I love it but idk why I'm a little upset

For me it was because of how differently they adapted--or failed to adapt--to the outside world. Kichou stepped easily into the fortune that has been left in his charge, seemingly unmarked by his experiences in the brothel, but it's clear Kagerou is deeply scarred by the brothel and cannot stop thinking about the men he had to sleep with. He very clearly could not build a normal life on his own. He's so fragile. I love this manga dearly but the ending is very poignant.

I looked at it as being incomplete, but in a good way. They are like 20-24 they still have many years ahead of them to adapt and build as members in society. Kichou even suggested that they attend college, he’s secure in the work force because of his affluent family so there’s not a problem there, and it’s not like he’s against the idea of kagerou growing as an adult and getting a job himself. They have time.
Seme was very toxic in the beginning. He doesn't want to love the uke properly but he doesn't want to let him go either. The moment the uke admitted his feeling, the seme started to appreciate him less and took him for granted. And the moment uke have had enough and decided to walk away is when the seme realized he loves him.. too late bro ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ if you only want to love a person when you're threatened with their absence then bad news for you, you don't deserve them. But I know he really regretted his actions. If you love a person don't reassure them that you'll change or promise not the hurt them again because you fucked up... you should've acted right from the start so you don't fuck it up. You should be honest and love the person at all times not only when they decide to walk away.