With the amount of flower flooding i got while reading this, im bound to start eating flowers as a form of diet soon. Im usually fine with it, but this much is TOO much ( ̄∇ ̄")
WHY is that in all the ongoing manhuas I read it always ALWAYS leaves on a cliffhanger. Dayum. I know my luck is rotten but y must u do dis to me Where can i read the novel! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
WTF WAT IS HAPPENINGGGG it felt so random like-- i mean-- i dont mind the tentacle porn ehuehuehue and mpreg? Oooo-- but HAHAHAH aint no way Haemin was lucid through all that w/o feeling any pain
I was sitting on the toilet thinking abt the 6th main scenario when i suddenly bursted out laughing "LMAO KDJ DIDNT DIE LMAOOOO"