Ok so some people are getting really heated and I was one of them but reading more and more comments I realized this is realistic. People have emotions people let them take over, and sometimes relationships are toxic and they don’t even realize it. MD was wrong for letting his emotions take over but if we were to look at this like it was real I’m not that surprised, people mess up. Even if he agreed to continue, even if he’s an experience dom he messed up and I’m not even sure he knows he messed up. MD got upset that chanwoo wanted to start dating someone he just met he was childish about it but I can also see his side even if what he did was wrong. But chanwoo isn’t completely right either even if MD said it was ok to continue he still completely overlooked MDs feelings and went back to his “if they’re handsome idc about anything else” and that mindset is what’s getting him with all those weirdos. Yes he didn’t have to accept his feeling but I feel like they’ve made a connection bdsm is built off of trust but he still over looked MD like they haven’t made a connection. But yes chanwoo didn’t deserve to be treated the way he was treated and I just want them to both take a break because this isn’t good for either of them they’re gonna continue to be toxic for each other if they don’t just sit down and talk
I started reading this back in 2018 when I was in middle school and just reread it today for the first time and the ending made me feel emotional. It was so well written I wish it didn’t have such a weird stigma around it just because people don’t understand psychological horror
For real! It trended on TikTok so people who didn’t like or who weren’t familiar with the genre read it, and of course were very unsatisfied with it. It’s an amazing horror, story, and I wish people perceived it as such. It’s not a coming of age romance lol. Plus it’s disturbing in such a good way yknow? I read total eclipse and literally felt sick afterwards and still do when i even think abt the story, whereas this makes me feel genuinely shocked and even a little sad but nevertheless, satisfied lol.