1st of all the art is so good!!!!! I love everyone's visual literally everyones!!!!! Just love it!!. And about the story , my favorite is lion × mouse couple, they are so perfect!!!!! idk just just love them the most , lio is so hot!!! and the wolf × rabbit is cute too!!! So the parents story are good .....Im happy that they continuing it with their children too but their pairing is just little weird.... Like rabbit × bear???? I didn't mind the age gap but still it's little weird ... Then the threesomes hmm i didn't mind it too so it's ok because it's interesting rat × cat it's cute... And i wanna know how the old couples doing, It would be nice if they show their parts too I miss my fav couple!!!!

1st of all WHY EVERYONE IS SO HOT!!!!!! The art is SO PRETTY!!!!!..... LITERALLY EVERYONE IS HOT!!!!!!..... I'm literally internally screaming everytime seeing them (>д<) !!!!!!..... And loved the couple..... Seme is literally a green forget and uke is sexy & cutie pie.... Just love them all ..... AHHHH!!!! THEY ARE JUST SO HOT AND CUTE!!!!!.... It's been on my "want to read " List for long time ,im regretting not reading it soon ಥ_ಥ..... It's really a good one to read.... Loved it
Love it so much