationship healthy tho Leslie*_*

    The other person already pointed it out but my comment is a joke about how the ORV guys look just like Jiwook and Jooyeon but are in a happy, functional relationship. I’d clarify more but I’m not so sure what you’re confused about, apologies.

Jax March 2, 2025 9:51 am

So this is just a compilation of the minor changes that have been made for the manhwa adaptation because they are truly minuscule but people keep saying the novel has "much better writing" or is different when almost everything important has been adapted 1:1

- Jiwook is a little more vulgar with his sexual harassment of Juyeon when he gets drunk in the first scene at the bar
- The novel actually shows Juyeon hauling Jiwook to the motel after drugging him and paying with Jiwook's card
- The novel has a short scene of Jiwook cleaning himself up and leaving the motel the next day
- When Jiwook meets up with Juyeon in the evening, Juyeon is talking to a female student who is only there briefly
- Jiwook and Juyeon's fight gains more onlookers as people laugh at Jiwook's blustering attempts to beat the fuck out of Juyeon
- In the car ride to Juyeon's house, Juyeon sexually harasses him back and comments on how tight his ass was

And that's really about it. The manhwa has been extremely faithful to the novel, down to the expressions and specific dialogue. I assume the changes I listed above were made for better pacing. So for anyone who's hoping the manhwa will adapt out the gang rape or the more gruesome scenes that are coming up, you're shit outta luck.

Jax February 12, 2025 11:02 am

Crazy how 40+ people liked a comment on here condemning this story and saying that yaoi readers are homophobic and condone rape in real life! And what do you know! The OP is a terf who did a full self-expose, claiming that trans women only "think they are women" (they are women). And that they're porn addicts and rape apologists! When I say this stupid anti-fujo craze on this site is 9/10 times a dogwhistle for bigotry, I mean it. Some folks aren't even drinking the kool-aid anymore. They're butt-chugging it. What ever happened to shame????

    Na jieun February 12, 2025 3:28 pm

    and trans women are men; can't even define what a woman is without resorting to circular logic and sexist stereotypes.
    And most fujoshis are bigoted who think they are left leaning

    Jax February 12, 2025 3:42 pm
    and trans women are men; can't even define what a woman is without resorting to circular logic and sexist stereotypes. And most fujoshis are bigoted who think they are left leaning Na jieun

    How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujoshis rise up <3

    Na jieun February 12, 2025 3:51 pm
    How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujosh... Jax

    Queers= spicy straight people and a few bisexuals <3, hope this helps and you misspelled intelligent and realistic, and still didn't answer my question of what makes a woman a woman. Biology and women's rights>>>>>>

    sakurakou February 12, 2025 3:53 pm

    why do people bring those kinda discussion to manga site , like this suppose to be where I escape from real life mess (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Jax February 12, 2025 4:03 pm
    why do people bring those kinda discussion to manga site , like this suppose to be where I escape from real life mess (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 sakurakou

    ? My point was that a lot of the people who rail against yaoi and fujoshis are insane, gender-critical weirdos. And frankly, even though this conversation originated from this ridiculous torture porn goon bait yaoi that you and I both enjoy, that doesn’t mean we should just be quiet and let bigots accuse other queer people on this site of rape and homophobia. Sorry mangago isn’t the apolitical wonderland you want it to be.

    sakurakou February 12, 2025 4:06 pm
    ? My point was that a lot of the people who rail against yaoi and fujoshis are insane, gender-critical weirdos. And frankly, even though this conversation originated from this ridiculous torture porn goon bait... Jax

    their was gay guys on Twitter before it became X who wanted to cyperbully me for reading yaoi , kept guilt trapping me and telling me I was reason why gay men can't come out or live their lives normally and lot other stuff that doesn't have anything to do with yaoi , some gay men can be as phobic toward yaoi as straight women toward transwomen.
    some people are just karens

    Ok16657 February 12, 2025 10:20 pm
    How have you not declared legally braindead yet. If attacking your fellow queers is your idea of being “left-leaning” then I’m glad I left the crucible of party-based politics ages ago. Trans girl fujosh... Jax

    Don’t try to reply to her anymore, she’s probably a troll with the way she responds

    Jax February 13, 2025 2:16 am
    Don’t try to reply to her anymore, she’s probably a troll with the way she responds Ok16657

    Yeah I kind of realized when she replied to someone saying she “liked Hitler’s manifesto”

    Lilpeep_ February 13, 2025 2:40 am
    why do people bring those kinda discussion to manga site , like this suppose to be where I escape from real life mess (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 sakurakou

    I agree

    Na jieun February 13, 2025 6:05 pm
    Yeah I kind of realized when she replied to someone saying she “liked Hitler’s manifesto” Jax

    I liked reading Hitler's manifesto because I am interested in psychology and criminology. That doesn't mean I condone it. The difference between you and I is that I don't condone Nazism, homophobia and rape. Try harder with your lies<3
    And the hypocrisy to accuse me of Nazism when you love rape yaoi

Jax February 12, 2025 8:14 am

Looking at these comments you KNOW some suburban white mom is getting blackout drunk and forgot to take away her 13 year old's ipad

    sarcasticpotato February 12, 2025 8:25 am

    autistic adhd w self diagnosed mental illness minors who are struggling w school and friendship irl so they spend all their time on tiktok and twitter trying to be in the adult spaces but they also have superiority issues so they think consuming porn is morally bad just to feel something

    Jax February 12, 2025 8:47 am
    autistic adhd w self diagnosed mental illness minors who are struggling w school and friendship irl so they spend all their time on tiktok and twitter trying to be in the adult spaces but they also have superio... sarcasticpotato

    I definitely agree with you on the idea of kids not knowing wtf to do with their time and trying to push their way into adult spaces instead of staying safe, but there's no need to bring up neurodiversity in a derogatory way... plenty of the grown adults on this site ALSO have autism and adhd and may be self-diagnosed. I don't think you meant anything by it, but there is a lot of casual ableism on this site, and I don't want to make a space for more of it.

    sarcasticpotato February 12, 2025 8:55 am
    I definitely agree with you on the idea of kids not knowing wtf to do with their time and trying to push their way into adult spaces instead of staying safe, but there's no need to bring up neurodiversity in a ... Jax

    If you are an adult go see a professional, there is no such a thing as self diagnosed. In fact "Self diagnosed" bunch and supporting them is more ableist and harmful. All those kids are fine, it is puberty not neurodiversity.

    Jax February 12, 2025 9:43 am
    If you are an adult go see a professional, there is no such a thing as self diagnosed. In fact "Self diagnosed" bunch and supporting them is more ableist and harmful. All those kids are fine, it is puberty not ... sarcasticpotato

    Getting a professional opinion is the best option, of course. However you are not considering the thousands of people (mainly in America) who don't have insurance or flat-out can't afford to get a clinical diagnosis. Obviously not every person who self-diagnoses will get it right, but why go after them for trying to assess their own mental health? It's not even the 'autistic pronouns in bio' people you're referring to specifically that hate creative freedom in fiction. It's just people who feel the need to fight against some kind of hot-button issue in the world and are targeting yaoi instead of doing literally anything else. Please realize that you are using alt-right talking points that are meant to demonize neurodiverse people, even if you don't mean to.

    sarcasticpotato February 12, 2025 10:26 am
    Getting a professional opinion is the best option, of course. However you are not considering the thousands of people (mainly in America) who don't have insurance or flat-out can't afford to get a clinical diag... Jax

    You cannot take care of your mental health by self diagnosing yourself, that is not how medicine works. American health care really fucked up them americans in the head that they think it is ok to do since they cant afford it. It is like breaking your leg and trying to heal it at home bcs u cant afford it. Self diagnose is not real and again REALLY harmful.

    Jax February 12, 2025 10:56 am
    You cannot take care of your mental health by self diagnosing yourself, that is not how medicine works. American health care really fucked up them americans in the head that they think it is ok to do since they... sarcasticpotato

    False-equivalence, I fear. Injuring your leg and trying to remedy it yourself at home is completely different from a ND person doing their own research and trying to figure out if they have a mental illness. If ND people can't afford an official diagnosis, then how are they supposed to receive treatment? How is a baseline supposed to be set for their peers and family to accommodate them? Is self dx the most foolproof method? Of course not, but the idea that until you get a professional, clinical diagnosis, you're not ND, you're just some stupid kid is what's harmful. I don't think we can come to an agreement on this, so I'd prefer if we just put it to rest. My original comment was just a joke.

    sarcasticpotato February 12, 2025 12:28 pm
    False-equivalence, I fear. Injuring your leg and trying to remedy it yourself at home is completely different from a ND person doing their own research and trying to figure out if they have a mental illness. If... Jax

    So sad to see people like you cant affording health care and being fed harmful ideas just to keep the system going. May you get to live in better countries.

    Jax February 12, 2025 4:08 pm
    So sad to see people like you cant affording health care and being fed harmful ideas just to keep the system going. May you get to live in better countries. sarcasticpotato

    Dude, I’ve been professionally diagnosed. I have been for my entire adult life. Can’t say I appreciate the browbeating but if you want to put your money where your mouth is, you’d fight against the institutions that make getting a professional opinion so hard instead of ripping on underprivileged autistic people. <3

    sarcasticpotato February 12, 2025 8:33 pm
    Dude, I’ve been professionally diagnosed. I have been for my entire adult life. Can’t say I appreciate the browbeating but if you want to put your money where your mouth is, you’d fight against the instit... Jax

    im not american nor i live in america, hope it helps <3

Jax February 3, 2025 5:48 am

What is it about Lee Geumsan’s work that keeps angering these absolute lobotomites lol. It’s the exact same crowd that was pissed about Sadistic Beauty. Ig they just take a break from eating glue 24/7 to freak out about the story and act like the characters are real people who are getting hurt. There are still people in 2025 on this crazy pilgrimage for Minho’s honor, as if he isn’t a fictional character whose story ended years ago. We’re probably going to see people in 2027 making petitions on change dot org to get Jiwook emancipated from Juyeon.

    forgottensnow February 3, 2025 9:46 am

    Well as an author, you really need to at least respect your characters unless of course your goal is to write straight up torture porn (not really anything wrong with that tbh.)

    However, I think in Minho’s case, it was such an obvious case of displacement where the author clearly had someone in mind that they probably knew in real life that they really wanted to punish. It just made me so uncomfortable at times and I kept reading Sadistic Beauty because I just wanted it to come to a point where Minho ended up deserving his comeuppance or at least, he could have had an ironic or creative ending but I was sorely disappointed. I don’t complain about hating the story though although I greatly disliked it despite liking toxic manhwas in general. I just wish the author had respect for her characters, Mino in this case.

    jae February 3, 2025 10:39 am

    they seriously should go touch some grass. i get that they can feel upset for the character and all but it comes to a point and they have to realize that these characters don’t even EXISTlike ideky they even keep reading it if they hate it so much. it’s not that hard, really

    Jax February 3, 2025 10:44 am
    Well as an author, you really need to at least respect your characters unless of course your goal is to write straight up torture porn (not really anything wrong with that tbh.) However, I think in Minho’s ca... forgottensnow

    There's really no evidence that Minho was a stand-in for a real person... Though I understand wishing things had turned out better for him. Both this story and Sadistic Beauty are not stories where things that are moral or just happen to the characters so I don't get why people are so obsessed with characters getting their comeuppance. It's gotta be masochism.

    forgottensnow February 3, 2025 11:29 am
    There's really no evidence that Minho was a stand-in for a real person... Though I understand wishing things had turned out better for him. Both this story and Sadistic Beauty are not stories where things that ... Jax

    I agree. That’s why I no longer have any hope for this manga knowing the type of stories this artist likes and given that she gave a similar character design to Minho for this MC (I know this isn’t her original story). I just hoped for a more “deserved” ending for Minho in Sadistic Beauty. There is absolutely nothing wrong with torturing fictional characters that you made up, but as a reader, there is still an urge to ask the question “Why?” Like why does Minho need to go through all this? Does it develop his character? Does it make for a more compelling narrative? Unfortunately, the answer is “No” on all counts. SB, in particular, acts like there is some deeper empowering narrative behind Minho’s torture but it just feels empty. And I think that is what most readers are pissed about.

    Lol wrong rant. I can’t believe how passionate I am on hating on Minho’s ending.

    mschst8 February 3, 2025 8:21 pm
    Well as an author, you really need to at least respect your characters unless of course your goal is to write straight up torture porn (not really anything wrong with that tbh.) However, I think in Minho’s ca... forgottensnow

    the thing is geumsan is not the author, she's just the artist for this manhwa

    Jax February 3, 2025 9:23 pm
    I agree. That’s why I no longer have any hope for this manga knowing the type of stories this artist likes and given that she gave a similar character design to Minho for this MC (I know this isn’t her orig... forgottensnow

    I was able to make peace with the way Minho's story ended after some time lol. I can't really excuse the bad writing decisions made in SB but reading some of the extras released in the paperback edition made me realize Minho is a pretty deep guy. His insecurity issues run really deep and his life with his abusive father after being bailed on by his mother really shaped the person he became. I know Yeonhui Woo used him as a punching bag most of the time, but imo she put a lot of thought into his character and probably wanted to flesh him out more but didn't due to external factors. And the extras at the end of Sadistic Beauty: Side Story B say that he eventually gets back into writing and makes peace with his relationship with Wookyung, so it's about as happy of an ending as he can get.

Jax February 2, 2025 2:00 am

I make fun of the people complaining about the art being “wasted” on this story only to keep devouring it like fish under an oil rig scrambling for a piece of fried chicken, but I get it. Lee Geumsan could illustrate for a story about a guy tweezing his ingrown hairs and I’d still read it.

    天山 February 2, 2025 3:20 am

    LMFAO (same)

    Canongloves February 2, 2025 7:24 am

    I feel like this comment was squeezed out of my brain like a pimple

    Jax February 2, 2025 7:34 am
    I feel like this comment was squeezed out of my brain like a pimple Canongloves

    I'm sorry for exposing you like this.

Jax January 21, 2025 12:48 am

On god Jiwook’s high cholesterol is gonna take him out before Juyeon can get his revenge in

    flames January 21, 2025 1:58 am

    seriously hahaj

Jax January 18, 2025 10:33 pm

You call someone out for shitting on this manhwa but doing tricks on a het manhwa that also glamorizes abuse and rape and they crash out and accuse you of stalking </3

People will harp on this series specifically for being baldly violent and you click on their profile to find more rapey manhwa. Everyone has a line they cannot cross in fiction, but I feel like once you start accusing an artist of heinous shit IRL you need to hold all the others to those same standards. Literally: “I can excuse rape and domestic abuse but I draw the line at gang rape”

    Hyung January 19, 2025 12:51 am


    MangaSanctuary January 19, 2025 4:47 pm

    Stop your BS. I called you out for being a STALKER. What is there that you don't understand? What you're doing is stalking and 'digging dirt' on someone, bc unless you do that you can't win an argument with people. And even after doing that you're still in the wrong, but still claim you're right. The fact that I wasn't careful enough to make my lists private isn't an excuse for CREEPS like you to stalk readers page. You should really stop that shameful behavior of yours and learn how to argue with people on a fair and descent level.

    The rest of your post is also full of BS. So if you don't understand my explanations on why I can't put a 5 on this work, do reread in details my topic.

    Jax January 20, 2025 2:38 am

    Oh great here comes corny ass Saint Sebastian just seething over my post even though they have me blocked. By their own metrics they’re the one stalking me now since they’ve been all up in the comments trying to see if I was talking about them lol. All the “dirt” I found on them was voluntarily posted by them on the internet. How can you have been on this site for almost TEN YEARS and still not know how basic internet interactions work.

    MangaSanctuary January 20, 2025 4:35 am
    Oh great here comes corny ass Saint Sebastian just seething over my post even though they have me blocked. By their own metrics they’re the one stalking me now since they’ve been all up in the comments tryi... Jax

    How reading the comment section is stalking you? Lol! Now I can't read comments?
    I'm not going on your homepage on purpose like you to see what you're fucking doing and I don't give a fuck about your life. You're a shameless CREEP and need to be called out and to be blocked. Lol now you're gonna make people believe that they're all stalkers like you? Nope! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE in TEN YEARS to lure like that on people's pages to dig infos on them just to defend your sorry argument. How gross. You even went as far as my 10th page of reading list to find my rating on Cry, or better yet, beg, lol. I can't believe this.
    Sayonara, Stalker, and don't bother to reply. As for me I won't.

    Jax January 20, 2025 7:30 am


    Shuli914 January 20, 2025 7:39 am
    Oh great here comes corny ass Saint Sebastian just seething over my post even though they have me blocked. By their own metrics they’re the one stalking me now since they’ve been all up in the comments tryi... Jax

    As an uninvolved individual I just wanna point out that stalking means unwanted attention or harassment, also your roasts suck (⊙…⊙ ).

    If you were to get "dirt" on someone that wasn't "posted voluntarily" that would be some kind of cyber security crime, correct me if I'm wrong (seems to be your niche).
    Apparently the other person reads manhwas like this so it makes sense for them to have read your comment, therefore your argument of being stalked back is weak af.
    I don't know if you have too much time or if you're own self-esteem is just way too low but stalking others is just pathetic and cringe.

    Next time, don't call someone "corny", if you yourself write like some condescending ass geek that wants to sound smart while their arguments are not very well-founded. I might even mind my own business if you can do that.

    Also MangaSanctuary, if you're reading this, I'm so sorry for lowkey stalking your homepage. I got mad curious. (btw giving Nerd Project only 3 stars is crazy but ok you do you(≧∀≦) )

    Jax January 20, 2025 10:39 am
    As an uninvolved individual I just wanna point out that stalking means unwanted attention or harassment, also your roasts suck (⊙…⊙ ). If you were to get "dirt" on someone that wasn't "posted voluntarily"... Shuli914

    I really don’t know how you can equate me going to their public lists to get a better grasp on where their argument was coming from to stalking. I never harassed them. I never “stalked” them. All of the “information” I so dastardly used in my arguments was voluntarily given. If they don’t want to held to the same ethical standards they’re trying (and failing) to hold manhwa authors to, then they should get off mangago. I went through their page so I could see where they were coming from. Idk, I guess the yaoi police is coming to arrest me or something. For the crime of literacy.

    MangaSanctuary January 20, 2025 11:56 am
    As an uninvolved individual I just wanna point out that stalking means unwanted attention or harassment, also your roasts suck (⊙…⊙ ). If you were to get "dirt" on someone that wasn't "posted voluntarily"... Shuli914

    Thank you for speaking, and be careful you too. You may be the next person they're digging infos about. I think they also did this with Blackie, that's how they knew Blackie liked Non Zero Sum... I renounced because it seems they'll never get the notion of stalking or that what they're doing is harassing people... I guess, when someone has the habit to steal eggs from others that habit becomes so natural they can't grasp the vile aspect of it and that what they're doing is wrong.
    If I knew one day I'll get this type of attention for such futile reason, of course I'd hidded everything, lol. Now it's too late :'D
    Didn't knew that not hidding such thing was 'making it public' for people to 'grab dirt' on me.

    I've dropped Reverse Thinking, but still visit the com. section to know people's avis on that type of work. If this work becomes popular, we may see a shift in the bl genre.

    About Nerd Project, I think I put 3 bc the mc had sex with his gf and I was disguted by all the used condoms. It's futile, I know, and after that I forgot to change the ratings. I'll change it to 5 since I really like the story over all, and the art is just beautiful.

    No worry, I also sometimes go visit contacts and friends here, even rondom people out of boredome, to find new titles to read. But never out of bad intention, more to put +1 to people, but yes it's rare. Curiosity is natural, but digging dirt is a different matter.

    MangaSanctuary January 20, 2025 12:54 pm
    I really don’t know how you can equate me going to their public lists to get a better grasp on where their argument was coming from to stalking. I never harassed them. I never “stalked” them. All of the �... Jax

    For people like you, being anphabete is certainly better for society; you clearly don't know how to use your litteracy for good purposes.
    Didn't know that you own Mangago. Lmao.
    You may enjoy that stalking tendency of yours while it lasts, bc I'll try to do something about that matter. I'm sure the site didn't make the settings this way for people to have malevolent interactions with each others like that. The worse is you still are proud of what you did and feel no remorse at all. Hopefully vast majority of people can argue with each other without resorting to underhand tactics just to defend their opinion.

    Also, how can you compare Cry, or better yet, beg (9,2) to Reverse Thinking (8,1)?
    How can you not see the differences?
    Are they in the same category of genre, sub genre? How was treated the problematics posed by the scénario, was it pertinent?...
    Both have controversial content, but did I say that rape were the cause why I've put a 5 to one and less to another? I wouldn't be reading bl if I flinch to every rapey story.
    A story isn't reduced to the fact it contains rape or not, or how many times it occurs or if it was a gang rape... There are other criterias and parameters to judge a book. People can also change their opinion, ratings, once the story is finished.
    Didn't I say that the intend of the author to add beastiality to Rev.Th. was the ultimate reason why I'm dropping the reading, yet you're still here to speak about rape. Both mc and ml have violated each other and made people violated the other, they're both disguting by that standard, what do you want for people to say?
    You want for people to pity more Jiwook or Juyeon? I'm sure we all feel bad for both and are mad to both for treating the other like an object, I'm sure many would root for them to find solace one day in a way or another, but def not for the story to take that route.
    It has potential, but infortunately this was exploited for nothing but morbid porn. Plus adding a dog...??
    You enjoy morbid porn? Good, but don't ask for the average people to adhere to it.
    Other major reason why it got a lesser ratings is bc of all the plotholes that story contains, that for me shows furthermore that this plot only serves porn and has no other intentions.
    It has the audience it has, though you can't be surprised for it to not make to the greater public of bl.

    MangaSanctuary January 20, 2025 12:57 pm

    Unless you're a French yourself, stop that shit. This makes you sound racist.
    Btw I live in France, but am not of French origins, so now guess from where I am... Lol.

    Jax January 20, 2025 1:32 pm

    Wow you went back on your word about “not replying” so fucking fast lol. Anyways, there is very little you can contribute to the argument with all that blathering. At the end of the day you went on a tirade about how the illustrator is wasting her talents and is a bad person for working on this project because of its themes. I pointed out that you also liked a manhwa that ALSO romanticizes fucked up themes. It’s not a matter of severity. If you’re going to castigate someone for fucked up elements while happily consuming something that contains those same elements but is slightly less disturbing, it is no longer a matter of morals. It’s a matter of taste. And therefore you have no room to be passing judgement onto the author or illustrator. One more thing, you might as well unblock me if you’re going to be stamping your feet in my notifs trying to argue instead of committing to your block lol.

    Jax January 20, 2025 1:39 pm

    Also, that other person voluntarily admitted to liking NZS. It was a part of their argument. I don’t know how much of a hothouse flower you are to think bringing up someone’s fictional tastes in an argument about fiction = stalking. And the French jokes are a common trend online to rib French people for being too self-aggrandizing. It’s not racist and there is nothing that will make me feel bad for making fun of a country that still has colonies.

    jojo January 21, 2025 12:16 am

    i dont go here, but this comment thread is hilarious.
    bros acting like accessing public information is stalking.

    GentleRain January 21, 2025 1:34 am

    Idk wtf is going on but i also dont see how people dont understand that ops comment is also weird af? Like they didnt need comment all this and make it obvious that they are talking about someone specifically in the first place. Like yes things can be public information but still be weird asf to go through.

    Idk whos truly in the wrong here and i honestly dont care, i just think all of it is weird and idk why people are getting involved and shitting on someone and making jokes unless they have the full context? Like clearly this seems to go deeper than what we or at least I am seeing

    Both of you log tf off and touch grass fr, stop doing this to eachother and in front of all of us here. If you have a problem with each other, sort it in dms in the first place, dont drag it across multiple comments on different places

    GentleRain January 21, 2025 1:35 am
    Idk wtf is going on but i also dont see how people dont understand that ops comment is also weird af? Like they didnt need comment all this and make it obvious that they are talking about someone specifically i... GentleRain

    Honestly the last part goes for all of you, if you have no context, why not just stay out of it?

    Jax January 21, 2025 1:41 am
    Honestly the last part goes for all of you, if you have no context, why not just stay out of it? GentleRain

    you literally say you don’t know what’s going on and instead of proceeding to “stay out of it” like you say, you don’t even follow your own advice…I only made my comment because that person made a callout accusing me of stalking and harassment when I was debating with them.

    GentleRain January 21, 2025 1:49 am
    you literally say you don’t know what’s going on and instead of proceeding to “stay out of it” like you say, you don’t even follow your own advice…I only made my comment because that person made a ... Jax

    Yes but not just speaking to u, talking to all the other randoms joining in
    Just think all this is weird and not worth all the effort u both are putting into it. I doubt anyone here really gives a damn

    jojo January 21, 2025 2:08 am
    Idk wtf is going on but i also dont see how people dont understand that ops comment is also weird af? Like they didnt need comment all this and make it obvious that they are talking about someone specifically i... GentleRain

    Going through someone’s reading list on an anonymous reading site is not that weird lol and definitely not stalking.
    And all this because of some shitty read, this whole thread is so unserious lol

    GentleRain January 21, 2025 4:15 am
    Going through someone’s reading list on an anonymous reading site is not that weird lol and definitely not stalking.And all this because of some shitty read, this whole thread is so unserious lol jojo


    MangaSanctuary January 21, 2025 9:15 am
    Going through someone’s reading list on an anonymous reading site is not that weird lol and definitely not stalking.And all this because of some shitty read, this whole thread is so unserious lol jojo

    Didn't you guys read at least the comments, if not, why are you involving yourselves in this?The point is they're going on people's pages to dig dirt' to defend their argument, here on Rev. Thinking, for ex. Pretty sure they've done this with Blackie as well, so this is clearly a pattern of them whenever they argue with people. They even went pretty far in my lists, lol. Acting like this is stalking, whether you guys agree or not.
    Yes, this work isn't worth all their efforts to use sneaky tactics, say it louder to a certain someone.

    Jax January 21, 2025 9:17 am
    Real GentleRain

    You guys should kiss

    MangaSanctuary January 21, 2025 10:23 am
    Idk wtf is going on but i also dont see how people dont understand that ops comment is also weird af? Like they didnt need comment all this and make it obvious that they are talking about someone specifically i... GentleRain

    I went to touch grasse, and found you guys here. Lol.
    A context? I was arguing with that person, Jax, about this manhwa. Instead of just argumenting with fairness, they went to dig infos on me. They did it, distributed -1 to ALL of my topics, and went to get back at me. I blocked them and called they out for stalking me. You think I could've have an intelligent convo with such person in dms? Someone who uses underhand means just to win an argument on some story? (So, sorry to annoy you rest of people, but just go your way if btw you don't bother yourself to understand the situation).
    You wouldn't go dig infos, right?
    Me neither. But they did. And they certainly did this with others too. I don't think Mangago has set this site for people to have such interactions with e/o. People shouldn't have to feel threatened to let their lists/infos 'public'; they shouldn't have to systematically hid everything bc of stalking and vile intentions.
    And you guys here, not understanding the context, but saying they're not in the wrong for their actions doesn't help.

    jojo January 21, 2025 10:41 am
    Didn't you guys read at least the comments, if not, why are you involving yourselves in this?The point is they're going on people's pages to dig dirt' to defend their argument, here on Rev. Thinking, for ex. Pr... MangaSanctuary

    its just sounds like jax called out your hypocritical attitude- based on the other stuff you read, and you dont like that.
    jax weird as hell for being so obsessed with this story tho.

    you guys are both so funny.

    Jax January 21, 2025 10:52 am

    Disliking all your comments is completely incongruent to all our interactions so far. I only skimmed to like the fourth page of your lists to better understand your perspective of where you draw the line in fiction. And then I saw something that made your argument come off as hypocritical. That’s it. Why would I go through all of your topics to click that tiny ass dislike button when that contributes nothing to the conversation. Until mangago implements a feature to show who interacted with your comment, it’s your word against mine. And neither of us have any proof lol. So it’s probably pointless to speak in absolutes.

    Jax January 21, 2025 10:53 am
    its just sounds like jax called out your hypocritical attitude- based on the other stuff you read, and you dont like that.jax weird as hell for being so obsessed with this story tho.you guys are both so funny. jojo

    Sorry im just autistic. Can we kiss now.

    jojo January 21, 2025 11:07 am
    Sorry im just autistic. Can we kiss now. Jax

    only if youre cute

    Jax January 21, 2025 11:24 am
    only if youre cute jojo

    Pretend I'm your favorite uke or something <33333

    jojo January 21, 2025 11:44 am
    Pretend I'm your favorite uke or something <33333 Jax

    thats kinda gay...

    MangaSanctuary January 22, 2025 4:35 pm
    its just sounds like jax called out your hypocritical attitude- based on the other stuff you read, and you dont like that.jax weird as hell for being so obsessed with this story tho.you guys are both so funny. jojo

    Jojo, I have nothing against you, but if you want to speak about this matter you should at least read what I wrote. Seems you don't. You're not qualified to judge me.
    But anyway, enjoy kissing each other ass.

    MangaSanctuary January 22, 2025 5:05 pm
    Disliking all your comments is completely incongruent to all our interactions so far. I only skimmed to like the fourth page of your lists to better understand your perspective of where you draw the line in fic... Jax

    Sky is above, Earth is below, if you're innocent you'll be safe. But if you're the one who did evil, you know what awaits you.
    Actions have consequences. That's the only thing I can say since I don't want to wasted any more time with the kind like you.
    Even if you 'just' went as far as my fourth page, this is stalking and crazy, especially for the purposes you have.
    Do you grow better after reading this story?
    Do you grow more cultured, did you learn some life lesson, courage, while being entertained...? Nope, nothing of this.
    I feel sorry for you that you can't understand why everybody can't adhere to this story, also that you rather choose to fight - the way you do- for a work like this instead of a work that favors aspect like beauty, resilience and other human qualities.

    Jax January 23, 2025 4:34 am


    I'll make sure to only read beautiful, cultured rape stories from now on like you do </3

    Shuli914 January 23, 2025 5:56 am
    WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS NEW AGE SHIT INTO THE YAOI CONVERSATION LMFAOOOI'll make sure to only read beautiful, cultured rape stories from now on like you do </3 Jax

    Omg you guys realise this bs has been going on for 5 day. FIVE. DAYS. I already thought I was overstepping by googling the definition of stalking but everyone that got involved and took sides w/o knowing all the facts is way too involved in this.

    Anyway the definition is indeed "unwanted attention, harassment or contact". Is this case severe enough to bring to court or compare to following someone home? No, most definitely not. So it wasn't what people normally imagine by stalking, yet boundaries were definitely overstepped. And that is what MangaSanctuary is trying to convey.

    Try empathising, you just wanna read stories that entertain you to get AWAY FROM REALITY. But then people start call your ratings hypocritical and say your preferences IN FICTION indicate you're a rapist (look at this whole comment section I mean). Honestly, it ain't that deep, bros. It was never that deep. Nothing's that deep. Most of them are virgins, afraid of men, social interaction and physical touch anyway (no offence, cuz lowkey same).

    Let's just settle on the facts, Jax may have not respected MangaSanctuarys boundaries by calling them out on a whole other comment section and continued writing (and lowkey insulting the entirety of the french population, not cool btw just narrow it down to like "the government" or smth., if possible please) after MangaSanctuary clearly had already blocked them once and asked not to contact/comment anymore. And MangaSanctuary may have used words that exaggerated the actual situation because they felt uncomfortable and personally attacked, even if that may not have been Jaxs intention. Which in return made Jax feel verbally attacked and accused. So now you're in an vicious cycle.

    Looking into the future, I hope everyone involved won't respond anymore. You two should go your separate ways because you obviously don't want to continue this convo and only respond to defend yourselves.

    Jax, if I was overly mean and accusing in my precious comment, I apologise. That was due to the fact that I do in fact like "rapey" stories and felt attacked by your statements. I don't like them in a weird, abusive, sadistic, sexual way but rather a in a weird, mentally sick, I-listen-to-serial-killer-and-cannibalism-podcasts way. I can also promise you that I will not rape a guy or any other person ever. And no, neither will I fantasise about it. So I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to feel accused of rape or concerned for the life of the author (not because of you in this case) every single time I'm done reading a manhwa and see the comment section.

    MangaSanctuary, bro, it ain't that deep, just let it go. Forget about what happened and just read whatever you want and rate them however you want. I read that you've been on this app for 10 years, I assume and trust you are at an age where you have proper reasoning for your decision/rating and you won't be swayed by others comments. What might not make sense for others, might make sense for you. AND THEY SHOULD RESPECT THAT. (also don't change your rating on Nerd Project, if you don't want to, like I said "you do you" also it shouldn't be any of my business in the first place)

    Ofc, I can't tell you what to do but I do hope you seriously consider this compromise cuz you probably won't find a better one. Please, don't obsess over these things and let's just enjoy the website instead of possibly destroying it through internal conflict.
    Lots of love (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Jax January 24, 2025 6:43 am
    Omg you guys realise this bs has been going on for 5 day. FIVE. DAYS. I already thought I was overstepping by googling the definition of stalking but everyone that got involved and took sides w/o knowing all th... Shuli914

    I appreciate the more nuanced perspective. I don't really like to take this stuff across multiple comments in a space that's meant for discussing the story. I only made my own comment to dunk on them after they made a post about me claiming that I'm going around attacking people. Which isn't a very faithful representation of what I've been doing. I like to debate people is all. The first thing you're taught in any kind of speech or debate class is to be well-informed, so I sometimes skim through people's lists to see what angle they're coming from and how to address their claims better. I totally acknowledge that people take advantage of the anonymity they have on this site to verbally harass others, but all I did was take a peek at their list. As for the person who disliked all their comments, that IS needlessly aggressive and petty behavior. I am not responsible for that, but since mangago keeps all likes and dislikes anonymous, I don't have any proof. I know this argument got childish on my end as well, but my point has always been that if you want to hold one triggering manhwa to real life standards, then you cannot pick and choose which triggering manhwa count as "dangerous IRL" and which are just "silly dark josei". I don't hold anything against you for taking a snappish tone in your first comment. If anything, I found it refreshing--especially since you've clarified your points more. No need to stand on ceremony on a yaoi manga site. I am sorry you've felt attacked by any of the comments you've seen here, and even more so if my comments have caused you to feel judged for liking taboo fiction. I highly condemn people who accuse others of heinous acts IRL because they read dark and fucked up stories. At the end of the day, I love the "thrill of the debate", but I take an issue with being likened to a stalker or a harasser. Especially when there's SO much harassment on this site already. There were people having a three page long argument filled with slurs and suicide-baiting the day before I started yaoi filibustering with mangasanctuary, for Christ's sake. I can't change the fact that they felt so deeply offended by me, but I recognize things went off the rails pretty bad towards the end when it would've been more productive to defend my character succinctly and enforce the block they keep overstepping. Thank you for your input, Shuli. Sorry for bothering you with all this.

    Shuli914 January 24, 2025 9:02 am

    No need to apologise. Honestly I think I was also just really irritable since I didn't sleep a wink that night to study for exams. Might even have choked smo if they looked at me the wrong way that day.

    I get where you are coming from now and that you like to debate but for the future let's just keep in mind that debating people that do not also want to debate is just lowkey bullying at some point. The fundamentals of debate class are everyone gets assigned a ROLE and to be respectful. If someone does not wish to be part of a debate I think their "role" is clear. Especially since there may be people here that do not feel articulate enough to defend themselves. English is my third language so if my 7th grade teacher (or a person online) had asked to debate I'd have probably cried or sued for public humiliation, lol.

    Since I took mediation class (cuz my school didn't offer debate) I'd also like to remind everyone to always remember Schulz von Thun's 4 Ears Model.
    Communication, brothers! (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Jax January 10, 2025 11:50 pm

Ch. 9 Juyeon is posted up with the black button up, black pants, and the white jacket. It’s so over.

    Ruka January 11, 2025 12:38 am

    Where did you read the raws?

    Jax January 11, 2025 2:31 am
    Where did you read the raws? Ruka

    Bought em on bomtoon!

    Ruka January 11, 2025 5:34 am

    What about the novel? Can I read the novel anywhere for free? I tried Lily of the valley but only up to 10 is free

    Hun_bun January 11, 2025 9:17 am
    What about the novel? Can I read the novel anywhere for free? I tried Lily of the valley but only up to 10 is free Ruka

    I'm ready the Novel on Lilly of the Valley as well!! I think the chapters get translated every few days so it might just take a while until they get posted up.

    Jax January 11, 2025 10:42 am
    What about the novel? Can I read the novel anywhere for free? I tried Lily of the valley but only up to 10 is free Ruka

    Someone already answered but the only place you can get quality translations at the moment is Lilyonthevalley. But if you want to read for free, frankly, their free one chapter a week deal is pretty damn good!

    Luhar January 11, 2025 2:33 pm
    Someone already answered but the only place you can get quality translations at the moment is Lilyonthevalley. But if you want to read for free, frankly, their free one chapter a week deal is pretty damn good! Jax

    What is the name of the novel? Can't find it there

    Jax January 11, 2025 3:13 pm
    What is the name of the novel? Can't find it there Luhar

    It’s under the name ‘Empathy’ there.

    Cher loves cats January 11, 2025 4:04 pm
    I'm ready the Novel on Lilly of the Valley as well!! I think the chapters get translated every few days so it might just take a while until they get posted up. Hun_bun

    It's weird that they are making you buy, fan translation should be just fan translation, asking MONEY for pirating is crazy. I was a fan translator, never ask money. If only I'm not busy I'll be the one translating this novel

    Ruka January 11, 2025 11:06 pm
    It's weird that they are making you buy, fan translation should be just fan translation, asking MONEY for pirating is crazy. I was a fan translator, never ask money. If only I'm not busy I'll be the one transla... Cher loves cats

    I just wish I could read the novel lol I'm so invested

    Serena29 January 16, 2025 10:19 am
    What about the novel? Can I read the novel anywhere for free? I tried Lily of the valley but only up to 10 is free Ruka

    Sorry can you put the link? I can’t find it

    Hun_bun January 16, 2025 10:52 am
    Sorry can you put the link? I can’t find it Serena29

    Here you go dear :)


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