This series is truly pretty toxic, yeah. The early chapters are bearable. However, as it progresses, I just couldn't stand the fact that she's sensually teasing everyone on the pretext of revenge. Damn babe, you could do better than that, like disown that family of yours yourself and build your own guild with that smarty-ass mind of yours and be ultra mega rich so that no one can look down you What happened to that will of yours to runaway and live your own life, like when you're in the modern world? Kanna's always exhibiting her wiseness, but don't you think it's time to have a breath of fresh air?!?!

Glad it was still on-going because MY GUTS WOULDN'T COME DOWN WITH THAT KIND OF ENDING WHERE CELESTINE COULDN'T EVEN REMEMBER HER OWN BELOVED AND CHERISHED HUSBAND! I know I should calm down but damnnnnnnn, reading all the chapters in one go made me understand how admirable the Prime Minister is, and it made me so damn sad that he's going through this. I know it's for some 'character development' he might undergo, buuutttt... Ha, really, I'll just patiently wait for the upcoming chapters
I’m starting to think Veritas is the what was it fairy kingdom(?). Missing prince since he was made 2 years ago and the prince went missing about 2 years ago
YESSS, HE IS! As far as I can remember, Verite was cursed by his jealous brother because of the fight for succession of the throne, and was apparently entrapped in the mirror and cannot remember anything.